Medieval strategy

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Most military histories skim over the Middle Ages, incorrectly believing it to be a period in which strategy was displaced by a combination of banditry and religious fanaticism. Certainly, the sources for medieval strategic thought lack the literary appeal of the classic histories of ancient Greece and Rome. Nevertheless, Europe’s medieval period may be of especial relevance to the 21st century. In the Middle Ages there existed a wide variety of entities—from empires to embryonic states to independent cities to monastic orders and more—that brought different forms of military power to bear in pursuit of various aims. Unlike the power structures in the 18th and 19th centuries, military organizations, equipment, and techniques varied widely in the medieval period: the pikemen of Swiss villages were quite different from the mounted chivalry of western Europe, who in turn had little in common with the light cavalry of the Arabian heartland. The strategic predicament of the Byzantine Empire—beset by enemies that ranged from the highly civilized Persian and Arab empires to marauding barbarians—required, and elicited, a complex strategic response, including a notable example of dependence on high technology. Greek fire, a liquid incendiary agent, enabled the embattled Byzantine Empire to beat off attacking fleets and preserve its existence until the early 15th century.

In Delbrück’s parlance, medieval warfare demonstrated both types of strategy—overthrow and exhaustion. The Crusader states of the Middle East were gradually exhausted and overwhelmed by constant raiding warfare and the weight of numbers. On the other hand, one or two decisive battles, most notably the ruinous disaster at the Battle of Ḥaṭṭīn (1187), doomed the Crusader kingdom of Jerusalem, and earlier the Battle of Manzikert (1071) was a blow from which the Byzantine Empire never recovered fully.

Medieval strategists made use of many forms of warfare, including set-piece battles, of course, as well as the petty warfare of raiding and harassment. But they also improved a third type of warfare—the siege, or, more properly, poliorcetics, the art of both fortification and siege warfare. Castles and fortified cities could eventually succumb to starvation or to an assault using battering rams, catapults, and mining (also known as sapping, a process in which tunnels are dug beneath fortification walls preparatory to using fire or explosives to collapse the structure), but progress in siege warfare was almost always slow and painful. On the whole, it was substantially easier to defend a fortified position than to attack one, and even a small force could achieve a disproportionate military advantage by occupying a defensible place. These facts, combined with the primitive public-health practices of many medieval armies, the poor condition of road networks, and the poverty of an agricultural system that did not generate much of a surplus upon which armies could feed, meant limits on the tempo of war and in some measure on its decisiveness as well—at least in Europe.

The story was different in East and Central Asia, particularly in China, where the mobility and discipline of Mongol armies (to take only the most notable example) and the relatively open terrain allowed for the making and breaking not only of states but of societies by mobile cavalry armies bent on conquest and pillage. Strategy emerged in the contest for domestic political leadership (as in Oda Nobunaga’s unification of much of Japan during the 16th century) and in attempts either to limit the irruptions of warlike nomads into civilized and cultivated areas or to expand imperial power (as in the rise of China’s Qing dynasty in the 17th century). However, after the closure of Japan to the world at the end of the 16th century and the weakening of the Qing dynasty in the 19th century, strategy became more a matter of policing and imperial preservation than of interstate struggle among comparable powers. It was in Europe that a competitive state system, fueled by religious and dynastic tensions and making use of developing civilian and military technologies, gave birth to strategy as it is known today.

Strategy in the early modern period

The development of state structures, particularly in western Europe, during the 16th and 17th centuries gave birth to strategy in its modern form. “War makes the state, and the state makes war,” in the words of American historian Charles Tilly. The development of centralized bureaucracies and, in parallel, the taming of independent aristocratic classes yielded ever more powerful armies and navies. As the system of statecraft gradually became secularized—witness the careful policy pursued by France under the great cardinal Armand-Jean du Plessis, duc de Richelieu, chief minister to King Louis XIII from 1624 to 1642, who was willing to persecute Protestants at home while supporting Protestant powers abroad—so too did strategy become more subtle. The rapine and massacre of the Thirty Years’ War (1618–48) yielded to wars waged for raison d’état, to aggrandize the interests of the ruler and through him the state. In this as in many other ways, the early modern period witnessed a return to Classical roots. Even as drill masters studied ancient Roman textbooks to recover the discipline that made the legions formidable instruments of policy, so too did strategists return to a Classical world in which the logic of foreign policy shaped the conduct of war.

Louis IX of France (St. Louis), stained glass window of Louis IX during the Crusades. (Unknown location.)
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For a time, the invention of gunpowder and the development of the newly centralized state seemed to shatter the dominance of defenses: medieval castles could not withstand the battering of late 15th- or early 16th-century artillery. But the invention of carefully designed geometric fortifications (known as the trace italienne) restored much of the balance. A well-fortified city was once again a powerful obstacle to movement, one that would require a great deal of time and trouble to reduce. The construction of belts of fortified cities along a country’s frontier was the keynote of strategists’ peacetime conceptions.

Yet there was a difference. Poliorcetics was no longer a haphazard art practiced with greater or lesser virtuosic skill but increasingly a science in which engineering and geometry played a central role; cities fell not to starvation but to methodical bombardment, mining, and, if necessary, assault. Indeed, by the middle of the 18th century, most sieges were highly predictable and even ritualized affairs, culminating in surrender before the final desperate attack. Armies also began to acquire the rudiments, at least, of modern logistical and health systems; though they were not quite composed of interchangeable units, they at least comprised a far more homogeneous and disciplined set of suborganizations than they had since Roman times. And, in a set of developments rarely noticed by military historians, the development of ancillary sciences, such as the construction of roads and highways and cartography, made the movement of military organizations not only easier but more predictable than ever before.

Strategy began to seem more like technique than art, science rather than craft. Practitioners, such as the 17th-century French engineer Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban and the 18th-century French general and military historian Henri, baron de Jomini, began to make of war an affair of rules, principles, and even laws. Not surprisingly, these developments coincided with the emergence of military schools and an increasingly scientific and reforming bent—artillerists studied trigonometry, and officers studied military engineering. Military literature flourished: Essai général de tactique (1772), by Jacques Antoine Hippolyte, comte de Guibert, was but one of a number of thoughtful texts that systematized military thought, although Guibert (unusual for writers of his time) had inklings of larger changes in war lying ahead. War had become a profession, to be mastered by dint of application and intellectual, as well as physical, labour.