Meteorites and the Earth’s mantle

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In meteorites, the olivine is usually a forsteritic variety containing only Fa15 to Fa30. In the Nakhla (Egypt) meteorite (an achondrite meteorite), the olivine is more ferrous, however, containing as much as Fa65. In the chondrites (stony meteorites), the olivine is commonly incorporated in the distinctive spheroidal bodies referred to as chondrules, which range up to one millimetre in diameter.

Because the rocks of the upper mantle directly below the Mohorovičić discontinuity (Moho) are believed to consist of peridotite and garnetiferous peridotite that contain olivines as their most abundant minerals, it is important to establish their behaviour when subjected to high pressures. Study of the olivine-like compound magnesium germanate, Mg2GeO4, showed that it has polymorphs that have both olivine and spinel structure. In the spinel structure, the oxygen atoms are arranged in cubic closest packing (in which the position of every third layer repeats that of the initial layer) instead of hexagonal closest packing (in which the position of every second layer repeats that of the initial layer) of the olivine structure. The spinel form of Mg2GeO4 was found to have a density exceeding that of the olivine form by 9 percent. In 1936 it was suggested that at high pressures Mg2SiO4 might also transform to a spinel structure; this suggestion was adopted in 1937 as a basis for explaining the so-called 20° discontinuity, an observed seismic discontinuity in the mantle at a depth of about 400 kilometres.

In 1966 it was shown that each of the three synthetic olivines—Fe2SiO4, Ni2SiO4, and CO2SiO4—could be transformed directly to a spinel structure at a temperature of 700° C and at pressures below 70 kilobars (1,000,000 pounds per square inch). These spinel structures were denser by approximately 10 percent than the corresponding olivine structures. In 1968 a series of synthetic magnesium and iron olivines was subjected to a range of pressures between 50 and 200 kilobars at a temperature of 1,000° C. In the composition range Fe2SiO4 to (Mg0.8Fe0.2)2SiO4, these olivines were transformed completely to their spinel polymorphs, which are isometric crystals, with an accompanying increase in density of 10 percent. In the composition range (Mg0.8Fe0.2)2SiO4 to Mg2SiO4, however, the olivines were transformed to another orthorhombic structure (called β-orthosilicate) at a pressure of about 130 kilobars and a temperature of 1,000° C. This β-phase polymorph, with a density only 8 percent greater than that of the corresponding olivine structure, is believed to be the stable phase in the field of its synthesis. The change in the crystalline structure of olivine to its spinel polymorph, accompanied by a change in the structure of magnesium-iron pyroxenes to a new garnetlike structure at depths of 350 to 450 kilometres in the mantle, is believed to be responsible for the observed abrupt change in the velocity of seismic waves at these depths (see also earthquake: General considerations).

The spinel polymorph of olivine has been recorded in the Tenham (Queensland, Australia) chondrite as pseudomorphs after olivine. Portions of some large grains of olivine immediately adjacent to black, shock-generated veins are recognized as transforms to the spinel phase; the associated plagioclase feldspar was converted to maskelynite. The composition of the spinel phase in the meteorite has been analyzed by means of an electron probe and found to be (Mg0.75Fe0.25)2SiO4; in thin sections it appears blue-gray to violet-blue. It has been named ringwoodite after Alfred E. Ringwood, an Australian earth scientist who synthesized spinel phases with compositions and properties close to those of the mineral found in the meteorite. More recently, ringwoodite also has been found in the Coorara (Western Australia) meteorite in association with a garnet phase. The β-phase polymorph has not yet been observed in shocked meteorites—i.e., those that have undergone impact shock—but it is highly probable that it, too, exists in relative abundance within the Earth’s mantle.

Other occurrences

Knebelite olivines are restricted to iron-manganese ore deposits, to their associated skarn (lime-bearing silicate rocks) zones, and to metamorphosed manganiferous sediments. At Franklin, N.J., U.S., tephroite and glaucochroite occur in the same deposit as roepperite, a knebelite containing 10.7 percent by weight of zinc oxide (ZnO).

Basalt sample returned by Apollo 15, from near a long sinous lunar valley called Hadley Rille.  Measured at 3.3 years old.
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Monticellite occurs in some alkali peridotites and within limestones near their contact with peridotites. Pure kirschsteinite is known only from slags and has not yet been observed as part of a natural mineral assemblage. The most plausible natural environments for kirschsteinite are altered limestones; it is possible the mineral has remained unrecognized in such rocks because its optical properties (the chief means of identification) are similar to those of the much more common magnesium-iron olivines. A kirschsteinite containing 31 percent by weight of other olivines, particularly monticellite, has been reported from a nepheline-melilite in Nord-Kivu province, Congo (Kinshasa).

Glaucochroite, pure calcium and manganese silicate (CaMnSiO4), is rare, reported only from a deposit in Franklin, N.J., where it occurs with tephroite. The limited availability of manganese in parent magmas is thought to account for the rarity of minerals intermediate in the solid-solution series between the calcium-rich olivines monticellite, glaucochroite, and kirschsteinite.

Alteration products and weathering

Olivines gelatinize in even weak acids and offer little resistance to attack by weathering agents and hot mineralizing (hydrothermal) solutions. The forsteritic olivines are altered principally through leaching, which results in the removal of magnesium and the addition of water and some iron. The chemical reactions are usually complex and involve hydration, oxidation, and carbonation. The fayalitic olivines are altered principally through oxidation and the removal of silica. The usual product of alteration is the mineral serpentine, which may occur as a pseudomorph (a form with the outward appearance of the original mineral but that has been completely replaced by another mineral). Serpentine, which is the most common alteration product of olivine in ultramafic rocks, often is accompanied by magnesite.

The mechanical weathering of olivine-rich rocks leads to the release of olivine particles that, in the absence of much chemical weathering, may accumulate to produce green or greenish black sands. Conspicuous examples of such sands occur on the beaches of the islands of Oahu and Hawaii, particularly at Diamond Head (Oahu) and South Point (Hawaii). Alluvial sands rich in olivine are also known from Navajo county of Arizona and from New Mexico in the United States; these sands provide the clear olivine (peridot) used in jewelry.

Cecil Edgar Tilley William B. Simmons