Breech loading

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In 1854 William Armstrong, an English hydraulic engineer, designed an entirely new type of gun. Instead of simply boring out a solid piece of metal, Armstrong forged his barrel from wrought iron (later from steel). He then forged a succession of tubes and, by heating and shrinking, assembled them over the basic barrel so as to strengthen it in the area where the greatest internal pressure occurred. The barrel was rifled with a number of narrow, spiral grooves, and the projectile was elongated and coated with lead. The gun was loaded from the rear, the breech being closed by a “vent-piece” of steel that was dropped into a vertical slot and secured there by a large-diameter screw. The screw was hollow so as to make it lighter and facilitate loading.

In 1859 the British adopted the Armstrong system for field and naval artillery. During this same period, the Prussians had been testing guns made by Alfred Krupp, and in 1856 they adopted their first Krupp breechloader. This was made of a solid steel forging, bored and then rifled with a few deep grooves, and its breech was closed by a transverse sliding steel wedge. The Krupp projectile had a number of soft metal studs set into its surface, positioned so as to align with the rifling grooves. In both the Armstrong and Krupp guns, obturation—that is, the sealing of the breech against the escape of gas—was performed by a soft metal ring let into the face of the vent piece or wedge. This pressed tightly against the chamber mouth to provide the required seal.

Meanwhile, the French adopted a muzzle-loading system designed by Treuille de Beaulieu, in which the gun had three deep spiral grooves and the projectile had soft metal studs. The gun was loaded from the muzzle by engaging the studs in the grooves before ramming the shell.

Armstrong guns were successful against Maoris in New Zealand and during the Opium Wars in China, but the development of ironclad ships in Europe demanded guns powerful enough to defeat armour, and the Armstrong gun’s breech closure was not strong enough to withstand large charges of powder. Therefore, in 1865 the British adopted a muzzle-loading system similar to that of de Beaulieu, since only this would provide the required power and avoid the complications of sealing the breech.

Through the 1870s guns, particularly coastal-defense and naval guns, became longer so as to extract the utmost power from large charges of gunpowder. This made muzzle loading more difficult and gave a greater incentive to the development of an efficient breech-loading system. Various mechanisms were tried, but the one that supplanted all others was the interrupted screw, devised in France. In this system the rear end of the bore was screw-threaded, and a similarly screwed plug was used to close the gun. In order to avoid having to turn the plug several times before closure was effected, the plug had segments of its thread removed, while the gun breech had matching segments cut away. In this way the screwed segments of the plug could be slipped past smooth segments of the breech, and the plug slid to its full depth. Then the plug could be revolved part of a turn, sufficient for the remaining threads to engage with those in the breech.

In the earliest applications of this system, obturation was provided by a thin metal cup on the face of the breechblock; this entered the gun chamber and was expanded tightly against the walls by the explosion of the charge. In practice, the cup tended to become damaged, leading to leakage of gas and erosion of the chamber. Eventually a system devised by another French officer, Charles Ragon de Bange, became standard. Here the breechblock was in two pieces—a plug screwed with interrupted threads and having a central hole, and a “vent bolt” shaped like a mushroom. The stem of the bolt passed through the centre of the breechblock, and the “mushroom head” sat in front of the block. Between the mushroom head and the block was a pad of resilient material shaped to conform to the chamber mouth. On firing, the mushroom head was forced back, squeezing the pad outward so as to provide a gas-tight seal. This system, refined by a century of experience, became the principal method of obturation used with major-calibre artillery.

The alternative to this system was the sliding breechblock and metallic cartridge case pioneered by Krupp. Here the case expanded under the charge pressure and sealed against the chamber walls. As the pressure dropped, the case contracted slightly and could be withdrawn when the breechblock was opened. This system was embraced first by German gunmakers and later was widely used in all calibres up to 800 millimetres (about 31 inches). However, during World War II (1939–45), when the Germans were faced with metal shortages that threatened cartridge-case production, they developed a form of “ring obturation” so that bagged charges could be used. In this system an expandable metal ring was set into the face of the sliding breechblock, and its seating was vented in such a manner that some of the propellant gas was able to increase the pressure behind the ring and so force it into tighter contact. As improved in the postwar years, this system was adopted on a number of tank and artillery guns.

Gun construction

The lasting legacy of the Armstrong gun was the system of building up the gun from successive tubes, or “hoops”; this was retained in the rifled muzzle-loading system of the 1870s and was gradually adopted by other countries. Armstrong’s method not only economized on material, by distributing metal in accordance with the pressures to be resisted, but it also strengthened the gun.

An exception to the built-up system was practiced by Krupp. He bored guns from solid steel billets, making the barrels in one piece for all but the very largest calibres. In the mid-19th century it was difficult to produce a flawless billet of steel, and a flawed gun would burst explosively, endangering the gunners. A wrought-iron gun, on the other hand, tended to split progressively, giving the gunners warning of an impending failure. This was enough to warrant the use of wrought iron for many years, until steel production became more reliable.

The next major advance in gun construction came in the 1890s with wire-winding, in which one or more hoops were replaced by steel wire wound tightly around the tube. This gave good compressive strength but no longitudinal strength, and the guns frequently bent. Beginning in the 1920s, wire-winding was abandoned in favour of “auto-frettaging,” in which the gun tube was formed from a billet of steel and then subjected to intense internal pressure. This expanded the interior layers beyond their elastic limit, so that the outer layers of metal compressed the inner in a manner analogous to Armstrong’s hoops but in a homogenous piece of metal.

Recoil control

Until the 1860s guns were simply allowed to recoil along with their carriages until they stopped moving, and they were then manhandled back into firing position. The first attempt at controlling recoil came with the development of traversing carriages for coastal defenses and fortress guns. These consisted of a platform, pivoted at the front and sometimes carried on wheels at the rear, upon which a wooden gun carriage rested. The surface of the platform sloped upward to the rear, so that when the gun was fired and the carriage slid backward up the platform, the slope and friction absorbed the recoil. After reloading, the carriage was manhandled down the sliding platform, assisted by gravity, until the gun was once more in firing position, or “in battery.” To compensate for varying charges and, hence, varying recoil forces, the surface of the slide could be greased or sanded.

Control was improved by an American invention, the “compressor.” This consisted of loose plates, fitted at the sides of the carriage and overlapping the sides of the slide, which were tightened against the slide by means of screws. Another arrangement was the placing of a number of metal plates vertically between the sides of the slide and a similar set of plates hanging from the carriage, so that one set interleaved the other. By placing screw pressure on the slide plates, the carriage plates were squeezed between them and thus acted as a brake on the carriage movement.

American designers added to this by adopting a hydraulic buffer, consisting of a cylinder and piston attached to the rear of the slide. The fired gun recoiled until it struck the piston rod, driving the piston into the cylinder against a body of water to absorb the shock. British designers then adapted this by attaching the buffer to the slide and the piston rod to the carriage. As the gun recoiled, it drove the piston through water inside the cylinder; meanwhile, a hole in the piston head permitted the water to flow from one side of the piston to the other, giving controlled resistance to the movement. Return to battery was still performed by manpower and gravity.

The final improvement came with the development of mechanical methods of returning the gun to battery, generally by the use of a spring. When the gun recoiled, it was braked by a hydraulic cylinder and at the same time compressed a spring. As recoil stopped, the spring reasserted itself, and the gun was propelled back into battery. From there it was a short step to using compressed air or nitrogen instead of a spring, and such “hydropneumatic” recoil-control systems became standard after their introduction by the French in 1897.