The necessity of food for survival is something that all humans have in common, but the trends of diet and food consumption can vary considerably from region to region. Find out more about the ingredients, dishes, and drinks that fuel people around the world.
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Food Encyclopedia Articles By Title

absinthe, flavoured distilled liquor, yellowish green in colour, turning to cloudy opalescent white when mixed......
acai, (Euterpe oleracea), species of palm cultivated for both its fruit and edible hearts of palm. Native to tropical......
accara, black-eyed pea fritters that are a common street food in western Africa. They are usually served with a......
Achatz, Grant
Grant Achatz is an American chef whose culinary innovations made him a leader in the cuisine inspired by molecular......
ackee, (Blighia sapida), tree of the soapberry family (Sapindaceae) native to West Africa, widely cultivated throughout......
acorn, nut of the oak. Acorns are usually seated in or surrounded by a woody cupule. They mature within one to......
adobo, type of dish, marinade, or blend of spices typically consisting of vinegar and a mix of seasonings, including......
Adrià, Ferran
Ferran Adrià is a Catalan chef who, as the creative force behind the restaurant El Bulli (closed in 2011), pioneered......
adzuki bean
adzuki bean, (Vigna angularis), edible seed of the adzuki plant, a legume plant of the pea family (Fabaceae). The......
aioli, sauce consisting primarily of garlic and olive oil. Aioli is a characteristic sauce of the French region......
alambre, a Mexican dish of chopped meats and vegetables, served with corn or flour tortillas. The most common meats......
alcoholic beverage
alcoholic beverage, any fermented liquor, such as wine, beer, or distilled spirits, that contains ethyl alcohol,......
ale, fermented malt beverage, full-bodied and somewhat bitter, with strong flavour and aroma of hops. Popular in......
alimentary paste
alimentary paste, a shaped and dried dough prepared from semolina, farina, wheat flour, or a mixture of these with......
alligator apple
alligator apple, (Annona glabra), fruit tree (family Annonaceae) of tropical America valued for its roots, which......
allspice, (Pimenta dioica), tropical evergreen tree of the myrtle family (Myrtaceae) and its berries, the source......
almond, (Prunus dulcis), economically important crop tree and its edible seed. Native to southwestern Asia, almonds......
amaranth, (genus Amaranthus), genus of 60–70 species of flowering plants in the family Amaranthaceae, distributed......
amaretto, liqueur of Italian origin made from alcohol infused with stone-fruit pits or almonds. Two families in......
Andrés, José
José Andrés (born July 13, 1969, Mieres, Spain) is a highly decorated Spanish chef, restaurateur, author, and humanitarian.......
angelica, (genus Angelica), genus of about 90 species of aromatic herbs of the family Apiaceae native to the Northern......
angelica, sweet, fortified dessert wine said to have originated near Los Angeles, for which it is named. Angelica......
anise, (Pimpinella anisum), annual herb of the parsley family (Apiaceae), cultivated chiefly for its fruits, called......
antipasto, in Italian cuisine, a first course or appetizer. In the home, cured or smoked meats and sausages, olives,......
aperitif and digestif
aperitif and digestif, alcoholic beverages served before and after a meal, respectively, first to stimulate the......
Apicius, Marcus Gavius
Marcus Gavius Apicius was a wealthy Roman merchant and epicure during the reign of Tiberius (14–37 ce), after whom......
apostle spoon
apostle spoon, spoon for personal use at table, the handle of which is surmounted by a small figure of an apostle,......
appeltaart, Dutch apple pie that has been a traditional dish of the Netherlands for centuries, dating back to the......
