The necessity of food for survival is something that all humans have in common, but the trends of diet and food consumption can vary considerably from region to region. Find out more about the ingredients, dishes, and drinks that fuel people around the world.
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Food Encyclopedia Articles By Title

sesame, (Sesamum indicum), erect annual plant of the family Pedaliaceae, grown since antiquity for its seeds, which......
shakshouka, a Maghrebi (North African) dish, popular throughout the region, featuring poached eggs in a spicy tomato......
shallot, (Allium cepa, variety aggregatum), mildly aromatic plant of the amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae), grown......
shawarma, popular street food in the Middle East, which originated in Turkey and is made of spit-roasted layers......
shepherd’s pie
shepherd’s pie, dish of British Isles origin that makes use of vegetables and chopped meat cooked in a casserole......
sherbet, frozen dessert usually flavoured with fruit, made from water, sugar, flavourings, and milk or cream. Egg......
Sherman, Sean
Sean Sherman is a chef, activist, ethnobotanist, educator, and member of the Oglala Lakota Sioux tribe. Sherman......
sherry, fortified wine of Spanish origin that typically has a distinctive nutty flavour. It takes its name from......
shiitake mushroom
shiitake mushroom, (Lentinula edodes), edible and medicinal wood-dwelling fungus, native to East Asia. The shiitake......
shortening, fats and oils of animal or vegetable origin used in most doughs and batters to impart crisp and crumbly......
Sichuan pepper
Sichuan pepper, Chinese spice made from the dried papery fruit husks of any of several species of prickly ash (Zanthoxylum)......
smallage, (Apium graveolens), wild celery; strongly scented, erect, biennial herb of the carrot family (Apiaceae,......
smoking, in food processing, the exposure of cured meat and fish products to smoke for the purposes of preserving......
smorgasbord, in Swedish cuisine, buffet offering a variety of fish dishes, cheeses, and hot and cold foods. In......
sofrito, puree of Catalonian origin that is also common in Mediterranean, Caribbean, and Latin American cuisine.......
soft drink
soft drink, any of a class of nonalcoholic beverages, usually but not necessarily carbonated, normally containing......
sorghum, (Sorghum bicolor), cereal grain plant of the grass family (Poaceae) and its edible starchy seeds. The......
sorrel, any of several hardy perennial herbs of the buckwheat family (Polygonaceae) that are widely distributed......
souari nut
souari nut, any of the seeds borne in large, clustered fruits of trees of the genus Caryocar (family Caryocaraceae),......
soul food
soul food, the foods and techniques associated with the African American cuisine of the United States. The term......
soup, liquid food prepared by cooking meat, poultry, fish, legumes, or vegetables with seasonings in water, stock,......
sour cream
sour cream, dairy product made from fermented cream inoculated with lactic acid bacteria. The addition of bacteria......
sourdough, leaven made of flour, water, and wild yeasts by a process of fermentation, used to make bread and other......
soursop, (Annona muricata), tree of the custard apple family (Annonaceae) and its large edible fruits. Native to......
sous vide
sous vide, French cooking technique in which food is vacuum-sealed and then slowly cooked in water heated to a......
souse, a light Caribbean dish, served cold, that traditionally consists of pickled pig meat in a clear broth flavoured......
soy sauce
soy sauce, traditional East and Southeast Asian liquid condiment made of fermented soybeans, wheat, yeast, and......
spaghetti, thin, straight, cylindrical pasta of Italian origin, the most popular of all pastas eaten today. Noodles......
