Bugs, Mollusks & Other Invertebrates, PLE-SKI

Yet, in addition to being critically important—because they naturally recycle decaying matter—in maintaining balance within the food chain, bugs can also be fascinating creatures, whether in regard to the water strider's ability to run across the surface of water or the assassin bugs' varied and creative means of catching and killing their prey. Mollusks, another group of invertebrates, get less of a bad rap. Their ranks include nearly 100,000 described species of soft-bodied animals that are usually wholly or partly enclosed in a calcium carbonate shell; examples include snails, clams, oysters, squids, and octopuses.
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Bugs, Mollusks & Other Invertebrates Encyclopedia Articles By Title

Plectoceras, extinct genus of small marine nautiloid cephalopods, forms related to the modern pearly nautilus,......
plum curculio
plum curculio, (Conotrachelus nenuphar), North American insect pest of the family Curculionidae (order Coleoptera);......
plume moth
plume moth, (family Pterophoridae), any of about 1,000 species of delicate moths (order Lepidoptera) that are named......
polychaete, any worm of the class Polychaeta (phylum Annelida). About 8,000 living species are known. Polychaetes,......
polyp, in zoology, one of two principal body forms occurring in members of the animal phylum Cnidaria. The polyp......
Portuguese man-of-war
Portuguese man-of-war, (Physalia physalis), species of jellylike marine animals of the order Siphonophora (class......
potato beetle
potato beetle, (Lema daturaphila), species of leaf beetle that was one of the most destructive potato pests until......
powderpost beetle
powderpost beetle, (subfamily Lyctinae), any of approximately 70 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera) that......
Prasopora, extinct genus of bryozoans, small colonial animals that formed mosslike or encrusting growths, especially......
prawn, any of certain crustaceans of the shrimp suborder Natantia. See...
predaceous diving beetle
predaceous diving beetle, (family Dytiscidae), any of more than 4,000 species of carnivorous, aquatic beetles (insect......
priapulid, (phylum Priapulida), any of some 15 species of predatory, marine, mud-inhabiting, unsegmented worms.......
primitive weevil
primitive weevil, (family Brentidae), any of approximately 2,000 species of beetles related to the weevil family......
processionary caterpillar
processionary caterpillar, larval stage characteristic of the small insect family Thaumetopoeidae (order Lepidoptera),......
prominent moth
prominent moth, (family Notodontidae), any of a group of moths (order Lepidoptera) that are characterized by projecting......
prosobranch, any snail of the subclass Prosobranchia, class Gastropoda. Most of these roughly 20,000 snail species......
protochordate, any member of either of two invertebrate subphyla of the phylum Chordata: the Tunicata (sea squirts,......
Protostomia, group of animals—including the arthropods (e.g., insects, crabs), mollusks (clams, snails), annelid......
proturan, any of a group of about 800 species of minute (0.5 to 2 mm [0.02 to 0.08 inch]), pale, wingless, blind,......
psocid, (order Psocoptera), any of a group of about 5,000 species of soft-bodied insects, usually less than 5 mm......
pterobranch, any small marine invertebrate of the class Pterobranchia (phylum Hemichordata). Pterobranchs are found......
pteropod, small marine gastropods of the subclass Opisthobranchia (phylum Mollusca) characterized by a foot modified......
pubic louse
pubic louse, (Phthirus pubis), sucking louse in the human louse family, Pediculidae (suborder Anoplura, order Phthiraptera),......
pulmonate, (subclass Pulmonata), any of various land, freshwater, and marine snails belonging to the class Gastropoda......
purple sail
purple sail, (genus Velella), any of a genus of floating marine animals usually classified in the order Siphonophora......
pygmy grasshopper
pygmy grasshopper, (family Tetrigidae), any of about 1,400 species of insects (order Orthoptera) that are small......
pygmy sand cricket
pygmy sand cricket, any member of the orthopteran family Tridactylidae of about 60 species that often inhabits......
pyralid moth
pyralid moth, (family Pyralidae or Pyralididae), any of a group of moths in the order Lepidoptera, most members......
quahog, edible species of clam (q.v.), usually referring to the species Mercenaria mercenaria. Small quahogs are......
radula, horny, ribbonlike structure found in the mouths of all mollusks except the bivalves. The radula, part of......
