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Energy plays a key role in chemical processes. According to the modern view of chemical reactions, bonds between atoms in the reactants must be broken, and the atoms or pieces of molecules are reassembled into products by forming new bonds. Energy is absorbed to break bonds, and energy is evolved as bonds are made. In some reactions the energy required to break bonds is larger than the energy evolved on making new bonds, and the net result is the absorption of energy. Such a reaction is said to be endothermic if the energy is in the form of heat. The opposite of endothermic is exothermic; in an exothermic reaction, energy as heat is evolved. The more general terms exoergic (energy evolved) and endoergic (energy required) are used when forms of energy other than heat are involved.

A great many common reactions are exothermic. The formation of compounds from the constituent elements is almost always exothermic. Formation of water from molecular hydrogen and oxygen and the formation of a metal oxide such as calcium oxide (CaO) from calcium metal and oxygen gas are examples. Among widely recognizable exothermic reactions is the combustion of fuels (such as the reaction of methane with oxygen mentioned previously).

The formation of slaked lime (calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2) when water is added to lime (CaO) is exothermic. CaO(s) + H2O (l) → Ca(OH)2(s) This reaction occurs when water is added to dry portland cement to make concrete, and heat evolution of energy as heat is evident because the mixture becomes warm.

Not all reactions are exothermic (or exoergic). A few compounds, such as nitric oxide (NO) and hydrazine (N2H4), require energy input when they are formed from the elements. The decomposition of limestone (CaCO3) to make lime (CaO) is also an endothermic process; it is necessary to heat limestone to a high temperature for this reaction to occur. CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g) The decomposition of water into its elements by the process of electrolysis is another endoergic process. Electrical energy is used rather than heat energy to carry out this reaction. 2 H2O(g) → 2 H2(g) + O2(g) Generally, evolution of heat in a reaction favours the conversion of reactants to products. However, entropy is important in determining the favourability of a reaction. Entropy is a measure of the number of ways in which energy can be distributed in any system. Entropy accounts for the fact that not all energy available in a process can be manipulated to do work.

A chemical reaction will favour the formation of products if the sum of the changes in entropy for the reaction system and its surroundings is positive. An example is burning wood. Wood has a low entropy. When wood burns, it produces ash as well as the high-entropy substances carbon dioxide gas and water vapour. The entropy of the reacting system increases during combustion. Just as important, the heat energy transferred by the combustion to its surroundings increases the entropy in the surroundings. The total of entropy changes for the substances in the reaction and the surroundings is positive, and the reaction is product-favoured.

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When hydrogen and oxygen react to form water, the entropy of the products is less than that of the reactants. Offsetting this decrease in entropy, however, is the increase in entropy of the surroundings owing to the heat transferred to it by the exothermic reaction. Again because of the overall increase in entropy, the combustion of hydrogen is product-favoured.

Kinetic considerations

Chemical reactions commonly need an initial input of energy to begin the process. Although the combustion of wood, paper, or methane is an exothermic process, a burning match or a spark is needed to initiate this reaction. The energy supplied by a match arises from an exothermic chemical reaction that is itself initiated by the frictional heat generated by rubbing the match on a suitable surface.

In some reactions, the energy to initiate a reaction can be provided by light. Numerous reactions in Earth’s atmosphere are photochemical, or light-driven, reactions initiated by solar radiation. One example is the transformation of ozone (O3) into oxygen (O2) in the troposphere. The absorption of ultraviolet light (hν) from the Sun to initiate this reaction prevents potentially harmful high-energy radiation from reaching Earth’s surface.

For a reaction to occur, it is not sufficient that it be energetically product-favoured. The reaction must also occur at an observable rate. Several factors influence reaction rates, including the concentrations of reactants, the temperature, and the presence of catalysts. The concentration affects the rate at which reacting molecules collide, a prerequisite for any reaction. Temperature is influential because reactions occur only if collisions between reactant molecules are sufficiently energetic. The proportion of molecules with sufficient energy to react is related to the temperature. Catalysts affect rates by providing a lower energy pathway by which a reaction can occur. Among common catalysts are precious metal compounds used in automotive exhaust systems that accelerate the breakdown of pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide into harmless nitrogen and oxygen. A wide array of biochemical catalysts are also known, including chlorophyll in plants (which facilitates the reaction by which atmospheric carbon dioxide is converted to complex organic molecules such as glucose) and many biochemical catalysts called enzymes. The enzyme pepsin, for example, assists in the breakup of large protein molecules during digestion.

Classifying chemical reactions

Chemists classify reactions in a number of ways: (a) by the type of product, (b) by the types of reactants, (c) by reaction outcome, and (d) by reaction mechanism. Often, a given reaction can be placed in two or even three categories.

Classification by type of product

Gas-forming reactions

Many reactions produce a gas such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), ammonia (NH3), or sulfur dioxide (SO2). An example of a gas-forming reaction is that which occurs when a metal carbonate such as calcium carbonate (CaCO3, the chief component of limestone, seashells, and marble) is mixed with hydrochloric acid (HCl) to produce carbon dioxide. CaCO3(s) + 2 HCl(aq) → CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O (l) In this equation, the symbol (aq) signifies that a compound is in an aqueous, or water, solution.

Cake-batter rising is caused by a gas-forming reaction between an acid and baking soda, sodium hydrogen carbonate (sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3). Tartaric acid (C4H6O6), an acid found in many foods, is often the acidic reactant. C4H6O6(aq) + NaHCO3(aq) → NaC4H5O6(aq) + H2O (l) + CO2(g) In this equation, NaC4H5O6 is sodium tartrate.

Most baking powders contain both tartaric acid and sodium hydrogen carbonate, which are kept apart by using starch as a filler. When baking powder is mixed into the moist batter, the acid and sodium hydrogen carbonate dissolve slightly, which allows them to come into contact and react. Carbon dioxide is produced, and the batter rises.