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Iraq from 1055 to 1534

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Also known as: ʿIraq, Al-ʿIrāq, Al-Jumhūrīyyah al-ʿIrāqīyyah, Republic of Iraq

During the subsequent five centuries, the name Iraq (ʿIrāq) referred to two distinct geopolitical regions. The first, qualified as Arabian Iraq (ʿIrāq ʿArabī), denoted the area roughly corresponding to ancient Mesopotamia or the modern nation of Iraq and consisted of Upper Iraq or Al-Jazīrah and Lower Iraq or Al-Sawād (“The Black [Lands]”). The town of Tikrīt was traditionally considered to mark the border between these two entities. The second region, lying to the east of Arabian Iraq and separated from it by the Zagros Mountains, was called foreign (i.e., Persian) Iraq (ʿIrāq ʿAjamī) and was more or less identical with ancient Media or the Umayyad and Abbasid province of Jibāl. Together these regions became known as “the Two Iraqs,” in contradistinction to the previous usage of the term in reference to the towns of Basra and Kūfah, the two major urban settlements of Lower Iraq in early Islamic times.

In addition, Arabian Iraq was subdivided into three political spheres: Upper Iraq, centred on the town of Mosul; Middle Iraq, or the area around Baghdad; and Lower Iraq, whose major centres were the towns of Al-Ḥillah, Wāṣit, and Basra. Upper Iraq had strong political ties to the provinces of Diyār Bakr and Diyār Rabīʿah in eastern Anatolia (now part of Turkey) and northern Syria as well as with Azerbaijan; Middle and Lower Iraq were bound politically both to Azerbaijan and to Persian Iraq. Traditionally all three spheres were subject to pressures from the greater powers of the Iranian plateau and the Nile valley.

On the eve of the Turkish Seljuq invasion of the central Islamic lands, these spheres were dominated by three different groups. Upper Iraq was in the hands of the ʿUqaylids, a Shiʿi Arab dynasty of Bedouin origin. In Middle Iraq the Shiʿi Daylamite Buyid generalissimos had controlled both the city of Baghdad and the person of the caliph since the first half of the 10th century. Lower Iraq was held by another Shiʿi Bedouin Arab dynasty, the Mazyadids. Both the ʿUqaylids and the Mazyadids had initially gained their power bases (in Mosul and Al-Ḥillah, respectively) as dependents of the Buyids. Moreover, both had supported the Buyids in resisting the Seljuq invaders.

The Seljuqs (1055–1152)

The Sunni Seljuq leader Toghrıl Beg entered Baghdad in December 1055, arresting and imprisoning the Buyid prince al-Malik al-Raḥīm. Without meeting the Abbasid caliph, he proceeded against the ʿUqaylids in Mosul, taking the city in 1057 and retaining the ʿUqaylid ruler as governor there on behalf of the Seljuqs. On his return to Baghdad in 1058, Toghrıl was finally received by the caliph al-Qāʾim (1031–75), who granted him the title “king of the East and West.”

In 1058, with Toghrıl busy elsewhere, the Buyid slave general Arslān al-Muẓaffar al-Basāsīrī and the ʿUqaylid ruler Quraysh ibn Badrān (1052–61) occupied Baghdad, recognizing al-Mustanṣir, the Shiʿi Fatimid caliph of Egypt and Syria, and sending him the insignia of rule as trophies. Al-Basāsīrī expelled al-Qāʾim and, with the help of the Mazyadid Dubays I (1018–81), quickly extended his control over Wāṣit and Basra. Both the Fatimids and the Mazyadids withdrew their support, however, and al-Basāsīrī was killed by Seljuq forces in 1060. Toghrıl reinstated al-Qāʾim as caliph, who then gave him additional honours, including the title sultan (Arabic: sulṭān, “authority”), found on coins minted in the names of both the caliph and the sultan. The Seljuqs now tried to rid Iraq of all Shiʿi influences.

Exchanging Shiʿi Buyid emirs for Sunni Seljuq sultans, while perhaps ideologically appropriate, made little practical difference for the Abbasid caliphs, who remained captives in the hands of military strongmen. Though Baghdad continued as the seat of the Caliphate, the Seljuq sultans ultimately established their capital at Eṣfahān in Persian Iraq. The relations between caliph and sultan were formalized by the great theologian al-Ghazālī (died 1111) as follows:

Government in these days is a consequence solely of military power, and whosoever he may be to whom the holder of military power gives his allegiance, that person is Caliph. And whosoever exercises independent authority, so long as he shows allegiance to the Caliph in the matter of his prerogatives [of sovereignty], the same is a sultan, whose commands and judgments are valid in the several parts of the earth.

These and other politico-religious doctrines were universalized through the spread of a system of educational institutions (madrasahs), associated with the powerful Seljuq minister Niẓām al-Mulk (died 1092), an Iranian from Khorāsān. The institutions were called Niẓāmiyyahs in his honour. The best-known of them, the Baghdad Niẓāmiyyah, was founded in 1067. Niẓām al-Mulk argued for the creation of a strong central political authority, focused on the sultan and modeled on the polities of the pre-Islamic Sasanians of Iran and of certain early Islamic rulers. Under the successors of Toghrıl, especially Alp-Arslan (1063–72) and Malik-Shah (1072–92), the so-called Great Seljuq empire did attain a certain degree of centralization, and the sultans and princes went on to conquer eastern and central Anatolia in the name of Islam and to eject the Shiʿi Fatimids from Syria.

In the second half of the 11th and the first half of the 12th centuries, the Seljuq Turks gradually established more or less direct rule over all of Arabian Iraq. The ʿUqaylids of Upper Iraq were finally overthrown by Tāj al-Dawlah Tutush (1077–95) of the Syrian branch of the Seljuq family. Upper Iraq now came under the rule of Seljuq princes and their governors, who were often of servile origin. One of these governors, ʿImād al-Dīn Zangī, with the decline of the power of his Seljuq masters, founded an independent dynasty, the Zangids, and a branch of this dynasty ruled Mosul from 1127 to 1222. At the time of the Mongol invasions, Mosul was in the hands of the slave general Badr al-Dīn Luʾluʾ (1222–59). In Lower Iraq the Mazyadids were able to extend their influence; in the early 1100s they took the towns of Hīt, Wāṣit, Basra, and Tikrīt. In 1108, however, their king, Ṣadaqah, was defeated and killed by the Seljuq sultan Muḥammad Tapar (1105–18), and the dynasty never regained its former importance. The Mazyadids were finally dispossessed by the Seljuqs in the second half of the 12th century, and their capital, Al-Ḥillah, was occupied by caliphal forces.