rag worm
rag worm, any of a group of mostly marine or shore worms of the class Polychaeta (phylum Annelida). A few species......
raspy cricket
raspy cricket, any of a group of insects in the subfamily Gryllacridinae (order Orthoptera) that possess features......
ray spider
ray spider, any spider of the family Theridiosomatidae (order Araneida), known for their conelike webs. Most ray......
razor clam
razor clam, any of the species of marine bivalve mollusks of the family Solenidae. In England the species of the......
red bug
red bug, any insect of the family Pyrrhocoridae (order Heteroptera), which contains more than 300 species. The......
red crab
red crab, Pacific crab species closely related to the Dungeness crab...
red spider
red spider, any of the plant-feeding mites of the family Tetranychidae (subclass Acari). Red spiders are a common......
redback, (Latrodectus hasselti), species of comb-footed spider (family Theridiidae) that is native to Australia,......
regal moth
regal moth, (subfamily Citheroniinae), any of a group of moths in the family Saturniidae (order Lepidoptera) that......
Rensselaeria, genus of extinct brachiopods (lamp shells) found as fossils in Lower Devonian marine rocks (387 to......
Resserella, extinct genus of brachiopods (lamp shells) that occurs as fossils in marine rocks of Middle Ordovician......
rhinoceros beetle
rhinoceros beetle, (subfamily Dynastinae), any of numerous species of beetles, some of which are among the largest......
rhynchophthirinan, any member of the suborder Rhynchophthirina of the louse order Phthiraptera, consisting of the......
Rhynchotrema, extinct genus of brachiopods, or lamp shells, found as fossils in Middle and Late Ordovician rocks......
Rhynchotreta, extinct genus of brachiopods (lamp shells) commonly found as fossils in Silurian marine rocks (between......
ribbon worm
ribbon worm, any member of the invertebrate phylum Nemertea (sometimes called Nemertinea, or Rhynchocoela), which......
rotifer, any of the approximately 2,000 species of microscopic, aquatic invertebrates that constitute the phylum......
rove beetle
rove beetle, (family Staphylinidae), any member of a family of numerous widely distributed insects in the order......
sac spider
sac spider, (family Clubionidae), any member of a relatively common, widespread family of spiders (order Araneida)......
Sahara desert ant
Sahara desert ant, any of several species of ant in the genus Cataglyphis that dwell in the Sahara, particularly......
San Jose scale
San Jose scale, (Quadraspidiotus perniciosus), a species of insect in the armoured scale family, Diaspididae (order......
sand dollar
sand dollar, any of the invertebrate marine animals of the order Clypeastroida (class Echinoidea, phylum Echinodermata)......
sand flea
sand flea, any of more than 60 terrestrial crustaceans of the family Talitridae (order Amphipoda) that are notable......
sap beetle
sap beetle, (family Nitidulidae), any of at least 2,000 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera) usually found......
saturniid moth
saturniid moth, (family Saturniidae), family of about 1,500 species of moths, some of which spin thick, silken......
satyr butterfly
satyr butterfly, (subfamily Satyrinae), any of a group of delicate butterflies in the family Nymphalidae (order......
scale insect
scale insect, any member of several families of insects (order Homoptera) that have a body covered by a protective......
scale worm
scale worm, any member of the superfamily Aphroditoidea (class Polychaeta, phylum Annelida), a group of widely......
scallop, any of the marine bivalve mollusks of the family Pectinidae, particularly species of the genus Pecten.......
scampi, (Nephrops norvegicus), edible lobster of the order Decapoda (class Crustacea). It is widespread in the......
Scaphites, extinct genus of cephalopods (animals related to the modern octopus, squid, and nautilus) found as fossils......
scarab beetle
scarab beetle, (family Scarabaeidae), any of approximately 30,000 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera)......
Schistosoma, fluke genus (phylum Platyhelminthes), three members of which are well known for causing the disease......
schizocoelomate, any invertebrate animal that possesses a schizocoel, a coelom (that is, the body cavity lying......
Schizodus, extinct genus of small mollusks found as fossils in rocks from the Devonian to the Permian Period (416......
scorpion, (order Scorpiones or Scorpionida), any of approximately 1,500 elongated arachnid species characterized......
scorpionfly, (order Mecoptera), any of several species of insects characterized by chewing mouthparts at the tip......
scurfy scale
scurfy scale, (Chionaspis furfura), a species of insect in the armoured scale family, Diaspididae (order Homoptera),......
