Control of gases

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Gaseous criteria pollutants, as well as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other gaseous air toxics, are controlled by means of three basic techniques: absorption, adsorption, and incineration (or combustion). These techniques can be employed singly or in combination. They are effective against the major greenhouse gases as well. In addition, a fourth technique, known as carbon sequestration, is in development as a means of controlling carbon dioxide levels.


In the context of air pollution control, absorption involves the transfer of a gaseous pollutant from the air into a contacting liquid, such as water. The liquid must be able either to serve as a solvent for the pollutant or to capture it by means of a chemical reaction.

Wet scrubbers and packed scrubbers

Wet scrubbers similar to those described above for controlling suspended particulates may be used for gas absorption. Gas absorption can also be carried out in packed scrubbers, or towers, in which the liquid is present on a wetted surface rather than as droplets suspended in the air. A common type of packed scrubber is the countercurrent tower. After entering the bottom of the tower, the polluted airstream flows upward through a wetted column of light, chemically inactive packing material. The liquid absorbent flows downward and is uniformly spread throughout the column packing, thereby increasing the total area of contact between gas and liquid. Thermoplastic materials are most widely used as packing for countercurrent scrubber towers. These devices usually have gas-removal efficiencies of 90–95 percent.

Cocurrent and cross-flow packed scrubber designs are also used for gas absorption. In the cocurrent design, both gas and liquid flow in the same direction—vertically downward through the scrubber. Although not as efficient as countercurrent designs, cocurrent devices can work at higher liquid flow rates. The increased flow prevents plugging of the packing when the airstream contains high levels of particulates. Cocurrent designs afford lowered resistance to airflow and allow the cross-sectional area of the tower to be reduced. The cross-flow design, in which gas flows horizontally through the packing and liquid flows vertically downward, can operate with lower airflow resistance when high particulate levels are present.

In general, scrubbers are used at fertilizer production facilities (to remove ammonia from the airstream), at glass production plants (to remove hydrogen fluoride), at chemical plants (to remove water-soluble solvents such as acetone and methyl alcohol), and at rendering plants (to control odours).

Flue gas desulfurization

Sulfur dioxide in flue gas from fossil-fuel power plants can be controlled by means of an absorption process called flue gas desulfurization (FGD). FGD systems may involve wet scrubbing or dry scrubbing. In wet FGD systems, flue gases are brought in contact with an absorbent, which can be either a liquid or a slurry of solid material. The sulfur dioxide dissolves in or reacts with the absorbent and becomes trapped in it. In dry FGD systems, the absorbent is dry pulverized lime or limestone; once absorption occurs, the solid particles are removed by means of baghouse filters (described above). Dry FGD systems, compared with wet systems, offer cost and energy savings and easier operation, but they require higher chemical consumption and are limited to flue gases derived from the combustion of low-sulfur coal.

FGD systems are also classified as either regenerable or nonregenerable (throwaway), depending on whether the sulfur that is removed from the flue gas is recovered or discarded. In the United States most systems in operation are nonregenerable because of their lower capital and operating costs. By contrast, in Japan regenerable systems are used extensively, and in Germany they are required by law. Nonregenerable FGD systems produce a sulfur-containing sludge residue that requires appropriate disposal. Regenerable FGD systems require additional steps to convert the sulfur dioxide into useful by-products like sulfuric acid.

Several FGD methods exist, differing mainly in the chemicals used in the process. FGD processes that employ either lime or limestone slurries as the reactants are widely applied. In the limestone scrubbing process, sulfur dioxide reacts with limestone (calcium carbonate) particles in the slurry, forming calcium sulfite and carbon dioxide. In the lime scrubbing process, sulfur dioxide reacts with slaked lime (calcium hydroxide), forming calcium sulfite and water. Depending on sulfur dioxide concentrations and oxidation conditions, the calcium sulfite can continue to react with water, forming calcium sulfate (gypsum). Neither calcium sulfite nor calcium sulfate is very soluble in water, and both can be precipitated out as a slurry by gravity settling. The thick slurry, called FGD sludge, creates a significant disposal problem. Flue gas desulfurization helps to reduce ambient sulfur dioxide levels and mitigate the problem of acid rain. Nevertheless, in addition to its expense (which is passed on directly to the consumer as higher rates for electricity), millions of tons of FGD sludge are generated each year.


Gas adsorption, as contrasted with absorption, is a surface phenomenon. The gas molecules are sorbed—attracted to and held—on the surface of a solid. Gas adsorption methods are used for odour control at various types of chemical-manufacturing and food-processing facilities, in the recovery of a number of volatile solvents (e.g., benzene), and in the control of VOCs at industrial facilities.

Activated carbon (heated charcoal) is one of the most common adsorbent materials. It is very porous and has an extremely high ratio of surface area to volume. Activated carbon is particularly useful as an adsorbent for cleaning airstreams that contain VOCs and for solvent recovery and odour control. A properly designed carbon adsorption unit can remove gas with an efficiency exceeding 95 percent.

Adsorption systems are configured either as stationary bed units or as moving bed units. In stationary bed adsorbers, the polluted airstream enters from the top, passes through a layer, or bed, of activated carbon, and exits at the bottom. In moving bed adsorbers, the activated carbon moves slowly down through channels by gravity as the air to be cleaned passes through in a cross-flow current.


The process called incineration or combustion—chemically, rapid oxidation—can be used to convert VOCs and other gaseous hydrocarbon pollutants to carbon dioxide and water. Incineration of VOCs and hydrocarbon fumes usually is accomplished in a special incinerator called an afterburner. To achieve complete combustion, the afterburner must provide the proper amount of turbulence and burning time, and it must maintain a sufficiently high temperature. Sufficient turbulence, or mixing, is a key factor in combustion because it reduces the required burning time and temperature. A process called direct flame incineration can be used when the waste gas is itself a combustible mixture and does not need the addition of air or fuel.

An afterburner typically is made of a steel shell lined with refractory material such as firebrick. The refractory lining protects the shell and serves as a thermal insulator. Given enough time and high enough temperatures, gaseous organic pollutants can be almost completely oxidized, with incineration efficiency approaching 100 percent. Certain substances, such as platinum, can act in a manner that assists the combustion reaction. These substances, called catalysts, allow complete oxidation of the combustible gases at relatively low temperatures.

Afterburners are used to control odours, destroy toxic compounds, or reduce the amount of photochemically reactive substances released into the air. They are employed at a variety of industrial facilities where VOC vapours are emitted from combustion processes or solvent evaporation (e.g., petroleum refineries, paint-drying facilities, and paper mills).

Carbon sequestration

The best way to reduce the levels of carbon dioxide in the air is to use energy more efficiently and to reduce the combustion of fossil fuels by using alternative energy sources (e.g., nuclear, wind, tidal, and solar power). In addition, carbon sequestration can be used to serve the purpose. Carbon sequestration involves the long-term storage of carbon dioxide underground, as well as on the surface of Earth in forests and oceans. Carbon sequestration in forests and oceans relies on natural processes such as forest growth. However, the clearing of forests for agricultural and other purposes (and also the pollution of oceans) diminishes natural carbon sequestration. Storing carbon dioxide underground—a technology under development that is also called geosequestration or carbon capture and storage—would involve pumping the gas directly into underground geologic “reservoir” layers. This would require the separation of carbon dioxide from power plant flue gases (or some other source)—a costly process.

Jerry A. Nathanson