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A marital property system should try to balance two sets of interests: the interests of the spouses and the interests of third parties such as purchasers, creditors, and business partners. Community-property regimes emphasize the first but are less attractive in terms of the second, because the property is tied up in the community and is subject to the interests of both spouses, whereas the third party may be dealing with only one of them. Separation of property gives property independence to each spouse, but it does not provide for sharing unless the spouses place items of property under joint ownership. Consequently, there has been a trend in many countries toward new regimes giving the husband and wife independence in dealing with property but also providing rules for a division of net assets on liquidation of the marriage.

Tort actions between spouses

In English common law, as amended by the property legislation of the 19th century, a husband could not sue his wife in tort (that is, for a wrongful civil act not arising from contract), and she could sue him only in respect of damage to her separate property. This has been variously explained as stemming from the doctrine of the unity of the legal personalities of husband and wife (so that the plaintiff and the defendant are the same legal person) or from the belief that it would be disruptive to the family to allow damage suits between spouses. The modern tendency is to permit delict or tort action between spouses. This seems consistent with the fact that many damage suits, such as automobile accident claims, are covered by insurance, and the litigation in such cases is therefore between two insurance companies with the spouses as nominal parties. Movements exist in North America and Europe favouring the recognition of a “no-fault” basis for certain delict or tort proceedings; this would transfer the emphasis in such actions to securing compensation for the person who suffered the damage, rather than determining whether the plaintiff can establish a cause of action (which usually means proving fault).


Some marital property systems that are basically separation of property have modifications for the situation in which, for example, an asset has been acquired by contributions from both spouses with the intention that both will benefit from its purchase—as with a home, furnishings, an automobile, a joint bank account, or joint investments. But the attitudes of the spouses as to their property after a marriage has broken down may be quite different from their intentions when an asset was acquired. There are decisions of the English courts that imply that in some of these circumstances, at least, the net value of the asset should be divided equally on the maxim that “equality is equity.” The boundaries of this principle, however, are not at all certain.

Japanese marital property law was revised in 1947, and the present legal regime is a modified form of separation of property. Under this regime, property to which only one spouse has title, but in the acquisition of which both have really cooperated during their marriage, is considered substantially co-owned. The civil code has been interpreted to the effect that substantially co-owned property is attributed to the title holder in a question involving third parties and to both spouses in a question between the spouses themselves.


A marriage can terminate as a human relationship before it is dissolved by law. Quite often the court rulings as to property and the custody of children will merely confirm arrangements that have already been made by the parties concerned. Before a union can be dissolved by divorce, there must have been a valid marriage. If a marriage has been imperfectly constituted in law, it may be annulled; grounds for annulment include lack of capacity, no reality of consent by the parties, a vitiating defect in the marriage ceremony, or the subsequent discovery of a “defect” such as inability to consummate the marriage.

In old legal systems, marriage was conceived as the transfer of a woman from the power of her family to that of her husband under terms usually specified in the marriage contract. The standard method of dissolving a marriage if both parties were alive was repudiation, resulting usually in the return of the woman to the power of her family. Repudiation has had a considerable history; it has strongly influenced marriage law in Muslim, Jewish, Chinese, and Japanese law. In Islamic law, repudiation can occur without proof of legally designated fault or a breakdown of the marriage. In practice, of course, there are checks on the too facile use of this power by a husband, such as objection from the wife’s family, the obligation to repay the value of a dowry, or religious disapproval. In Roman marriage law, unilateral repudiation at will was permitted, and this freedom existed for some time in the early Christian era. The concern of the Roman law was for solemnity rather than grounds, and unilateral divorce was by a notification of repudiation before seven witnesses.

At the other extreme from repudiation at will is the view of marriage as a sacrament (as in the teaching of certain Christian churches) that may not be dissolved during the joint lives of the spouses. Formerly, a Hindu marriage was indissoluble except by caste custom; remarriage, for instance, might be tolerated only for women of lower-ranking castes.

Between the extremes of repudiation at will and indissoluble marriage, there are various divorce formulas: divorce for fault, such as adultery, desertion, cruelty, alcoholism, or imprisonment; divorce on grounds analogous to frustration of contract, such as incurable insanity subsequent to the marriage or disappearance of the spouse; and, more recently, “no-fault” divorce, on grounds such as incompatibility, irreconcilable differences, and irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.

A complicating factor in divorce law is the question of giving recognition to foreign divorces. The divorce laws of countries and states differ, and so do their rules for recognition of divorces elsewhere. A person living in a jurisdiction in which divorce is difficult to obtain may be able to go to another in which divorce laws are more liberal and obtain a dissolution of the marriage that will be recognized in the first jurisdiction. A feature of private international family law is the “limping” relationship—when a person is regarded as married by one country and as single by another, or when a child is regarded as legitimate by one country and as illegitimate by another. One reason why a country may restrict the recognition of divorces is that there are a number of jurisdictions in which divorce is granted on liberal grounds and with only nominal connections between the spouses and the divorce-granting jurisdiction (sometimes giving the impression of “divorce mills” that are operated for commercial reasons).

Divorce stems from the desire to end an intimate human relationship that may have existed for some years. It is not an ordinary dispute at law; it has little in common with the interpretation of a business deal, a tax claim, a criminal charge, or other legal questions that can be presented fairly precisely. In a divorce, only the spouses can really know the differences between them, and neglect of this distinction can produce reasoning by false analogy.