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The “Iranian intermezzo” (821–1055)

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Also known as: Islamic Republic of Iran, Jomhūrī-ye Eslāmī-ye Īrān

Yaʿqūb ibn Layth’s movement differed from Ṭāhir ibn al-Ḥusayn’s establishment of a dynasty of Iranian governors over Khorāsān in 821. The latter’s rise marks the caliph’s recognition, after the difficulties encountered in Iran by Hārūn al-Rashīd (reigned 786–809), that the best way for the imam and amīr al-muʾminīn at Baghdad to ensure military effectiveness in eastern Islam was by appointing a great general to govern Khorāsān. Ṭāhir had won Baghdad from Hārūn’s son al-Amīn in favor of his other son, al-Maʾmūn, in the civil war between the two after their father’s death. Ṭāhir was descended from the mawālī of an Arab leader in eastern Khorāsān. He was, therefore, of Iranian origin, but, unlike Yaʿqūb, he did not emerge out of his own folk and because of a regional need. Instead, he rose as a servant of the caliphate, as whose lieutenant he was, in due course, appointed to govern a great frontier province. He made Neyshābūr his capital. Though he died shortly after gaining the right of having his name mentioned after the caliph’s in the khuṭbah (the formal sermon at the Friday congregations of Muslims when those with authority over the community were mentioned after the Prophet), his family was sufficiently influential and respected at Baghdad to retain the governorship of Neyshābūr until the Ṭāhirids were ousted from the city by Yaʿqūb in 873. Thereafter they retired to Baghdad.

Discussion of the rise of “independent” Persian dynasties such as the Ṭāhirid in the 9th century has to be qualified: not only does the skillful Abbasid statecraft need to be considered, but also the Muslims’ need for legality in a juridical-religious setting must be recognized. The majority of Muslims considered the caliph to be the legitimate head of the faith and the guarantor of the law. Such a guarantee was preeminently the need of merchants in the cities of Sīstān, Transoxania, and central Iran.

In the Caspian provinces of Gīlān and Ṭabaristān (Māzandarān) the situation was different. The Elburz Mountains had been a barrier against the integration of these areas into the caliphate. Small princely families—the Bāvands, including the Kāʾūsiyyeh and the Espahbadiyyeh (665–1349), and the Musāfirids, also known as Sallārids or Kangarids (916–c. 1090)—had remained independent of the caliphal capitals, Damascus and Baghdad, in the mountains of Daylam. When Islam reached these old Iranian enclaves, it was brought by Shiʿi leaders in flight from metropolitan persecution. It was not the Islam of the Sunni state.

The Ṣaffārids

Yaʿqūb ibn Layth began life as an apprentice ṣaffār (Arabic: “coppersmith”)—hence his dynasty’s name, Ṣaffārid. Taking to military freebooting, he mustered an army that he disciplined and regularly paid in cash, absorbing many Khārijites into its ranks. This and his extension of Islam into pagan areas of Sind and Afghanistan earned him the caliph’s gratitude, which Yaʿqūb courted by sending golden idols captured from infidels to be paraded in Baghdad. Yaʿqūb’s attitude toward the imam’s claiming political subservience was, nevertheless, strikingly similar to that of the caliph-rejecting Khārijites. He turned his attention inward instead of outside the pale of Islam. He seized Baghdad’s breadbaskets—Fārs and Khūzestān—and drove the Ṭāhirid emir from Neyshābūr. His march on Baghdad itself was halted only by the stratagem devised by the caliph’s commander in chief, who inundated Yaʿqūb’s army by bursting dikes. Yaʿqūb died soon after, in 879. He had made an empire, minted his own coinage, fashioned a new style of army loyal to its leader rather than to any religious or doctrinal concept, and required that verses in his praise be put into his own language—Persian—from Arabic, which he did not understand. He began the Iranian resurgence.

The collapse of the Ṭāhirid viceroyalty left Baghdad faced with a power vacuum in Khorāsān and southern Persia. The caliph reluctantly confirmed Yaʿqūb’s brother ʿAmr as governor of Fārs and Khorāsān but withdrew his recognition on three occasions, and ʿAmr’s authority was disclaimed to the Khorāsānian pilgrims to Mecca when they passed through Baghdad. But ʿAmr remained useful to Baghdad so long as Khorāsān was victimized by the rebels Aḥmad al-Khujistānī and, for longer, Rāfiʿ ibn Harthama. After Rāfiʿ had been finally defeated in 896, ʿAmr’s broader ambitions gave the caliph al-Muʿtaḍid his chance. ʿAmr conceived designs on Transoxania, but there the Samanids held the caliph’s license to rule, after having nominally been Ṭāhirid deputies. When ʿAmr demanded and obtained the former Ṭāhirid tutelage over the Samanids in 898, Baghdad could leave the Ṣaffārid and Samanid to fight each other, and the Samanid Ismāʿīl (reigned 892–907) won. ʿAmr was sent to Baghdad, where he was put to death in 902. His family survived as Samanid vassals in Sīstān and were heard of until the 16th century. Yaʿqūb remains a popular hero in Iranian history.

The Samanids

There was nothing of the popular hero in the Samanids’ origin. Their eponym was Sāmān-Khodā, a landlord in the district of Balkh and, according to the dynasty’s claims, a descendant of Bahrām Chūbīn, the Sasanian general. Sāmān became Muslim. His four grandsons were rewarded for services to the caliph al-Maʾmūn (reigned 813–833) and received the caliph’s investiture for areas that included Samarkand and Herāt. They thus gained wealthy Transoxanian and east Khorāsānian entrepôt cities, where they could profit from trade that reached across Asia, even as far as Scandinavia, and from providing Turkish slaves—much in demand in Baghdad as royal troops—while they protected the frontiers and provided security for merchants in Bukhara, Samarkand, Khujand, and Herāt. With one transitory exception, they upheld Sunnism and at each new accession to power paid a tribute to Baghdad for the tokens of investiture from the caliph whereby their rule represented lawful authority. Thus, legal transactions in Samanid realms would be valid, and Baghdad received tribute in return for the insignia prayed over and signed by the caliph. This tribute took the place of regular revenue, so that it represented a solution of the taxation problems and consequent resentments that had bedeviled the Umayyad regime. In modern assessments of imperial power, Baghdad may seem to have been politically the weaker for this type of arrangement, but ensuring the reign of Islam in peripheral provinces was important to the caliphs. Islam’s portals to East Asia were adequately guarded, the supply of Turkish slaves essential for the caliph’s bodyguard was maintained, and Turkish pagan tribes were converted to Islam under the Samanids.