censorship: References & Edit History

Additional Reading

Noteworthy studies include George Anastaplo, The Constitutionalist: Notes on the First Amendment (1971), Human Being and Citizen: Essays on Virtue, Freedom and the Common Good (1975), The Constitution of 1787: A Commentary (1989), his article on Greece in the 15th ed. of the Encyclopædia Britannica, and his article on Confucian thought in Great Ideas Today (1984); Larry Arnhart, Aristotle on Political Reasoning (1981); Walter Berns, Freedom, Virtue and the First Amendment (1957); Redmond A. Burke, What Is the Index? (1952); Zechariah Chafee, Free Speech in the United States (1941); Harry M. Clor, Obscenity and Public Morality (1969), and (ed.) The Mass Media and Modern Democracy (1974), including an essay on the Pentagon Papers controversy and on the abolition of television; Joseph Cropsey (ed.), Ancients and Moderns (1964), including essays by Laurence Berns on Aristotle’s Poetics and by Hilail Gildin on John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty; William W. Crosskey, Politics and the Constitution in the History of the United States (1953, reissued 1978); Leo Paul DeAlvarez (ed.), Abraham Lincoln, the Gettysburg Address, and American Constitutionalism (1976); Edward DeGrazia, Censorship Landmarks (1969); Martin Dewhirst and Robert Farrell (eds.), The Soviet Censorship (1973); Norman Dorsen, Paul Bender, and Burt Neuborne (eds.), Political and Civil Rights in the United States, 4th ed., 2 vol. (1976–79); Christopher M. Finan, From the Palmer Raids to the Patriot Act: A History of the Fight for Free Speech in America (2007); Gerald Gunther (ed.), Cases and Materials on Constitutional Law, 11th ed. (1985); Harry Kalven, Jr., A Worthy Tradition: Freedom of Speech in America, ed. by Jamie Kalven (1988); Stanley N. Katz (ed.), A Brief Narrative of the Case and Trial of John Peter Zenger, 2nd ed. (1972); Leonard W. Levy, Emergence of a Free Press (1985); William B. Lockhart, Y. Kamisar, and J.H. Choper (eds.), Constitutional Law: Cases, Comments, Questions (1980); Harvey Lomax (ed.), A Contemporary Bibliography in Political Philosophy and in Other Areas (1976); Ralph E. McCoy (ed.), Freedom of the Press: An Annotated Bibliography (1968; supplement, 1979); Robert McDonald, Pillar and Tinderbox: The Greek Press and the Dictatorship (1983); Richard McKeon, Robert K. Merton, and Walter Gellhorn, The Freedom to Read (1957); Alexander Meiklejohn, Political Freedom (1960, reprinted 1979); Malcolm P. Sharp, “Crosskey, Anastaplo and Meiklejohn on the United States Constitution,” in University of Chicago Law School Record (Spring 1973); Yves R. Simon, The Philosophy of Democratic Government (1951, reissued 1977); and Leo Strauss, Persecution and the Art of Writing (1952, reprinted 1973), Natural Right and History (1953), and, with Joseph Cropsey (eds.), History of Political Philosophy, 2nd ed. (1972, reprinted 1981).

George Anastaplo

Article Contributors

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Other Contributors

  • Jeffrey LaPointe

Other Encyclopedia Britannica Contributors

Article History

Type Description Contributor Date
Add new Web site: CORE - Censorship and two types of self-censorship. Aug 05, 2024
Invalidated site: Oklahoma State University - School of Media and Strategic Communications - Defining Censorship. Aug 05, 2024
Add new Web site: American Library Association - First Amendment and Censorship. Jun 08, 2024
Add new Web site: Frontiers - Racism and censorship in the editorial and peer review process. Apr 24, 2024
Add new Web site: University of Washington Pressbooks - Media and Society: Critical Approaches - Censorship and Freedom of Speech. Feb 29, 2024
Add new Web site: Cato Institute - Shining a Light on Censorship: How Transparency Can Curtail Government Social Media Censorship and More. Dec 29, 2023
Add new Web site: Oklahoma State University - School of Media and Strategic Communications - Defining Censorship. Mar 09, 2023
Add new Web site: Humanities LibreTexts - Censorship. Dec 30, 2022
Noted the use of prepublication review by U.S. federal agencies and closed out the Iraq War. Oct 22, 2020
Add new Web site: Free Speech Center at Middle Tennessee State University - Censorship. Nov 08, 2019
Corrected display issue. Dec 07, 2018
Add new Web site: The Canadian Encyclopedia - Censorship. Oct 26, 2018
Add new Web site: Buzzle.com - Censorship. Feb 04, 2013
Add new Web site: Iloveindia.com - Censorship. Feb 04, 2013
Bibliography revised and updated. Aug 27, 2012
Revised birth and death dates of Protagoras. Feb 22, 2012
History of censorship revised and updated. Feb 12, 2009
Introductory sections of censorship revised and updated. Feb 12, 2009
Added new Web site: The Canadian Encyclopedia - Censorship. Jun 17, 2008
Media added. May 10, 2007
Capitalized "A" and "M" in Ancients and Moderns. May 10, 2007
Article revised. May 17, 2002
Article revised. Jun 29, 2000
Article added to new online database. Jul 20, 1998
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Article History