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Also known as: combinatorial mathematics
Also called:
combinatorial mathematics
Key People:
Paul Erdős
Andrei Okounkov
On the Web:
University at Albany - The Many Faces of Modern Combinatorics (Oct. 03, 2024)

Systems of distinct representatives

Subsets S1, S2,…, Sn of a finite set S are said to possess a set of distinct representatives if x1, x2,…, xn can be found, such that xiSi, i = 1, 2,…, n, xixj for ij. It is possible that Si and Sj, ij, may have exactly the same elements and are distinguished only by the indices i, j. In 1935 a mathematician, M. Hall, Jr., of the United States, proved that a necessary and sufficient condition for S1, S2,…, Sn to possess a system of distinct representatives is that, for every k n, any k of the n subsets contain between them at least k distinct elements.

For example, the sets S1 = (1, 2, 2), S2 = (1, 2, 4), S3 = (1, 2, 5), S4 = (3, 4, 5, 6), S5 = (3, 4, 5, 6) satisfy the conditions of the theorem, and a set of distinct representatives is x1 = 1, x2 = 2, x3 = 5, x4 = 3, x5 = 4. On the other hand, the sets T1 = (1, 2), T2 = (1, 3), T3 = (1, 4), T4 = (2, 3), T5 = (2, 4), T6 = (1, 2, 5) do not possess a system of distinct representatives because T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 possess between them only four elements.

The following theorem due to König is closely related to Hall’s theorem and can be easily deduced from it. Conversely, Hall’s theorem can be deduced from König’s: If the elements of rectangular matrix are 0s and 1s, the minimum number of lines that contain all of the 1s is equal to the maximum number of 1s that can be chosen with no two on a line.

Ramsey’s numbers

If X = {1, 2,…, n} and if T, the family of all subsets of X containing exactly r distinct elements, is divided into two mutually exclusive families α and β, the following conclusion that was originally obtained by the British mathematician Frank Plumpton Ramsey follows. He proved that for r ≥ 1, pr, qr there exists a number Nr(p, q) depending solely on p, q, r such that if n > Nr(p, q), there is either a subset A of p elements all of the r subsets of which are in the family α or there is a subset B of q elements all of the r subsets of which are in the family β.

The set X can be a set of n persons. For r = 2, T is the family of all pairs. If two persons have met each other, the pair can belong to the family α. If two persons have not met, the pair can belong to the family β. If these things are assumed, then, by Ramsey’s theorem, for any given p ≥ 2, q ≥ 2 there exists a number N2(p, q) such that if n > N2(p, q), then among n persons invited to a party there will be either a set of p persons all of whom have met each other or a set of q persons no two of whom have met.

Although the existence of Nr(p, q) is known, actual values are known only for a few cases. Because Nr(p, q) = Nr(q, p), it is possible to take pq. It is known that N2(3, 3) = 6, N2(3, 4) = 9, N2(3, 5) = 14, N2(3, 6) = 18, N2(4, 4) = 18. Some bounds are also known; for example, 35 ≤ N2(4, 6) ≤ 41.

A consequence of Ramsey’s theorem is the following result obtained in 1935 by the Hungarian mathematicians Paul Erdős and George Szekeres. For a given integer n there exists an integer N = N(n), such that a set of any N points on a plane, no three on a line, contains n points forming a convex n-gon.

Design theory

BIB (balanced incomplete block) designs

A design is a set of T = {1, 2, . . ., υ} objects called treatments and a family of subsets B1, B2, . . ., Bb of T, called blocks, such that the block Bi contains exactly ki treatments, all distinct. The number ki is called the size of the block Bi, and the ith treatment is said to be replicated ri times if it occurs in exactly ri blocks. Specific designs are subject to further constraints. The name design comes from statistical theory in which designs are used to estimate effects of treatments applied to experimental units.

A BIB design is a design with υ treatments and b blocks in which each block is of size k, each treatment is replicated r times, and every pair of distinct treatments occurs together in λ blocks. The design is said to have the parameters (υ, b, r, k, λ). Some basic relations are easy to establish:

Mathematical equation..