Scypha, genus of marine sponges of the class Calcarea (calcareous sponges), characterized by a fingerlike body......
sea anemone
sea anemone, any member of the invertebrate order Actiniaria (class Anthozoa, phylum Cnidaria), soft-bodied, primarily......
sea cucumber
sea cucumber, (class Holothuroidea), any of 1,200 species of marine invertebrates that constitute a class within......
sea fan
sea fan, (genus Gorgonia), any member of a genus of invertebrate marine animals of the suborder Holaxonia (class......
sea gooseberry
sea gooseberry, either of two cosmopolitan genera of invertebrate marine animals in the phylum Ctenophora: the......
sea hare
sea hare, any marine gastropod of the family Aplysiidae (subclass Opisthobranchia, phylum Mollusca) that is characterized......
sea lily
sea lily, any crinoid marine invertebrate animal (class Crinoidea, phylum Echinodermata) in which the adult is......
sea mouse
sea mouse, (Aphrodita), any of a genus of marine worms of the class Polychaeta (phylum Annelida), named for their......
sea pansy
sea pansy, any of certain colonial marine animals of the sea pen (q.v.) group (order Pennatulacea, phylum Cnidaria).......
sea pen
sea pen, any of the 300 species of the order Pennatulacea, colonial invertebrate marine animals of the class Anthozoa......
sea spider
sea spider, any of the spiderlike marine animals comprising the class Pycnogonida (also called Pantopoda) of the......
sea star
sea star, any marine invertebrate of the class Asteroidea (phylum Echinodermata) having rays, or arms, surrounding......
sea urchin
sea urchin, any of about 950 living species of spiny marine invertebrate animals (class Echinoidea, phylum Echinodermata)......
sea walnut
sea walnut, any member of a common genus (Mnemiopsis) of gelatinous, planktonic marine invertebrates of the order......
sea whip
sea whip, any of several genera of corals of the order Gorgonacea (phylum Cnidaria), characterized by a long, whiplike......
seed beetle
seed beetle, (subfamily Bruchinae), any of some 1,350 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera) whose larvae......
sheet-web weaver
sheet-web weaver, (family Linyphiidae), a rather common group of small spiders (order Araneida) numbering about......
shellfish, any aquatic invertebrate animal having a shell and belonging to the phylum Mollusca, the class Crustacea......
shield-backed katydid
shield-backed katydid, (subfamily Tettigoniinae), any of a group of insects (family Tettigoniidae, order Orthoptera)......
shining leaf chafer
shining leaf chafer, any member of the insect subfamily Rutelinae of the scarab family Scarabaeidae (order Coleoptera),......
shipworm, any of the approximately 65 species of marine bivalve mollusks of the family Teredidae (Teredinidae).......
shore bug
shore bug, any of the more than 200 species of small dark coloured insects with white or yellow markings that constitute......
short-horned grasshopper
short-horned grasshopper, (family Acrididae), family of more than 10,000 species of insects, the largest group......
shrimp, any of the approximately 2,000 species of the suborder Natantia (order Decapoda of the class Crustacea).......
siliceous sponge
siliceous sponge, any sponge in which the main skeletal component is silica as opposed to calcium carbonate or......
silk spider
silk spider, (genus Nephila), any of a genus of the class Arachnida (phylum Arthropoda), so named because of the......
silken fungus beetle
silken fungus beetle, (family Cryptophagidae), any of approximately 800 insect species (insect order Coleoptera)......
silkworm moth
silkworm moth, (Bombyx mori), lepidopteran whose caterpillar has been used in silk production (sericulture) for......
silverfish, (Lepisma saccharina), species of quick-moving, slender, flat, wingless insect having three tail bristles......
skeleton shrimp
skeleton shrimp, any of certain marine crustaceans of the family Caprellidae (order Amphipoda), particularly of......
skin beetle
skin beetle, (family Trogidae), any of approximately 300 widely distributed species of beetles in the superfamily......
skipper, (family Hesperiidae), any of the approximately 3,500 species of insects (order Lepidoptera) that occur......

Bugs, Mollusks & Other Invertebrates Encyclopedia Articles By Title