Appert, Nicolas
Nicolas Appert was a French chef, confectioner, and distiller who invented the method of preserving food by enclosing......
appetizer, food eaten to pique the appetite or to moderate the hunger stimulated by drink. Cocktails, especially......
apple, (Malus domestica), domesticated tree and fruit of the rose family (Rosaceae), one of the most widely cultivated......
apricot, (Prunus armeniaca), economically important fruit tree, cultivated throughout the temperate regions of......
aquavit, flavoured, distilled liquor, clear to pale yellow in colour, dry in flavour, and ranging in alcohol content......
arepa, a flat round cornmeal cake popular in Central and South America, particularly Colombia and Venezuela. Arepas......
argan oil
argan oil, vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the argan tree (Sideroxylon spinosum, formerly Argania spinosa).......
Armour, Philip Danforth
Philip Danforth Armour was an American entrepreneur and innovator whose extensive Armour & Company enterprises......
artichoke, (Cynara cardunculus, variety scolymus), large thistlelike perennial plant of the aster family (Asteraceae)......
arugula, (subspecies Eruca vesicaria sativa), annual herb of the mustard family (Brassicaceae), grown for its pungent......
asafoetida, gum resin prized as a spice in India and Iran, where it is used to flavour curries, meatballs, and......
asparagus, (genus Asparagus), genus of the family Asparagaceae with up to 300 species native from Siberia to southern......
aspartame, synthetic organic compound (a dipeptide) of phenylalanine and aspartic acid. It is 150–200 times as......
aspic, savoury clear jelly prepared from a liquid stock made by simmering the bones of beef, veal, chicken, or......
atole, a hot Mexican beverage typically made from masa (corn dough) or masa harina (dough flour), water, and spices.......
avocado, (Persea americana), tree of the family Lauraceae and its edible fruit. Avocados are native to the Western......
baba ghanoush
baba ghanoush, relish with Middle Eastern origins that is made of eggplant (aubergine) blended with tahini, garlic,......
bacon, a side of a pig that, after removal of the spare ribs, is cured, either dry or in pickle, and smoked. Some......
bagel, doughnut-shaped yeast-leavened roll that is characterized by a crisp, shiny crust and a dense interior.......
baguette, a long, thin, crusty loaf of French bread. Tens of millions of baguettes are made and eaten around the......
baked Alaska
baked Alaska, dessert of American origin that consists of ice cream layered between a slice of sponge cake and......
baking powder
baking powder, leavening agent used in making baked goods. Commercial bakeries and domestic bakers frequently use......
baklava, Turkish, Greek, and Middle Eastern rich pastry of phyllo (filo) dough and nuts. Phyllo is a simple flour-and-water......
bamboo, (subfamily Bambusoideae), subfamily of tall treelike grasses of the family Poaceae, comprising more than......
banana, fruit of the genus Musa, of the family Musaceae, one of the most important fruit crops of the world. The......
bangers and mash
bangers and mash, a common British dish consisting of sausages (“bangers”) and mashed potatoes (“mash”). It is......
bannock, flat, sometimes unleavened bread eaten primarily in Scotland. It is most commonly made of oats, though......
barbacoa, a method of cooking meat that originated in Mexico; the term also can refer to the meat itself. Traditionally,......
Barbados cherry
Barbados cherry, (Malpighia emarginata), tropical and subtropical shrub or small tree (family Malpighiaceae), cultivated......
barbecue, an outdoor meal, usually a form of social entertainment, at which meats, fish, or fowl, along with vegetables,......
barley, (Hordeum vulgare), cereal plant of the grass family Poaceae and its edible grain. Grown in a variety of......
basil, (Ocimum basilicum), annual herb of the mint family (Lamiaceae), grown for its aromatic leaves. Basil is......
Batali, Mario
Mario Batali is an American chef, television personality, author, and restaurateur who was one of the most well-known......
Bateman, Hester
Hester Bateman was a silversmith noted particularly for her domestic silver of elegant simplicity. Her husband,......
batter, mixture of flour and liquid with other ingredients, such as leavening agents, shortening, sugar, salt,......
Bavarian cream
Bavarian cream, custard enriched with whipped cream and solidified with gelatin. A Bavarian cream can be flavoured......
bay leaf
bay leaf, leaf of the sweet bay tree (Laurus nobilis), an evergreen of the family Lauraceae, indigenous to countries......
bean, edible seed or seedpod of certain leguminous plants of the family Fabaceae. The genera Phaseolus and Vigna......
