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Also known as: Gotlandian Period

The most-challenging goal in stratigraphy is to identify on a global basis all those rocks formed during the shortest possible interval of geologic time. Correlation of Silurian strata within limits more refined than a stage (or its corresponding age) traditionally is achieved through the recovery of fossils belonging to shaley and shelly facies.


Shaley facies generally represent deeper-water environments, such as those under which the Road River Group in the Yukon, the Aberystwyth Grit Formation in Wales, and the Longmaqi Formation of southern China accumulated. Fossils of graptolites—small, colonial, planktonic animals—are abundant in these dark Silurian shales. Graptolites were colonial hemichordates that secreted a protein exoskeleton commonly preserved as a carbon film in shales. An individual lived within a cuplike structure called a theca; multiple cups were spaced along one or more branches called stipes; and the entire colony sometimes was connected, by a threadlike structure known as a nema, to a central float.

Some graptolites were bottom-dwellers, but the free-floating (or pelagic) species were geographically more cosmopolitan. They make excellent index fossils because they underwent rapid evolution and attained a broad distribution. The genera Pristiograptus and Cyrtograptus are pelagic graptolites characteristic of the Wenlock Series. As many as 42 graptolite biozones have been defined for the Silurian System. Each biozone takes the name of one particular species but is usually based on several coeval species. The span of time represented by each graptolite biozone probably is not perfectly uniform, but the zonation allows the correlation of strata in depositional units of one million years or less. Superb as it is, this level of precision is restricted to regions rich in graptolitic shales. It is easier to correlate the deepwater shales of Wales and the Yukon with each other, for example, than it is to correlate either with nearby shallow-water shelf deposits.


In contrast to shaley facies, shelly facies are represented by relatively shallow platform carbonates and clastic wedges with a retinue of mostly bottom-dwelling invertebrates. Among these, Silurian brachiopods (lamp shells) were especially abundant, diverse, and widely distributed, making them effective index fossils. A still-extant group, the brachiopods possess a pair of bilaterally symmetrical shells and are tethered to the seafloor by a fleshy appendage usually protruding through one of the shells (thus, the shells are typically unequal in shape). Biostratigraphic zonations based on brachiopod lineages are well suited to the correlation of Llandovery and Wenlock strata. Those most frequently used are the Stricklandia-Costistricklandia, the Borealis-Pentamerus-Pentameroides, and the Eocoelia lineages. Excluding most of Gondwana save for eastern Australia, these brachiopods attained a broad tropical-to-subtropical distribution. Lineage members (including four subspecies of Stricklandia) may be employed for independent correlation but are more effective when they are used in combination with one another as overlapping taxon zones. Thus, Pentameroides subrectus alone may indicate a late Llandovery (Telychian) age or an early Wenlock (Sheinwoodian) age. In association with Stricklandia laevis or Eocoelia curtisi, however, a Telychian age is certain. Single-taxon zones also are helpful in characterizing Ludlow and Pridoli times. Only in unusual cases where brachiopod-bearing layers are interbedded with graptolite-rich shales (at the narrow transition between shelly and shaley facies) may the temporal relationships between the two kinds of index fossils be established. Most of the projected correlations between graptolite and brachiopod biozones are approximate.


Conodonts constitute a third group of index fossils important for Silurian correlation. These phosphatic microfossils with the shape of conelike teeth (as the name implies) are the remains of an apparatus from the mouth cavity of a small, bilaterally symmetrical, free-swimming (nektonic) animal extinct since Triassic time. Rare body fossils suggest some affinities with surviving cephalochordates, such as Amphioxus, or the chaetognaths (arrowworms). The individual elements comprising the conodont apparatus are very common in Silurian rocks that accumulated under a wide range of marine environments. Hydrochloric acid (HCl), which has no effect on phosphatic material, is used to dissolve limestone or lime-cemented sediments from which the conodonts may be recovered. Graptolite and brachiopod zonations have a long history of use in the Silurian, but the first conodont zonation based on material collected at Mount Cellon in the Carnic Alps of Austria was not proposed until the early 1960s. Different kinds of conodont-bearing animals lived in shallow nearshore environments (as opposed to deeper, more-offshore environments), and some were more conservative in their evolutionary development than others. Global correlation is based on 121/2 conodont biozones for the complete Silurian. The base of each zone is defined by the first occurrence of the taxon. All are characteristic of open marine environments; the zonation is not applicable to strata that accumulated in restricted nearshore or deep-basin facies.

Isotope stratigraphy

An alternative method gaining increased attention for the correlation of Silurian rocks is by means of isotope stratigraphy, which heretofore has found greater application to rocks of much younger age in the Cenozoic Era. Variations in oxygen, carbon, and strontium isotopes through sequences of layered limestone beds on Anticosti Island, Quebec, and in several localities in northern Europe, including the island of Gotland in Sweden, indicate changes in climate and long-term patterns of erosion. Samples for geochemical analysis are taken by the whole-rock method or by the retrieval of fossils with unaltered shells composed of calcium carbonate. Implicit in these methods is the assumption that the shells of some marine invertebrates, and the carbonate sediments derived thereof, are able to pick up and hold isotopic markers showing changes in the chemistry of Silurian seawater. High ratios of the oxygen isotopes 18O to 160 or of the carbon isotopes 13C to 14C, for example, are indicative of colder intervals during times of low sea level. Low ratios are interpreted as indicative of warmer intervals during times of high sea level. Particularly through the lower Silurian stages, patterns in the variation of carbon and oxygen isotopes tend to corroborate the sequence of minor glacial and interglacial episodes using the succession of tillites and diamictites from the South American sector of Gondwana. Likewise, high ratios of the strontium isotopes 87Sr to 86Sr typically indicate periods of increased erosion as radiogenic strontium was transferred from the continents to the ocean during warmer intervals of climate. The strontium isotope curve shows a distinct inflection point near the base of the Wenlock Series, which may be used to widely correlate the Llandovery-Wenlock boundary.