SPAM, trademarked meat product consisting primarily of ground pork and ham. SPAM, usually rendered as Spam, was......
spearmint, (Mentha spicata), aromatic herb of the mint family (Lamiaceae), widely used for culinary purposes. Spearmint......
sperm oil
sperm oil, pale yellow oil obtained with spermaceti from the head cavity (spermaceti organ) and blubber of the......
spice and herb
spice and herb, parts of various plants cultivated for their aromatic, pungent, or otherwise desirable substances.......
spinach, (Spinacia oleracea), hardy leafy annual of the amaranth family (Amaranthaceae), used as a vegetable. Widely......
spirulina, Any cyanobacteria in the genus Spirulina. A traditional food source in parts of Africa and Mexico, spirulina......
sponge candy
sponge candy, a crunchy, bite-size, chocolate-covered crystalline candy. Much like malt balls, it has a crispy......
spoon, an implement consisting of a small shallow bowl-shaped receptacle supported by a handle, used for eating,......
squash, (genus Cucurbita), genus of flowering plants in the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae), many of which are widely......
sriracha, bright-red hot sauce of Thai origin made of chili peppers, vinegar, garlic, salt, and sugar that has......
star anise
star anise, dry fruits of the star anise tree (Illicium verum), used as a spice and source of pharmaceutical chemicals.......
star apple
star apple, (Chrysophyllum cainito), tropical American tree, of the sapodilla family (Sapotaceae), native to the......
steak and kidney pie
steak and kidney pie, a traditional British dish consisting of diced steak, onion, and kidney—typically from a......
steak and kidney pudding
steak and kidney pudding, a traditional British dish consisting of diced steak, onion, and kidney—generally from......
steak frites
steak frites, a simple dish of beef steak alongside strips of deep-fried potato, commonly known as french fries.......
steak tartare
steak tartare, dish made of chopped or minced raw beefsteak bound by raw egg yolk and seasoned with mustard, capers,......
stevia (sweetener)
stevia (sweetener), sweetener made from the leaves of the South American plant Stevia rebaudiana and used as a......
stew, dish of meat, poultry, or fish, usually with vegetables, cooked in liquid in a closed vessel over low heat.......
sticky toffee pudding
sticky toffee pudding, a classic British dessert consisting of a dark, dense sponge cake made with chopped dates......
Stilton, classic English blue cheese made from cow’s milk, named for the village in Huntingdonshire where, according......
stinging nettle
stinging nettle, (Urtica dioica), weedy perennial plant of the nettle family (Urticaceae), known for its stinging......
stirrup cup
stirrup cup, originally a drink offered to a man mounted on horseback and about to depart for the hunt; now, the......
Storr, Paul
Paul Storr was a goldsmith particularly noted for his outstanding craftsmanship in the execution of richly ornamented......
stout, dark, heavy-bodied beer popular in Great Britain and Ireland. Stouts are stronger versions of mild ale.......
strawberry, (genus Fragaria), genus of more than 20 species of flowering plants in the rose family (Rosaceae) and......
stroopwafel, a popular Dutch treat similar to a cookie, featuring two thin wafflelike wafers with a sweet filling.......
sucket fork
sucket fork, small metal utensil used for eating sweetmeats, or sucket, with a two- or three-pronged fork at one......
sucrose, organic compound, colourless sweet-tasting crystals that dissolve in water. Sucrose (C12H22O11) is a disaccharide;......
sugar, any of numerous sweet, colourless, water-soluble compounds present in the sap of seed plants and the milk......
sugar beet
sugar beet, (Beta vulgaris), one of the four cultivated forms of the plant Beta vulgaris of the amaranth family......
sukiyaki, in Japanese cuisine, a dish of beef and vegetables prepared in the nabemono (one-pot) style. It is a......
surströmming, pungent, fermented herring of Swedish origin. Neither the name, which means “sour herring,” nor the......
sushi, a staple rice dish of Japanese cuisine, consisting of cooked rice flavoured with vinegar and a variety of......
Swan Service
Swan Service, set of porcelain tableware made at the Meissen factory in Germany between 1737 and 1741 by Johann......
sweet potato
sweet potato, (Ipomoea batatas), food plant of the morning glory family (Convolvulaceae), native to tropical America.......
sweetbread, type of offal, or variety meat, deriving from the thymus or pancreas of a young animal (such as a calf......
sweetener, any of various natural and artificial substances that provide a sweet taste in foods and beverages.......
sweetsop, (Annona squamosa), small tree or shrub of the custard apple family (Annonaceae). Native to the West Indies......
