Uncover the process of 3D printing and its application in the formation of sculpture and manufacturing to forensic anatomy

Uncover the process of 3D printing and its application in the formation of sculpture and manufacturing to forensic anatomy
Uncover the process of 3D printing and its application in the formation of sculpture and manufacturing to forensic anatomy
This video provides an overview of 3D printing.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.


NARRATOR: The first Industrial Revolution replaced the village blacksmith with large factories and standardized parts.

Today a new technology promises not only to make replacement parts on the fly but also to create original and custom products that could not have been made in the past.

The technology behind all this is 3D printing. What is 3D printing?

JULIE FRIEDMAN STEELE: When I talk about 3D printing and how it works, one of my favorite analogies is to use a loaf of bread and slicing it layer by layer. And if you wanted to make a loaf of bread by each individual layer, you would just stack 'em on top of each other until you had your full loaf of bread.

ANN ARBOLEDA: A 3D-printed object is essentially a stack of a bunch of 2D images.

ROBERT ZYLSTRA: It's a really simple process, so you might not, like, think that . . . Like, whoever came up with it was extremely smart, even though all the machines are very simple, ranging from the laser-sintering machines all the way down to kind of the consumer-grade machines. They'll work with the same relative process.

NARRATOR: Printing methods vary, depending on the material used. Here a printer melts and ejects plastic into fine layers, fusing it into the shape of a cup from a computer-controlled nozzle.

The plastic comes in a variety of colors, so designers can be creative.

Another method builds layers using a powerful laser and a fine powder. Here a titanium object grows—which is to say, its layers build—as the powdered metal is poured on top and fused together by the laser.

3D printing in plastic is often quite affordable. Some finished products may even be flexible.

3D printing in metal is typical for custom mechanical parts.

Scientists are investigating 3D printing applied to living tissue. In this example the 3D printer creates a blood-vessel structure, which dissolves away as tissue grows around it. Genetically engineered cells are placed in the structure. The results hold their shape as the cells grow together.

Software allows people to design virtual objects on a computer, but the whole process can be very organic.

ROBERT ZYLSTRA: I always tell people the best modeling tool is a piece of paper and a pen, because they're all just tools to an end process. Like, the actual 3D modeling, using the computer, is just a tool to then take your idea and put it into the computer with more definition of what that is, with dimensions and those type of things, and then sometimes testing it with 3D printing then, which is great, because you can test it in real life and make some changes, possibly by sketching again.

JULIE FRIEDMAN STEELE: We also have applications so you don't need any experience whatsoever to start being able to make finished-quality products that you would be proud to say, "I made this."

NARRATOR: Objects and people can be copied from reality, too. This system borrows a stereo camera from a video-game console. The camera watches the subject on a rotating platform as it creates a digital 3D model.

MIKE MOCERI: Objects can be scanned in 3D using infrared cameras, laser scanners, or digital photos stitched together to create the three-dimensional object.

Once the three-dimensional object is completed on the computer, it can be uploaded to the Internet, downloaded, and re-created by anybody who has access to a 3D printer.

NARRATOR: This kind of power and flexibility to make material objects has attracted artists seeking new opportunities.

The 3D-printed skull by Josh Harker is in fine filigree that could not be molded in three dimensions nor cut from bone. The sculpture is a mix of opposites. Versus a real skull, it is light and delicate. It combines whimsy—life and death—in a single material object.

JOSH HARKER: Being classically trained, I did a lot of figure sculpture, anatomy studies. And I also got into forensic art, doing forensic facial reconstructions.

And I was doing facial reconstructions of mummies from CT scans.

I chose a skull to symbolize the end of—of my commitment to traditional media and, you know, traditional ways of disseminating and sharing my art and tried this new format and see if I could, you know, get a new audience.

NARRATOR: 3D-printer users are philosophical about its future.

ROBERT ZYLSTRA: Access to technology has grown so much that more and more people can kind of either've heard about it or seen it or . . . so it just keeps growing.

ANN ARBOLEDA: 3D printing is happening right now because we're getting to a point as a society where we're craving more customization. I think that, historically, with—with mass manufacturing, we've been marketed things. We've been—we've been encouraged to find a practical reason or purpose for objects that are created for us. And now I think that the mentality is shifting, in that people want to have more autonomy over the things that they interact with on a daily basis.

JULIE FRIEDMAN STEELE: The third Industrial Revolution and 3D printing go hand in hand. And the third Industrial Revolution is about being able to sustain yourself locally and be able to make things on a local level. So we're no longer shipping things all over the place. The supply chain is broken, because you're just sending file formats to another computer, which then makes the object at a local level. So we completely disrupt the supply chain with 3D printing.