British commandos

British military unit [World War II]
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1940 - 1946

British commandos, British special operations troops, designed originally to take part in light amphibious raids, who played a dramatic and strategically significant role in World War II. Their courage, physical fitness, and martial prowess were renowned among the general public and within the armed forces on both sides of the conflict.

Creation and organization of the commandos

The commandos—a term applied to individual combatants as well as the administrative and tactical units within which they operated—were organized in June 1940, when Britain’s wartime fortunes were at their lowest ebb. After the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk, the whole attention of the German high command was directed at the defeat of the United Kingdom. If any threat, however slight, could be brought against the long Axis front that ran from Narvik, Norway, to Biarritz, France, the Wehrmacht would be forced to divert its attention from invasion preparations to organize some form of defensive system. At the same time, it was vital to rebuild the morale of the British army and to maintain its offensive spirit. On June 6, just 48 hours after the completion of the Dunkirk evacuation, Prime Minister Winston Churchill composed a memorandum to Gen. Hastings Ismay, in which he proposed the creation of a body of “specially trained troops of the hunter class, who can develop a reign of terror down these coasts.” Churchill called upon his generals to propose a “vigorous, enterprising, and ceaseless offensive against the whole German-occupied coastline” using forces that could conduct “a deep raid inland, cutting a vital communication, and then back, leaving a trail of German corpses behind them.” The name commando and plans of organization were suggested by Lieut. Col. Dudley Clarke, a student of the South African War who sought to emulate the success of Boer commandos against the British army during that conflict.

The commandos were raised from officers and enlisted men in the army who had volunteered for independent mobile operations. There were originally 10 commando units, each just over 500 strong. Each unit consisted of a headquarters group and 10 operational groups called troops. This organization was changed from time to time; by the end of the war, a commando unit consisted of a headquarters group, five assault troops, and a heavy weapons troop. Initially the commandos were not brigaded, and each unit was placed under the direct orders of the War Office. This changed in November 1940, when the commandos were reorganized into the Special Service Brigade under the command of Brig. Gen. Joseph C. Haydon, who laid the foundations for many of the commandos’ later successes. In 1942 he was succeeded by Col. Robert Laycock, who served as chief of combined operations.

Germany invades Poland, September 1, 1939, using 45 German divisions and aerial attack. By September 20, only Warsaw held out, but final surrender came on September 29.
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As the war progressed, other specialized units were formed and became part of the Special Service Brigades. Among these were the Special Boat Section (later the Special Boat Service) and an Inter Allied commando. The latter unit comprised a British headquarters group, two French troops, one troop each from Poland, Belgium, Norway, and the Netherlands, and a troop of German and Austrian expatriates. The first Royal Marine commando units were created in February 1942; as was the case with the early army commandos, these units were composed of volunteers. Later Royal Marine commando units were created by disbanding existing Royal Marine battalions and reforming them as commandos. In October 1942 the Special Air Service was created from one of the existing commando units. By this time the commandos had adopted the distinctive green beret that would mark them as Britain’s elite special operations force. In September 1943 the Royal Marine commando units integrated into the Special Service Brigades, and the following year the Special Services Brigades were redesignated the Commando Brigades.

The composition of the Commando Brigades was fairly evenly divided between army and Royal Marine personnel. The formation consisted of a headquarters group, four commando brigades, an engineer group, a basic training centre, and a specialized mountain warfare training centre. This last establishment instructed trainees in mountain and cliff assault techniques as well as amphibious landings on rock and surf beaches.

Commando raids

The commandos took part in every major British military operation from their inception until the end of World War II. Initial operations tended to be small-scale raids, carried out by comparatively few troops, but there were several notable occasions when multiple commando groups were involved in a single mission.

Operations in Norway

The earliest large-scale raids were carried out in Norway. On March 4, 1941, commandos launched Operation Claymore, striking an industrial complex in the Lofoten islands. The quick-acting raiders blew up oil tanks, destroyed German ships and matériel, and captured hundreds of Germans and Quislings (Norwegian collaborators). They also liberated more than 300 loyalist Norwegians, bolstering the strength of the Free Norwegian forces operating out of Britain. Perhaps most importantly, the commandos seized a set of Enigma code wheels and a cipher book from one of the German trawlers in the harbour. This intelligence coup would greatly aid the Allied code-breaking operation at Bletchley Park.

