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Also known as: transuranic element
Key People:
Glenn T. Seaborg
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Less-detailed predictions have been made for other heavy elements. Tennessine is a member of the halogen series, which is the group composed of fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. Solid tennessine should be metallic in appearance, as is astatine, but it is expected that, instead of the −1 oxidation state characteristic of the natural halogens, it will show +1 and +3 oxidation states.

Computer calculations suggest that oganesson should have the closed-shell electronic configuration of the noble gas elements helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. The element should be the most electropositive of the noble gases, and, therefore, the existence of a (partially ionized) difluoride of oganesson is predicted. A tetrafluoride and an oxide of the type formed by xenon (XeO4) are also expected.

Element 119 is expected to be a typical alkali metal with a +1 oxidation state. The energetic properties of its valence electron, the 8s electron, suggest that its first ionization potential will be higher than the oxidation potential predicted by simple extrapolation, so that the element may be more like potassium than cesium in its chemistry. This higher energy will cause the metallic and ionic radii to be smaller than simple extrapolation would indicate.

Element 120 is expected to be a typical alkaline-earth element. As with element 119, the ionization energies should be higher than the normal family trend would indicate and should make the metallic and ionic radii smaller. These changes should make the chemistry of element 120 similar to calcium and strontium. Element 121 should be similar in its chemical properties to lanthanum and actinium, but detailed properties have not been predicted.

Superactinoid series

It is probable, in a formal sense at least, that element 122 will begin another series of elements in which each successive electron is added to a deep inner orbital, in a manner similar (see figure) to that found in the lanthanoid and actinoid series. Such a series, which would be listed in a row below the actinoid series in the periodic table, should consist of 32 elements, ending in the neighbourhood of element 153 and resulting primarily from the filling of the 5g and 6f inner electron shells.

Not every element of this new series would correspond to an actinoid (or lanthanoid) element on a one-to-one basis, and prediction of the chemistry of the members of the series is a complex problem. The difficulty arises partly because of uncertainty of the exact point at which the energetically similar 5g and 6f orbitals begin to fill and partly because calculations indicate that the 8p and 7d orbitals may be very close in energy to the 5g and 6f orbitals. These orbitals may all be filled, then, in a commingling fashion, resulting in a series of elements that show multiple, barely distinguishable oxidation states. The electronic basis for the periodicity shown in the figure would then no longer be present.

As shown, element 153 will be the last member of the superactinoid series, at least in a formal sense. The prediction of properties on the basis of an orderly extrapolation appears to be of doubtful validity, however, in this heavy-element region of the periodic table. In still higher-numbered elements, the closely spaced energy levels are expected to make multiple oxidation states the rule. The placement of the elements in the heaviest portion of the periodic table as shown in the figure is, therefore, probably also of only formal significance.

End of the periodic table

At some point the stability of the orbital electrons in the ordinary sense must be destroyed as more protons are added to the nucleus. There is, therefore, a critical atomic number, or range of atomic numbers, which represents the end of the periodic table. This end, it should be noted, is separate, at least philosophically, from the question of stability of the nucleus itself; i.e., nuclear stability is not the same as stability of the electron shells. The maximum atomic number, according to current theories, lies somewhere between 170 and 210. However, in a practical sense, the end of the periodic table will come much earlier than this because of nuclear instability (perhaps around Z = 120).

Characterization and identification

Two important factors provided the key to the discovery and identification of many of the earliest-known transuranium elements. One was the actinoid concept, which stated that the transuranium elements were part of a series of elements that paralleled the earlier lanthanoid series. It was postulated (and subsequently demonstrated) that this actinoid series started at thorium and that its chemistry would be similar to that of the lanthanoids.

The second factor was the technique of separating elements with similar properties from a mixture by using the principle of ion exchange (see ion-exchange reaction). Ion-exchange reactions depend on the fact that some complex molecules have a charge that will attract ions of the opposite charge, hold them, and then exchange them for other ions of the same charge when brought in contact with them. Although other separation methods are possible, many of the transuranium elements have been separated and identified and their chemistries studied by the use of ion-exchange reactions that are highly specific. For example, the tripositive ions of the lanthanoids and the actinoids have been separated using a cation- (positive-ion-) exchange process. The striking similarity between the patterns of behaviour exhibited by the two groups in this process constitutes strong support for the actinoid concept. Nobelium, for example, exists in aqueous solution in the dipositive oxidation state, which might be expected for the next-to-last member of the actinoid series because of the stability of the filled 5f electron shell (5f14). The tripositive state of lawrencium has also been confirmed by a very rapid solvent-exchange experiment in which the lawrencium displayed the behaviour of the tripositive actinoids and not that of the dipositive nobelium or radium, again in accord with the predictions of the actinoid concept.

When the yields of a new element are small and its half-life is short, chemical identification and characterization are frequently not possible. In such cases the atomic number is deduced from the method of production, from the parent-daughter relationship of the new element to known elements of lower atomic number resulting from its nuclear decay, and from its nuclear-decay systematics that cannot be attributed to any known nuclides. Additionally, the variation in the yield of the new element is noted when the bombarding energy is changed or when the target or projectile or both are changed.

Separation of the product nuclide from the target has been accomplished in the discoveries of elements 101 and heavier by a recoil collection method. When the target nucleus is struck by a heavy-ion projectile, the product nucleus recoils out of the very thin target and is either attracted to a substrate by an electrostatic potential or is swept onto a substrate by a jet of helium gas. The new element is then in a position to be observed and characterized by suitable detection techniques, essentially free of the parent isotope.

It is desirable, though not essential, that the mass number of the new element be established by evidence related to its mode of production or to its parent-daughter relationship through radioactive decay to a radioactive isotope of known mass number. When weighable quantities of an element are available, more extensive characterization experiments can be performed. The most important of these is the preparation of the metal, frequently done by high-temperature reduction of the fluoride of the transuranium element with an alkali or alkaline-earth metal. Another method used for preparation of larger (gram) quantities of high purity is electrolytic reduction of the chloride of the transuranium element. Physical characterization of these metal samples includes determination of the density, melting point, vapour pressure, boiling point, hardness, and other properties. X-ray diffraction measurements permit the determination of the crystal structure and calculation of the metallic radius and metallic valence. Chemical characterization includes a determination of the reactivity of the metal with other substances and the chemical stability of the compounds formed. Also of importance are the oxidation states and chemical bonding properties of the element in its compounds.