Beard, James
James Beard was an American culinary expert who championed simple American and English dishes and wrote one of......
Beaujolais, one of the most widely drunk red wines in the world, produced in the Beaujolais region of southern......
beef, flesh of mature cattle, as distinguished from veal, the flesh of calves. The best beef is obtained from early......
beef Stroganoff
beef Stroganoff, dish of French origin by way of tsarist Russia that combines thinly sliced and lightly stewed......
beef Wellington
beef Wellington, beef fillet coated in chopped mushrooms and liver pâté and baked inside a puff pastry shell. Considerable......
beer, alcoholic beverage produced by extracting raw materials with water, boiling (usually with hops), and fermenting.......
beet, (Beta vulgaris), one of the four cultivated forms of the plant Beta vulgaris of the amaranth family (Amaranthaceae),......
beignet, French-style fried square doughnut. Introduced in Louisiana by the French Acadians in the 18th century,......
bel fruit
bel fruit, (Aegle marmelos), tree of the family Rutaceae, cultivated for its fruit. The plant is native to India......
bell pepper
bell pepper, (Capsicum annuum), pepper cultivar in the nightshade family (Solanaceae), grown for its thick, mild......
bergamot, one of several fragrant herbs of the genus Monarda (family Lamiaceae) or the fruit of the bergamot orange......
Beta vulgaris
Beta vulgaris, flowering plant of the amaranth family (Amaranthaceae) widely grown for the edible leaves and roots......
bilberry, (Vaccinium myrtillus), low-growing deciduous shrub belonging to the heath family (Ericaceae). It is found......
Birdseye, Clarence
Clarence Birdseye was an American businessman and inventor best known for developing a process for freezing foods......
biryani, flavourful rice dish of Persian origin that has become a popular celebratory dish in South Asia, as well......
biscuit, in the United States, a small quick bread usually made from flour, salt, and butter or vegetable shortening,......
bitter melon
bitter melon, (Momordica charantia), vine in the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae) that grows throughout India (but......
bitters, any of numerous aromatized and often alcoholic liquids containing bitter substances (chiefly alkaloids,......
black cumin
black cumin, (Nigella sativa), annual plant of the ranunculus family (Ranunculaceae) grown for its pungent seeds,......
black currant
black currant, (Ribes nigrum), species of currant in the family Grossulariaceae grown for its edible berries. Native......
black pudding
black pudding, a sausage incorporating blood, popular in the British Isles and typically eaten as a breakfast food.......
blackberry, usually prickly fruit-bearing bush of the genus Rubus of the rose family (Rosaceae) known for its dark......
Blackwood, Caroline
Caroline Blackwood was an Irish journalist and novelist whose psychological fiction examines physical and emotional......
blended whiskey
blended whiskey, mixture of straight whiskey (that distilled from mash of a single grain) and mixed-grain whiskey......
blue cheese
blue cheese, any of several cheeses marbled with bluish or greenish veins of mold. Important trademarked varieties......
blueberry, any of several North American shrubs of the genus Vaccinium (family Ericaceae), prized for their sweet......
Bocuse, Paul
Paul Bocuse was a French chef and restaurateur known for introducing and championing a lighter style of cooking.......
boiling, the cooking of food by immersion in water that has been heated to near its boiling point (212 °F [100......
bok choy
bok choy, (Brassica rapa), member of the mustard family (Brassicaceae) that is a variety (chinensis) of Brassica......
Bolognese sauce
Bolognese sauce, tomato-based meat sauce for pasta attributed to the Italian city of Bologna, the centre of a rich......
borage, (Borago officinalis), an edible and ornamental plant with loose drooping clusters of starlike bright blue......
Bordeaux wine
Bordeaux wine, any of numerous wines of the region surrounding the city of Bordeaux, France. Bordeaux has a long......

Food Encyclopedia Articles By Title