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The commandos returned to Lofoten on December 26, 1941, as part of a diversionary raid. The following day a much larger force struck Måløy, on the island of Vågsøy, nearly 500 miles (almost 800 km) to the south. Unlike Lofoten, Måløy was well defended, but a precise naval bombardment neutralized German coastal artillery, and the commandos took the German garrison almost entirely by surprise. The commandos destroyed harbour facilities, captured German soldiers, and carried dozens of Norwegians to freedom. The Germans, who were focused on the ongoing campaign in Russia, were forced to redeploy tens of thousands of troops to Norway to thwart additional attacks.

Breaching Fortress Europe: the raids on France

Commando operations in 1942 shifted from the coast of Norway to the Atlantic shores of occupied France. The initial attacks were limited to hit-and-run affairs; their objectives were to destroy material of value to the Germans, to collect intelligence, and to shake German morale. A textbook example of one such raid was Operation Biting, which was launched against the French coast in the late evening hours of February 27, 1942. Paratroopers of the British 1st Airborne Division landed outside Saint-Jouin-Bruneval, just north of Le Havre, while a force of commandos waited offshore. Their target was the “Würzburg” radar installation at Bruneval. Rather than simply disabling the site, however, the paratroopers dismantled critical components of the radar system and transported them to the beach. The commandos made an amphibious landing and held off a German counterattack while the paratroopers boarded Royal Navy transports with their cargo. The immediate effect of the operation was the opening of an air corridor for the Royal Air Force (RAF) to carry out an attack on industrial plants in the Paris area. Of greater import was the capture of the “Würzburg” radar set. British and German scientists were engaged in a “battle of the beams,” as each tried to counteract the other’s radar capability, and the Bruneval raid would provide the British with critical insight into the state of German radar technology.

The Saint-Nazaire raid

The following month the commandos staged Operation Chariot, quite possibly their most audacious raid of the entire war. The target was the heavily fortified port of Saint-Nazaire, a major German U-boat base and the only harbour on the Atlantic coast capable of servicing the Tirpitz, Germany’s last remaining Bismarck-class battleship. In the early morning hours of March 28, 1942, a flotilla of ships, all flying the flag of the Kriegsmarine, descended on the port. At the centre of the formation was HMS Campbeltown, a British destroyer that had been modified to look like a German torpedo boat. The deception held until the ships had passed through the outermost German defenses, at which point the Campbeltown came under fire. The Campbeltown hoisted the white ensign of the Royal Navy, accelerated to flank speed, and rammed the lock gates at the entrance to the harbour. Commandos surged ashore from the hold of the Campbeltown and accompanying ships. Assault teams engaged German defenders while demolition squads blew up the inner lock gates and destroyed dock and shipyard facilities.

When it became clear that extraction by sea would be virtually impossible, the commandos endeavoured to fight their way out over land, and the harbour and surrounding town became the scene of a running battle that lasted until morning. Shortly before noon, after combat had died down and many of the commandos had been captured, Saint-Nazaire was rocked as five tons of delayed-action explosives that had been packed into the bow of the Campbeltown ripped apart the main lock. The dock at Saint-Nazaire would be out of action until after the war, and the Tirpitz, with no safe Atlantic harbour, would remain bottled up in Norwegian waters until its sinking by RAF bombers in 1944. While the outcome was unquestionably a success, the cost of the operation was staggering. More than 600 commandos and Royal Navy personnel participated in Operation Chariot, but barely one-third of that number made it back to Britain. Nearly 170 men were killed and more than 230 were captured; five Victoria Crosses were awarded for gallantry. A number of French citizens mistook the raid for a full-fledged invasion and aided the commandos. Some 20 residents of Saint-Nazaire were executed by the Nazis in reprisal.

