The tide turns (1947–48)

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1945 - 1949
Chinese Communist Party
Nationalist Party
World War II
United Front
Major Events:
Marshall Mission

On January 8, 1947, Marshall left China, one day after he issued a scathing condemnation of the extremists among the Nationalists and Communists for the continuance of the civil war. Peng Hsueh-pei, the government’s minister of information, proclaimed the Nationalists’ willingness to continue peace negotiations with the Communists. Gen. Zhang Zhizhong was selected to go to Yan’an in an attempt to renew talks, and a proposal was submitted to the Communists through Stuart. The Communists restated their demands for a return to the military positions of January 13, 1946, and for nullification of the new constitution, terms which previously had been rejected by the government. On January 21 the government offered four points as the basis for a resumption of peace talks: cessation of hostilities, with troops retaining their existing positions; army reorganization; reopening of communications; and a just and equitable solution of the problem of regional administration.

In the meantime, the Communists resumed their offensive in Manchuria while government troops launched major drives on Communist positions in Shantung and Shensi (Shaanxi). Early in March the government ordered all Communist personnel to leave government territory, and on March 15 Chiang Kai-shek charged the Communists with armed rebellion. The break between warring factions was final and complete. The capture of Yan’an by government troops on March 19 elated the Nationalists, but Communist spokesmen expressed confidence that they would achieve final victory. Indeed, Maoist strategy emphasized the importance of securing a base among the peasantry in the countryside at the expense of holding cities. By the end of the year, government military forces had made no further important gains, with the exception of the capture of Weihaiwei (Weihai) and Chefoo (Yantai) on the coast of Shantung in early October, which cut the Communist sea lane to the southern ports in Manchuria. Communist forces, however, made critical inroads into central China in September and caused the closing of the defensive gates at Nanking on September 18. In Manchuria the Communists succeeded in reducing the government’s control to Changchun and Mukden, an isolated pocket in Kirin (Jilin), and the rail line leading from Mukden into China proper. In a report to the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee in December 1947, an optimistic Mao observed, “The Chinese people’s revolutionary war has now reached a turning point.…The main forces of the People’s Liberation Army have carried the fight into the Kuomintang Area.…This is a turning point in history.”

China’s internal strife was closely linked with its diplomatic relations with the United States and the Soviet Union. After more than a year of continuous effort to bring the national government and Communists together, the United States abandoned its task as a mediator. U.S. policy had become unpopular in China, and, to avoid further complication in China’s affairs, the U.S. government informed the Soviet Union that its forces in China would be reduced to 6,180 men by June 1, 1947. However, the deterioration of the economic and military situation in China and the spread of communism in East Asia led to the appointment of a U.S. fact-finding mission to China and Korea headed by Lieut. Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer. Wedemeyer arrived in Nanking on July 22, and his mission was welcomed by the Chinese government but attacked by the Communists as imperialistic. Upon his departure from China on August 24, Wedemeyer stated that “if the Chinese Communists are truly patriotic…they will halt voluntary employment of force” and that “to regain and maintain the confidence of the people, the Central Government will have to effect immediately drastic, far-reaching political and economic reforms.” The latter statement displeased the Chinese government, and Nationalist Premier Chang Chun (Zhang Qun) declared on September 2 that China would not alter either its domestic or its foreign policy as a result of Wedemeyer’s mission. Wedemeyer’s full report warned of an imminent Communist victory unless the U.S. dramatically increased its support for the Nationalist government, and the U.S. Department of State, deeming the report too sensitive, withheld its publication for two years. On November 11, Marshall, now secretary of state, submitted a program to Congress calling for $300 million in new aid for China.

At the end of 1947, official government figures put Nationalist military strength at some 5 million men, roughly half of whom were combat ready. The U.S. military estimated that Communist troop strength was around 1.1 million, but the Communists clearly held the momentum. By early 1948 the Nationalists’ military position had degraded to the point that it had lost the initiative on all major fronts; worse, it was gradually but inexorably losing its superiority in numbers, equipment, and training. As the Nationalist war effort shifted to the defensive, the government’s strategy was to stabilize the situation in Manchuria by holding the four isolated areas of Changchun, Kirin, Mukden, and Chin Hsien, largely through airborne resupply; to maintain the Nationalist position in the important cities in the north; and to prevent Communist expansion in northwestern, central, and eastern China.

Having destroyed or blocked the overland supply routes of the government to its Manchurian posts and major centers in North China, the Communists under Gen. Lin Biao struck at weak points along the Nationalist lines. As 1948 progressed, they steadily pushed the Nationalist army out of Manchuria and North China, and in several instances Communist victory was hastened by defections among government forces. In Manchuria, the Communists took Kirin on March 12, Chin Hsien on October 15, Changchun on October 20, and Mukden on October 30. With the capture of Mukden and the surrender of the city’s 140,000-man garrison, Manchurian operations virtually came to a close. In North China, the Communists took Lo-yang (Luoyang) on April 7 and recaptured their former capital of Yan’an on April 22. Other major urban centres of the north fell before year’s end: Tsinan (Jinan) was taken on September 25, Cheng-chou (Zhengzhou) on October 24, and Kalgan on December 26. All the seaports of Shantung, with the exception of Tsingtao (Qingdao), were occupied by the Communists.

Communist-held territory had increased from about one-tenth of China in early 1946 to one-third in late 1948—an area of some 1 million square miles (2.6 million square km) containing more than 200 million inhabitants. The Communists had gained complete control of Manchuria, about half of Inner Mongolia, and large portions of the provinces of Hopeh (Hebei), Honan (Henan), Shantung (Shandong), Shansi (Shanxi), Shensi (Shaanxi), Kiangsu (Jiangsu), and Anhwei (Anhui). The Yangtze River was essentially the Nationalists’ last remaining line of defense against a Communist attack on the cities of Nanking (Nanjing) and Shanghai. Communist troop strength now exceeded that of the Nationalists, and the Communists had captured such huge stocks of small arms, artillery, and armour that they were better equipped than the Nationalists. On September 1, 1948, the Communists proclaimed the North China People’s Government as a forerunner to a people’s republic that would encompass all of China.

The continuous Communist offensive cut off the Nationalists from natural resources, paralyzed communication and commerce in the war zones, and intensified the financial crises in government-held areas. Public morale was further lowered as the Nationalist government failed to check galloping inflation and soaring living costs. The Nationalists had financed much of the war effort by simply printing more money and had, in the process, destroyed the purchasing power of their currency, the yuan. Some 9 trillion yuan were in circulation in late 1946, but by August 1948 that number had increased to 700 trillion. Professionals and middle-class workers in the Nationalist heartland saw their savings wiped out as the government seemed unwilling or unable to help. Strikes, student demonstrations, and labor unrest became commonplace, and black market traffic dramatically increased. In desperation, the government introduced rigid price and wage controls and began enforcing harsh criminal penalties for economic crimes such as hoarding. These measures, along with the creation of a new currency called the gold yuan, temporarily halted the economic meltdown. The Chinese public, however, noted that those with close ties to the Nationalist government avoided prosecution for even the most glaring violations of the new laws, and morale was further eroded by the return of inflation. Nearly 300 billion gold yuan were introduced into circulation in August 1948; within eight months, more than 5 quadrillion gold yuan had been printed. Chiang concluded the year by indicating his willingness to negotiate a peace that would be acceptable to all parties. The Communists marked the end of 1948 by publishing a list of 25 “war criminals” that was topped with Chiang’s name.