dramatic literature: References & Edit History

Additional Reading

Allardyce Nicoll, World Drama (1949), offers the best survey of the whole field of dramatic literature, but it should be supplemented by John Gassner and Edward Quinn, The Reader’s Encyclopaedia of World Drama (1969); and Phyllis Hartnoll, The Oxford Companion to the Theatre, 3rd ed. (1967). The classical texts of dramatic theory and criticism may be found in a collection by B.H. Clark, European Theories of the Drama, rev. ed. (1965), which also contains an extensive bibliography. The Natya Shastra of Bharata, the classic source for Indian dramatic theory, was translated by M.M. Ghose in 1951.

Books of importance in the development of modern theory on drama are Bernard Beckerman, Dynamics of Drama (1970); E.R. Bentley, The Life of the Drama (1964); Kenneth Burke, A Grammar of Motives (1945); Francis Fergusson, The Idea of a Theatre (1949); S.K. Langer, Feeling and Form (1953); Elder Olson, Tragedy and the Theory of Drama (1961); Ronald Peacock, The Art of Drama (1957); J.L. Styan, The Elements of Drama (1960); and Keir Elam, The Semiotics of Theatre and Drama (1980), a technical semiotic approach.

The finest study of the classical drama of Greece is probably H.D.F. Kitto, Greek Tragedy, 3rd ed. (1961); and for the medieval drama are recommended Karl Young, The Drama of the Medieval Church, 2 vol. (1933); Hardin Craig, English Religious Drama of the Middle Ages (1955); and O.B. Hardison, Christian Rite and Christian Drama in the Middle Ages (1965). Oriental theatre is surveyed in Faubion Bowers, Japanese Theatre (1952); F.A. Lombard, An Outline History of the Japanese Drama (1928), which should be read in conjunction with Arthur Waley’s classic The Noh Plays of Japan (1922); A.C. Scott, The Classical Theatre of China (1957); A.B. Keith, The Sanskrit Drama (1924); with H.W. Wells’s comparative studies, The Classical Drama of India (1963), and The Classical Drama of the Orient (1965).

M.C. Bradbrook, Themes and Conventions of Elizabethan Tragedy (1935); and U.M. Ellis-Fermor, Jacobean Drama (1936), are standard surveys of the English Renaissance drama; and for standard Shakespearean criticism the reader should consult A.M. Eastman, A Short History of Shakespearean Criticism (1968). The classic source books for the commedia dell’arte are P.L. Duchartre, La Comédie italienne (Eng. trans., The Italian Comedy, 1929, reprinted 1966); and Allardyce Nicoll, Masks, Mimes and Miracles (1931). On the French classical drama H.C. Lancaster, A History of French Dramatic Literature in the Seventeenth Century, 9 vol. (1929–42), is standard; but Martin Turnell, The Classical Moment (1947), deals more briefly with Corneille, Racine, and Molière. On Restoration comedy J.L. Palmer, The Comedy of Manners (1913); and Bonamy Dobree, Restoration Comedy (1924), remain the best.

American drama is surveyed briefly in W.J. Meserve, An Outline History of American Drama (1965); and A.S. Downer, Fifty Years of American Drama, 1900–1950 (1951). U.M. Ellis-Fermor, The Irish Dramatic Movement, 2nd ed. (1954), is a comprehensive study of the early years at Dublin’s Abbey Theatre; and on Western drama after Ibsen the reader should begin by consulting Eric Bentley, The Playwright as Thinker (1946, reprinted 1955); Robert Brustein, The Theatre of Revolt (1964); and J.L. Styan, The Dark Comedy, 2nd ed. (1968), an account of the blending of tragic and comic elements in the post-Ibsen theatre.

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Add new Web site: Pressbooks at TAMU - Key Components of a Dramatic Text. Sep 28, 2024
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Added new Web site: TheatreHistory.com - The Medieval Drama. Jan 11, 2007
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