The Dieppe raid

Commandos carried out two minor raids on the French coast in the Boulogne area in an effort to probe the strength of German coastal defenses ahead of Operation Jubilee, the largest attack on Adolf Hitler’s Atlantic Wall until that time. In the predawn hours of August 19, 1942, an Allied naval convoy of nearly 250 ships approached the heavily fortified port at Dieppe on the Normandy coast. Nearly 5,000 troops of the Canadian 2nd Division made up the bulk of the assault force; they would be supported by roughly 1,000 British commandos, several dozen U.S. Army rangers, and a handful of Free French from the Number 10 (Inter Allied) Commando. Most of the commandos were tasked with silencing shore batteries flanking the landing beaches while the Canadians pushed into Dieppe and secured the town. Royal Marine commandos accompanying the Canadian infantry would assist in the capture and destruction of port facilities. Once the harbour had been demolished, the entire force would withdraw by sea. The landing would be supported by naval gunfire from Royal Navy destroyers, while approximately 1,000 RAF and Royal Canadian Air Force fighters provided air cover. Shortly before the raiders landed, the following broadcast was made to the French people:

This is the BBC speaking to you from London. American Rangers and British Commandos are fighting on your soil. BUT DO NOT HELP THEM. This is NOT an invasion. It is only a raid. France and her allies will need you on the day of liberation, so do not betray yourself to the Germans. DO NOTHING NOW. This is NOT an invasion.

The Dieppe raid miscarried before it had even begun. The element of surprise was lost when a small German convoy spotted the Allied ships more than an hour before the landings were scheduled to begin. The well-prepared German defenders raked the landing beaches with machine guns and artillery. While the commandos succeeded in neutralizing the coastal batteries to the east and west of Dieppe, long-range guns farther inland pounded the troops struggling to move out of the kill zone. Churchill tanks went ashore just after the infantry, but they were unable to maneuver effectively on the pebble beach. Those that were not knocked out by German fire found their way inland blocked by an impassible seawall and German obstacles. In the skies over Dieppe, the RAF was participating in its largest aerial engagement since the Battle of Britain. German dive-bombers that were able to penetrate the formidable Allied air escort struck at the landing barges and naval support craft. The battle for Dieppe raged for nine hours, with much of the fighting centred on a fortified casino that overlooked one of the landing beaches. By early afternoon, however, it was clear that the cause was lost. All those who were able made their way to Royal Navy transports and were evacuated back to Britain.

Almost half of the entire attacking force was lost in the Dieppe raid. More than 900 Canadians were killed and nearly 2,000 were captured. Just 2,210 Canadians escaped the disaster at Dieppe, and many of them were wounded. The commandos suffered nearly 300 casualties. The RAF lost over 100 aircraft, whereas Luftwaffe losses amounted to fewer than half that number. The Royal Navy lost a destroyer and dozens of landing craft as well as some 550 killed and wounded. German casualties numbered fewer than 600. As costly as the failed raid was, lessons learned from it would prove useful during the planning for the Normandy Invasion.

Hitler’s “Commando Order”

In response to the commandos’ continued raids along the French coast, on October 18, 1942, Hitler dispatched a top secret order to German commanders in western Europe and North Africa. He stated that the “brutal and treacherous” commandos had been “partially recruited from the ranks of freed criminals” and that their actions were “contrary to the international agreements of Geneva.” Hitler continued:

I therefore command: From now on all enemies encountered by German troops on so-called Commando expeditions in Europe or Africa whether ostensibly uniformed soldiers or sabotage agents with or without weapons are to be annihilated both in battle and in flight to the last man. It is immaterial whether they are landed from ship or aeroplane or drop by parachute. Even if these wretches on being discovered appear to be about to surrender, all mercy shall be refused them as a matter of principle.

Dozens of Allied special operations troops were executed in the wake of Hitler’s “Commando Order.” The most notable incident was the murder of 15 U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) prisoners of war during the Allied campaign in Italy in March 1944. The commandos were in uniform and thus should have been afforded the protections of the Geneva Conventions, but German Gen. Anton Dostler ordered that they be summarily shot. After the war, Dostler was tried for war crimes and executed.

