Bugs, Mollusks & Other Invertebrates, VOL-ZOR

Yet, in addition to being critically important—because they naturally recycle decaying matter—in maintaining balance within the food chain, bugs can also be fascinating creatures, whether in regard to the water strider's ability to run across the surface of water or the assassin bugs' varied and creative means of catching and killing their prey. Mollusks, another group of invertebrates, get less of a bad rap. Their ranks include nearly 100,000 described species of soft-bodied animals that are usually wholly or partly enclosed in a calcium carbonate shell; examples include snails, clams, oysters, squids, and octopuses.
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Bugs, Mollusks & Other Invertebrates Encyclopedia Articles By Title

volute, any marine snail of the family Volutidae (subclass Prosobranchia of the class Gastropoda). Most species......
walking stick
walking stick, (order Phasmida, or Phasmatodea), any of about 3,000 species of slow-moving insects that are green......
wandering spider
wandering spider, (family Ctenidae), any member of the family Ctenidae (order Araneida), a small group of large......
wasp, any member of a group of insects in the order Hymenoptera, suborder Apocrita, some of which are stinging.......
water beetle
water beetle, any of several thousand species of aquatic beetles (order Coleoptera), including members of the families......
water boatman
water boatman, (family Corixidae), any of more than 300 species of insects in the true bug order, Heteroptera,......
water flea
water flea, any member of the crustacean order Anomopoda (class Branchiopoda), a large group containing about 450......
water scavenger beetle
water scavenger beetle, any of the approximately 3,200 species of the predominately aquatic insect superfamily......
water scorpion
water scorpion, any of the approximately 150 species of aquatic invertebrates of the family Nepidae (order Hemiptera).......
water spider
water spider, (Argyroneta aquatica), species of spider that is known for its underwater silk web, which resembles......
water strider
water strider, any insect of the family Gerridae (order Heteroptera), which numbers about 350 species. Water striders,......
water treader
water treader, any insect of the approximately 30 species of the family Mesoveliidae (order Heteroptera). These......
webspinner, (order Embioptera), any of about 170 species of insects that are delicate, are yellow or brown in colour,......
weevil, (family Curculionidae), true weevil of the insect order Coleoptera (beetles and weevils). Curculionidae......
wentletrap, any marine snail of the family Epitoniidae (subclass Prosobranchia of the class Gastropoda), in which......
western honeybee
western honeybee, (Apis mellifera), economically important species of honeybee valued for its pollination services......
whale louse
whale louse, (family Cyamidae), any of a small group of highly specialized peracaridan crustaceans (order Amphipoda)......
What’s the difference between moths and butterflies?
Most people are generally familiar with moths and butterflies. You might recognize a beautiful butterfly in a garden......
whelk, any marine snail of the family Buccinidae (subclass Prosobranchia of the class Gastropoda), or a snail having......
whip scorpion
whip scorpion, (order Uropygi, sometimes Thelyphonida), any of approximately 105 species of the arthropod class......
whipworm, any of certain worms of the genus Trichuris, phylum Nematoda, especially T. trichiura, that are parasitic......
whirligig beetle
whirligig beetle, (family Gyrinidae), any of about 700 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera) that are widespread......
white butterfly
white butterfly, (subfamily Pierinae), any of a group of butterflies in the family Pieridae (order Lepidoptera)......
whitefly, any sap-sucking member of the insect family Aleyrodidae (order Homoptera). The nymphs, resembling scale......
window-winged moth
window-winged moth, (family Thyrididae), any of a group of tropical moths (order Lepidoptera) that are generally......
wireworm, any of certain millipede (q.v.)...
wolf spider
wolf spider, (family Lycosidae), any member of the spider family Lycosidae (order Araneida), a large and widespread......
wood louse
wood louse, either of two related terrestrial crustaceans, the pill bug (q.v.) and the sow bug...
wood wasp
wood wasp, primitive insect belonging to any of three families in the suborder Symphyta (order Hymenoptera): Xiphydriidae,......
woolly bear
woolly bear, Caterpillar of a tiger moth. The larva of the Isabella tiger moth (Isia isabella), known as the banded......
worm, any of various unrelated invertebrate animals that typically have soft, slender, elongated bodies. Worms......
worm shell
worm shell, any marine snail of the family Vermetidae (subclass Prosobranchia, class Gastropoda). The shell of......
Worthenia, genus of extinct gastropods (snails) preserved as common fossils in rocks of Devonian to Triassic age......
yucca moth
yucca moth, (genus Tegeticula), any of four species of insects of the Prodoxidae family of moths (order Lepidoptera).......
zebra mussel
zebra mussel, a species of tiny mussels (genus Dreissena) that are prominent freshwater pests. They proliferate......
zebra swallowtail butterfly
zebra swallowtail butterfly, (Eurytides marcellus), species of butterfly in the family Papilionidae (order Lepidoptera)......
zoanthid, any member of the order Zoanthidea, a group of about 300 species of marine animals of the class Anthozoa......
zorapteran, (order Zoraptera), any of a small group of about 30 species of insects found on every continent except......

Bugs, Mollusks & Other Invertebrates Encyclopedia Articles By Title