
United States history
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sectionalism, an exaggerated devotion to the interests of a region over those of a country as a whole. Throughout American history, tension has existed between several regions, but the competing views of the institution of slavery held by Northerners and Southerners was the preeminent sectional split and the defining political issue in the United States from the founding of the country until the American Civil War.

Sectional rivalry between New England and the West

As American settlers spread westward during the 18th and 19th centuries, New Englanders felt threatened by the West, which siphoned off many of their region’s most capable and vigorous labourers. Moreover, an expanding railroad network made it possible for Western agriculturalists to produce wool and grain that undersold the products of the poor New England hill country. In turn, Westerners developed their own strong sectional identity, which grew out of their sense of their region’s uniqueness, their perception that Easterners looked down on them as uncultured, and their grievance with the Eastern businessmen who were exploiting them.

Early North-South sectional struggles over slavery

Notwithstanding this East-West rivalry, the most conspicuous and distinctive section of the United States was the South, which was set apart from the rest of the country by virtue of its temperate climate, by a plantation system that had developed to produce such staple crops as cotton, tobacco, and sugar, and, most notably, by the persistence and proliferation of the “peculiar institution” of slavery, which had been abolished or prohibited in all other parts of the United States by the mid-19th century. Still, most white Southerners were not directly involved in slavery. In 1850, for example, of a total white population of about 6,000,000 in the slave states, only about 350,000 were slaveholders, and about half that number held 4 or fewer enslaved persons each. Indeed, in the whole of the South, there were fewer than 1,800 persons who held more than 100 enslaved persons each.

United States
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United States: Sectionalism and slavery

Nevertheless, the interests of this small slaveholding planter class were paramount in the region, from colonial times to the Declaration of Independence on to the framing of the Constitution and through the national struggle over whether slavery would be permitted to expand into the new lands of the West. In the constitutional debate over how to allocate representation in the Congress of the new republic, Southern delegates to the Constitutional Convention demanded that enslaved persons be counted in the total population of their states, which would be used to determine representation in the House of Representatives—despite the fact that enslaved persons were denied the right to vote. Although there was significant opposition to slavery among Northern delegates, in the interest of solidifying a national government, a compromise was reached whereby an enslaved person was to be counted as three-fifths of an individual in determining a state’s population. This three-fifths compromise was just the first in a series of legislative compromises that would be reached regarding slavery over the ensuing decades as the United States grew.

The Missouri Compromise

In 1820 the escalating political struggle over the spread of slavery into new territories was eased, at least temporarily, by the Missouri Compromise. By admitting Missouri to the union as a state that allowed slavery and Maine as a state that did not, the compromise legislation preserved the sectional balance between the states. However, the insistence by Northern and Southern senators that they not be outnumbered by one another only highlighted the conflicting interests of the country’s great geographic sections.

Despite their opposition to slavery, however, few Northerners made serious efforts to eradicate it nationally during the first decades of the 19th century. Tellingly, in 1831, when abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison started his newspaper The Liberator, calling for the immediate emancipation of all enslaved people, he had only a tiny following. But as the country expanded and its sections became more closely entwined, sectional differences over the issue of slavery became visible in institutions across American society. During the 1840s, attitudes toward slavery caused splits in major national religious denominations, including the Methodists and Presbyterians. In politics, the Whig Party, once an alliance of Northern and Western conservative business interests with Southern planters, divided sectionally and, following the 1852 election, virtually disappeared.

The Compromise of 1850, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the formation of the Republican Party

In 1850, sectional passions were inflamed when California applied to enter the union as a state that prohibited slavery. Compromise legislation—originally championed by Sen. Henry Clay of Kentucky but ultimately guided to passage by Sen. Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois—averted a likely civil war by bundling admission of California as a free state with a new, more aggressive Fugitive Slave Act, which provided for the seizure and return of people who escaped enslavement (see Compromise of 1850). Although the Missouri Compromise had excluded slavery from that part of the Louisiana Purchase (except Missouri) north of the 36°30′ parallel, the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, sponsored by Douglas, provided for the territorial organization of Kansas and Nebraska under the principle of popular sovereignty, according to which the people of territories would decide for themselves whether to enter the union as states permitting or prohibiting slavery. Some Northerners responded by organizing an antislavery political party, called the Republican Party in most places.

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Bleeding Kansas, the Dred Scott decision, and the Harpers Ferry Raid

In the mid-1850s a virtual civil war broke out in Kansas, where rival state legislatures—one proslavery, the other antislavery—both claimed legitimacy. Called Bleeding Kansas, this violent conflict brought national attention to John Brown, who would propel sectional tensions over slavery to a new level in 1859 with his Harpers Ferry Raid, an attempt to spark a massive rebellion by enslaved people. Before Brown’s raid, in 1857 the Supreme Court of the United States had added fuel to the fire of sectionalism with its ruling in the Dred Scott case, regarding an enslaved person who claimed freedom on the ground that he had been taken to live in free territory. The court’s ruling—that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional and that, because Black Americans were not citizens, they had no right to bring suit before the court—was acclaimed in the South but condemned and repudiated throughout the North. For many Americans, the Dred Scott decision confirmed their belief that compromise had been exhausted as a solution to the problem of slavery.

The election of 1860

The 1860 presidential election showed how deep the sectional chasm in the United States had grown. The Republican Party was not a national party but rather a party of the North. The name of its presidential candidate, Abraham Lincoln, an ardent opponent of slavery, would not even appear on the ballot in 10 states that permitted slavery. On the other hand, as the election approached, the country’s only truly national party, the Democratic Party, splintered. Douglas entered the party’s national convention in April as the front-runner for its presidential nomination, but he was seen as no friend of the South, and, when the convention refused to adopt the so-called Alabama Platform, delegates from eight Southern states left the convention and nominated their own candidate, Kentuckian John C. Breckinridge, a holder of enslaved people. Douglas became the candidate of the Northern Democrats. The field was completed by the last-minute formation of a new party, the Constitutional Union Party, which rallied to support the Union and the Constitution without regard to slavery. John Bell was its candidate.

When all of the ballots were counted, Lincoln was found to have captured only about 40 percent of the popular vote. However, he won all of the Northern states except New Jersey and tallied enough electoral votes to claim victory. The ultimate outcome of the election and the country’s long sectionalist struggle would be secession and civil war.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia BritannicaThis article was most recently revised and updated by Adam Augustyn.