These conditions are necessary but not sufficient for the existence of the design. The design is said to be proper if k < υ—that is, the blocks are incomplete. For a proper BIB design, Fisher’s inequality b ≥ υ, or equivalently rk, holds.

A BIB design is said to be symmetric if υ = b, and consequently r = k. Such a design is called a symmetric (υ, k, λ) design, and λ(υ − 1) = k(k − 1). A necessary condition for the existence of a symmetric (υ, k, λ) design is given by the following:

A. If υ is even, k − λ is a perfect square.

B. If υ is odd, a certain Diophantine equation

Mathematical equation.

has a solution in integers not all zero.

For example, the designs (υ, k, λ) = (22, 7, 2) and (46, 10, 2) are ruled out by (A) and the design (29, 8, 2) by (B).

Because necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a BIB design with given parameters are not known, it is often a very difficult problem to decide whether a design with given parameters (satisfying the known necessary conditions) really exists.

Methods of constructing BIB designs depend on the use of finite fields, finite geometries, and number theory. Some general methods were given in 1939 by the Indian mathematician Raj Chandra Bose, who has since emigrated to the United States.

A finite field is a finite set of marks with two operations, addition and multiplication, subject to the usual nine laws of addition and multiplication obeyed by rational numbers. In particular the marks may be taken to be the set X of non-negative integers less than a prime p. If this is so, then addition and multiplication are defined by modified addition and multiplication laws

Mathematical equation.

in which a, b, r, and p belong to X. For example, if p = 7, then 5 + 4 = 2, 5 · 4 = 6. There exist more general finite fields in which the number of elements is pn, p a prime. There is essentially one field with pn elements, with given p and n. It is denoted by GF(pn).

Finite geometries can be obtained from finite fields in which the coordinates of points are now elements of a finite field.

A set of k + 1 non-negative integers d0, d1, · · ·, dk, is said to form a perfect difference set mod υ, if among the k(k − 1) differences didj, ij, i, j = 0, 1, · · ·, k, reduced mod υ, each nonzero positive integer less than υ occurs exactly the same number of times λ. For example, 1, 4, 5, 9, 3 is a difference set mod 11, with λ = 2. From a perfect difference set can be obtained the symmetric (υ, k, λ) design using the integers 0, 1, 2, · · ·, υ − 1. The jth block contains the treatments obtained by reducing mod υ the numbers d0 + j, j1 + j, · · ·, di + j, j = 0, 1, · · ·, υ − 1.

It can be shown that any two blocks of a symmetric (υ, k, λ) design intersect in exactly k treatments. By deleting one block and all the treatments contained in it, it is possible to obtain from the symmetric design its residual, which is a BIB design (unsymmetric) with parameters υ* = υ − k, b* = υ − 1, r* = k, k* = k − λ, λ* = λ. One may ask whether it is true that a BIB design with the parameters of a residual can be embedded in a symmetric BIB design. The truth of this is rather easy to demonstrate when λ = 1. Hall and W.S. Connor in 1953 showed that it is also true for λ = 2. The Indian mathematician K.N. Bhattacharya in 1944, however, gave a counterexample for λ = 3 by exhibiting a BIB design with parameters υ = 16, b = 24, r = 9, k = 6, λ = 3 for which two particular blocks intersect in four treatments and which for that reason cannot be embedded in a symmetric BIB design.

A BIB design is said to be resolvable if the set of blocks can be partitioned into subsets, such that the blocks in any subset contain every treatment exactly once. For the case k = 3 this problem was first posed during the 19th century by the British mathematician T.P. Kirkman as a recreational problem. There are υ girls in a class. Their teacher wants to take the class out for a walk for a number of days, the girls marching abreast in triplets. It is required to arrange the walk so that any two girls march abreast in the same triplet exactly once. It is easily shown that this is equivalent to the construction of a resolvable BIB design with υ = 6t + 3, b = (2t + 1)(3t + 1), r = 3t + 1, k = 3, λ = 1. Solutions were known for only a large number of special values of t until a completely general solution was finally given by the Indian and U.S. mathematicians Dwijendra K. Ray-Chaudhuri and R.M. Wilson in 1970.