prison reform

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  • Jeremy Bentham
    In Jeremy Bentham: Mature works

    …reckoned among the pioneers of prison reform. It is true that the particular scheme that he worked out was bizarre and spoiled by the elaborate detail that he loved. “Morals reformed, health preserved, industry invigorated, instruction diffused” and other similar desiderata would, he thought, be the result if his scheme…

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  • Elizabeth Fry, engraving, c. 1920.
    In Elizabeth Fry

    …of the chief promoters of prison reform in Europe. She also helped to improve the British hospital system and the treatment of the insane.

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  • John Howard
    In John Howard

    …was an English philanthropist and reformer in the fields of penology and public health.

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  • Thomas Mott Osborne
    In Thomas Mott Osborne

    …penologist whose inauguration of self-help programs for prisoners through Mutual Welfare Leagues functioned as a model for the humanitarian programs of later penologists.

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  • In Sir Alexander Paterson

    …a penologist who modified the progressive Borstal system of English reformatories for juvenile offenders to emphasize its rehabilitative aspects.

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  • In Sir Evelyn Ruggles-Brise

    …1935, Peaslake, Surrey) was a prison reformer who was instrumental in the founding and development of England’s Borstal system for the treatment of young offenders.

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  • Willebrandt, Mabel Walker
    In Mabel Walker Willebrandt

    …Prohibition violators, Willebrandt’s contributions to reforming the federal prison system were equally—or, arguably, more—significant. Willebrandt was largely responsible for establishing the first federal reformatory for young male first-time offenders; it opened in Chillicothe, Ohio, in 1926. With increasing numbers of women being prosecuted and imprisoned for violating Prohibition laws, Willebrandt…

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