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Also known as: combinatorial mathematics
Also called:
combinatorial mathematics
Key People:
Paul Erdős
Andrei Okounkov
On the Web:
University at Albany - The Many Faces of Modern Combinatorics (Oct. 03, 2024)

A (convex) polytope is the convex hull of some finite set of points. Each polytope of dimensions d has as faces finitely many polytopes of dimensions 0 (vertices), 1 (edge), 2 (2-faces), · · ·, d-1 (facets). Two-dimensional polytopes are usually called polygons, three-dimensional ones polyhedra. Two polytopes are said to be isomorphic, or of the same combinatorial type, provided there exists a one-to-one correspondence between their faces, such that two faces of the first polytope meet if and only if the corresponding faces of the second meet. The prism and the truncated pyramid of Figure 9 are isomorphic, the correspondence being indicated by the letters at the vertices. To classify the convex polygons by their combinatorial types, it is sufficient to determine the number of vertices υ; for each υ ≥ 3, all polygons with υ vertices (υ-gons) are of the same combinatorial type, while a υ-gon and a υ′-gon are not isomorphic if υ ≠ υ′. Euler was the first to investigate in 1752 the analogous question concerning polyhedra. He found that υ − e + f = 2 for every convex polyhedron, where υ, e, and f are the numbers of vertices, edges, and faces of the polyhedron. Though this formula became one of the starting points of topology, Euler was not successful in his attempts to find a classification scheme for convex polytopes or to determine the number of different types for each υ. Despite efforts of many famous mathematicians since Euler (Steiner, Kirkman, Cayley, Hermes, Brückner, to mention only a few from the 19th century), the problem is still open for polyhedra with more than 19 vertices. The numbers of different types with four, five, six, seven, or eight vertices are 1, 2, 7, 34, and 257, respectively. It was established by American mathematician P.J. Federico in 1969 that there are 2,606 different combinatorial types of convex polyhedra with nine vertices. The number of different types for 18 vertices is more than 107 trillion.

The theory of convex polytopes has been successful in developments in other directions. The regular polytopes have been under investigation since 1880 in dimensions higher than three, together with extensions of Euler’s relation to the higher dimensions. (The Swiss geometer Ludwig Schläfli made many of these discoveries some 30 years earlier, but his work was published only posthumously in 1901.) The interest in regular polyhedra and other special polyhedra goes back to ancient Greece, as indicated by the names Platonic solids and Archimedean solids.

Since 1950 there has been considerable interest, in part created by practical problems related to computer techniques such as linear programming, in questions of the following type: for polytopes of a given dimension d and having a given number υ of vertices, how large and how small can the number of facets be? Such problems have provided great impetus to the development of the theory. The U.S. mathematician Victor L. Klee solved the maximum problem in 1963 in most cases (that is, for all but a finite number of υ’s for each d), but the remaining cases were disposed of only in 1970 by P. McMullen, in the United States, who used a completely new method.

Incidence problems

In 1893 the British mathematician J.J. Sylvester posed the question: If a finite set S of points in a plane has the property that each line determined by two points of S meets at least one other point of S, must all points of S be on one line? Sylvester never found a satisfactory solution to the problem, and the first (affirmative) solutions were published a half century later. Since then, Sylvester’s problem has inspired many investigations and led to many other questions, both in the plane and in higher dimensions.

Helly’s theorem

In 1912 Austrian mathematician Eduard Helly proved the following theorem, which has since found applications in many areas of geometry and analysis and has led to numerous generalizations, extensions and analogues known as Helly-type theorems. If K1, K2, · · ·, Kn are convex sets in d-dimensional Euclidean space Ed, in which nd + 1, and if for every choice of d + 1 of the sets Ki there exists a point that belongs to all the chosen sets, then there exists a point that belongs to all the sets K1, K2, · · ·, Kn. The theorem stated in two dimensions is easier to visualize and yet is not shorn of its strength: If every three of a set of n convex figures in the plane have a common point (not necessarily the same point for all trios), then all n figures have a point in common. If, for example, convex sets A, B, and C have the point p in common, and convex sets A, B, and D have the point q in common, and sets A, C, and D have the point r in common, and sets B, C, and D have the point s in common, then some point x is a member of A, B, C, and D.

Although the connection is often far from obvious, many consequences may be derived from Helly’s theorem. Among them are the following, stated for d = 2 with some higher dimensional analogues indicated in square brackets:

A. Two finite subsets X and Y of the plane [d-space] may be strictly separated by a suitable straight line [hyperplane] if and only if, for every set Z consisting of at most 4 [d + 2] points taken from XY, the points of XZ may be strictly separated from those of YZ. (A line [hyperplane] L strictly separates X and Y if X is contained in one of the open half planes [half spaces] determined by L and if Y is contained in the other.)

B. Each compact convex set K in the plane [d-space] contains a point P with the following property: each chord of K that contains P is divided by P into a number of segments so the ratio of their lengths is at most 2d.

C. If G is an open subset of the plane [d-space] with finite area [d-dimensional content], then there exists a point P, such that each open half plane [half space] that contains P contains also at least 1/3 [1/(d + 1)] of the area [d-content] of G.

D. If I1, · · ·, In are segments parallel to the y-axis in a plane with a coordinate system (x, y), and if for every choice of three of the segments there exists a straight line intersecting each of the three segments, then there exists a straight line that intersects all the segments I1, · · ·, In.

Theorem D has generalizations in which kth degree polynomial curves y = akxk + · · · + a1x + a0 take the place of the straight lines and k + 2 replaces 3 in the assumptions. These are important in the theory of best approximation of functions by polynomials.