Commandos at Normandy

Further operations were undertaken by the commandos during the Normandy Invasion. Elements of the 1st Special Service Brigade supported the British 3rd Division landings at Sword Beach, while the Royal Marine commandos of the 4th Special Service Brigade went ashore with the Canadian 3rd Infantry Division at Juno Beach and the British 50th Division at Gold Beach. All three of these beaches lay in the landing sector assigned to the British Second Army, under Lieut. Gen. Miles Dempsey.

The objective of the Allied forces at Sword Beach was to secure the landing area and then drive approximately 9 miles (15 km) inland to capture the city of Caen and the important Carpiquet airfield nearby. The 1st Special Service Brigade, composed of numbers 3, 4, and 6 Commando, elements of Number 10 (Inter Allied) Commando, and number 45 Royal Marine Commando, under Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat, had the mission of fighting their way off the beach and pushing some 3 miles (5 km) toward the Orne River and Caen Canal bridges. There they were to link up with parachute and glider troops of the British 6th Airborne Division. The invading forces landed at 7:25 am on D-Day and were met with moderate fire. They were able to secure the beachhead in short order, and by early afternoon the commandos had achieved their most important objective: they had linked up with airborne troops at the bridges over the Orne waterways.

The assault sectors at Gold Beach were designated (from west to east) Item, Jig, and King. Number 47 Royal Marine Commando, attached to the 50th Division for the landing, was assigned to Item sector and tasked with capturing the fortified harbour at Port-en-Bessin and affecting a union with the Americans at Omaha Beach. Unfortunately for the commandos, they arrived several hours after the initial landings, and shifting tides carried them well east of their intended assault sector. Many of their landing craft were struck by German fire on the approach to the beach. Dozens of commandos were killed or wounded, and those who were able to make their way to shore were scattered over a wide area of Jig sector. German infantry resistance at Gold proved largely ineffective, however, and 47 Commando was able to pass through the beach defenses and maneuver west, south of Arromanches and Longues, without facing serious opposition. The commandos ended the day in a strongly defended position at Escures, roughly 1 mile (1.6 km) south of Port-en-Bessin. On June 8, following two days of intense combat that British historian and wartime propaganda director Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart called the “most spectacular of all commando exploits” during the Normandy Invasion, 47 Commando captured Port-en-Bessin. While they suffered heavy casualties in the process, the commandos had succeeded in unifying the American and Anglo-Canadian landing areas into a single beachhead.

Number 48 Royal Marine Commando went ashore with the Canadian 3rd Infantry Division at Juno Beach. Landing at Nan, the easternmost assault sector, the commandos’ mission was to push east from Juno and to establish a joint beachhead with the British forces at Sword. Beach obstacles took a heavy toll on all of the landing craft at Juno, and the commandos had the misfortune of landing in front of an unsuppressed strongpoint. The commandos suffered heavy casualties from mortars, snipers, and machine gun fire as they struggled to breach the beach defenses, and a late afternoon counterattack by the 21st Panzer Division threatened to drive a wedge between Juno and Sword. The German strike faltered and the beachheads held, thanks in large part to the timely arrival of reserve units. On June 7 the commandos pushed through the last German defenses at Luc-sur-Mer and were at last able to link up with the Allied units at Sword.

The commandos assumed a mobile infantry role when the advance inland began. The 1st Special Service Brigade took a leading part in the crossing of the rivers Rhine, Weser, Aller, and Elbe. The 4th Special Service Brigade took part in the pursuit of German forces to the Seine. It also participated in the liberation of Le Havre, invested Dunkirk, and played a prominent role in the capture of Walcheren.

By the end of the war, eight commandos had earned Victoria Crosses for gallantry, and their sphere of operations had spread to include the Allied campaign in Italy and the Burma theatre. For all their effectiveness, however, the army commandos did not survive the mass demobilization that took place after the war. With the defeat of Churchill’s Conservatives in parliamentary elections in July 1945, the commandos lost their most vocal supporter in government. The Royal Marine commandos saw their numbers greatly reduced but remained an important amphibious warfare resource for the postwar British military.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia BritannicaThis article was most recently revised and updated by Michael Ray.