Swift, Gustavus
Gustavus Swift was the founder of the meatpacking firm Swift & Company and promoter of the railway refrigerator......
tabasco, (Capsicum frutescens), hot red pepper in the nightshade family (Solanaceae). Tabasco is a cultivar of......
Tabasco sauce
Tabasco sauce, spicy condiment, of American origin, made of hot chilies, vinegar, and salt. It is arguably the......
tabbouleh, herb salad of Middle Eastern origin that primarily consists of parsley, bulgur, tomatoes, and other......
tableware, utensils used at the table for holding, serving, and handling food and drink. Tableware includes various......
taco, an internationally popular hand-sized food item of Mexican origin combining seasoned meat, vegetables, and......
taffy, flavoured syrup candy of Europe and the Americas that is cooked and then rigorously worked during cooling......
tagine, North African cooking vessel consisting of a flat rimmed dish and a tall conical lid. The term tagine also......
tahini, paste of crushed sesame seeds that is widely used in Middle Eastern cooking. Tahini mixed with garlic,......
tamale, in Mesoamerican cuisine, a small steamed cake of dough made from corn (maize). In the preparation of tamales,......
tamarind, (Tamarindus indica), evergreen tree of the pea family (Fabaceae), native to tropical Africa. It is widely......
tandoori chicken
tandoori chicken, a dish of roasted chicken marinated in yogurt and generously spiced, giving the meat its trademark......
tandoori cookery
tandoori cookery, an Indian method of cooking over a charcoal fire in a tandoor, a cylindrical clay oven. Shaped......
tangerine, (Citrus reticulata), small thin-skinned variety of orange belonging to the mandarin orange species of......
tankard, drinking vessel for ale or beer, widely used in northern Europe (especially Scandinavia, Germany, and......
tapa, a Spanish appetizer, served hot or cold, that is typically eaten at bars with a drink intended to complement......
tapioca, a preparation of cassava root starch used as a food, in bread or as a thickening agent in liquid foods,......
taro, (Colocasia esculenta), herbaceous plant of the arum family (Araceae) and its edible rootlike corm. Taro is......
tarragon, (Artemisia dracunculus), bushy aromatic herb of the family Asteraceae, the dried leaves and flowering......
tea, beverage produced by steeping in freshly boiled water the young leaves and leaf buds of the tea plant, Camellia......
tea and coffee service
tea and coffee service, set of vessels and implements for making and serving tea and coffee, the items often of......
teff, (Eragrostis tef), annual cereal grass, grown for its tiny nutritious seeds. Teff is native to Ethiopia and......
tempeh murni
tempeh murni, food made of soybeans that have been fermented in plastic; it originated in Indonesia. Many different......
tempura, cooking technique of Japanese origin that involves dipping fish, shellfish, meat, or vegetables in a light......
tequila, distilled liquor, usually clear in colour and unaged, that is made from the fermented juice of the Mexican......
teriyaki, in Japanese cuisine, foods grilled with a highly flavoured glaze of soy sauce and sake or mirin (sweet......
Texas barbecue
Texas barbecue, seasoned smoked meats—specifically beef brisket, pork ribs, and sausage—associated with Texas.......
thyme, (Thymus vulgaris), pungent herb of the mint family (Lamiaceae) known for the aroma and flavour of its dried......
ti, (genus Cordyline), genus of tropical trees and shrubs in the asparagus family (Asparagaceae), native to Asia,......
tiramisu, dessert, of Italian origin, that blends layers of espresso and liqueur-soaked sponge cake with a filling......
tofu, soft, relatively flavourless food product made from soybeans. Tofu is an important source of protein in the......
Tokaji Aszú
Tokaji Aszú, a full-bodied sweet dessert wine made from late-ripened grapes affected by Botrytis cinerea, a mold......
Tokay, famous, usually sweet white wine of Hungary, made from the Hungarian Furmint grape. The wine derives its......
tomatillo, (Physalis philadelphica), annual species of ground cherry of the nightshade family (Solanaceae) and......

Food Encyclopedia Articles By Title