History and basic concepts

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Darwin’s influence

Charles DarwinCharles Darwin, carbon-print photograph by Julia Margaret Cameron, 1868.

The origins of the scientific study of animal behaviour lie in the works of various European thinkers of the 17th to 19th centuries, such as British naturalists John Ray and Charles Darwin and French naturalist Charles LeRoy. These individuals appreciated the complexity and apparent purposefulness of the actions of animals, and they knew that understanding behaviour demands long-term observations of animals in their natural settings. At first, the principal attraction of natural history studies was to confirm the ingenuity of God. The publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species in 1859 changed this attitude. In his chapter on instinct, Darwin was concerned with whether behavioral traits, like anatomical ones, can evolve as a result of natural selection. Since then, biologists have recognized that the behaviours of animals, like their anatomical structures, are adaptations that exist because they have, over evolutionary time (that is, throughout the formation of new species and the evolution of their special characteristics), helped their bearers to survive and reproduce.

Furthermore, humans have long appreciated how beautifully and intricately the behaviours of animals are adapted to their surroundings. For example, young birds that possess camouflaged colour patterns for protection against predators will freeze when the parent spots a predator and calls the alarm. Darwin’s achievement was to explain how such wondrously adapted creatures could arise from a process other than special creation. He showed that adaptation is an inexorable result of four basic characteristics of living organisms:

  1. There is variation among individuals of the same species. Even closely related individuals, such as parent and offspring or sibling and sibling, differ considerably. Familiar human examples include differences in facial features, hair and eye colour, height, and weight.
  2. Many of these variations are inheritable—that is, offspring resemble their parents in many traits as a result of the genes they share.
  3. There are differences in numbers of surviving offspring among parents in every species. For example, one female snapping turtle (family Chelydridae) may lay 24 eggs; however, only 5 may survive to adulthood. In contrast, another female may lay only 18 eggs, with 1 of her offspring surviving to adulthood.
  4. The individuals that are best equipped to survive and reproduce perpetuate the highest frequency of genes to descendant populations. This is the principle known colloquially as “survival of the fittest,” where fitness denotes an individual’s overall ability to pass copies of his genes on to successive generations. For example, a woman who rears six healthy offspring has greater fitness than one who rears just two.

An inevitable consequence of variation, inheritance, and differential reproduction is that, over time, the frequency of traits that render individuals better able to survive and reproduce in their present environment increases. As a result, descendant generations in a population resemble most closely the members of ancestral populations that were able to reproduce most effectively. This is the process of natural selection.

Ecological and ethological approaches to the study of behaviour

The natural history approach of Darwin and his predecessors gradually evolved into the twin sciences of animal ecology, the study of the interactions between an animal and its environment, and ethology, the biological study of animal behaviour. The roots of ethology can be traced to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when scientists from several countries began exploring the behaviours of selected vertebrate species: dogs by the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov; rodents by American psychologists John B. Watson, Edward Tolman, and Karl Lashley; birds by American psychologist B.F. Skinner; and primates by German American psychologist Wolfgang Köhler and American psychologist Robert Yerkes. The studies were carried out in laboratories, in the case of dogs, rodents and pigeons, or in artificial colonies and laboratories, in the case of primates. These studies were oriented toward psychological and physiological questions rather than ecological or evolutionary ones.

It was not until the 1930s that field naturalists—such as English biologist Julian Huxley, Austrian zoologist Konrad Lorenz, and Dutch-born British zoologist and ethologist Nikolaas Tinbergen studying birds and Austrian zoologist Karl von Frisch and American entomologist William Morton Wheeler examining insects—gained prominence and returned to broadly biological studies of animal behaviour. These individuals, the founders of ethology, had direct experience with the richness of the behavioral repertoires of animals living in their natural surroundings. Their “return to nature” approach was, to a large extent, a reaction against the tendency prevalent among psychologists to study just a few behavioral phenomena observed in a handful of species that were kept in impoverished laboratory environments.

The goal of the psychologists was to formulate behavioral hypotheses that claimed to have general applications (e.g., about learning as a single, all-purpose phenomenon). Later they would proceed using a deductive approach by testing their hypotheses through experimentation on captive animals. In contrast, the ethologists advocated an inductive approach, one that begins with observing and describing what animals do and then proceeds to address a general question: Why do these animals behave as they do? By this they meant “How do the specific behaviours of these animals lead to differential reproduction?” Since its birth in the 1930s, the ethological approach—which stresses the direct observation of a broad array of animal species in nature, embraces the vast variety of behaviours found in the animal kingdom, and commits to investigating behaviour from a broad biological perspective—has proved highly effective.

One of Tinbergen’s most important contributions to the study of animal behaviour was to stress that ethology is like any other branch of biology, in that a comprehensive study of any behaviour must address four categories of questions, which today are called “levels of analysis,” including causation, ontogeny, function, and evolutionary history. Although each of these four approaches requires a different kind of scientific investigation, all contribute to solving the enduring puzzle of how and why animals, including humans, behave as they do. A familiar example of animal behaviour—a dog wagging its tail—serves to illustrate the levels of analysis framework. When a dog senses the approach of a companion (dog or human), it stands still, fixates on the approaching individual, raises its tail, and begins swishing it from side to side. Why does this dog wag its tail? To answer this general question, four specific questions must be addressed.

With respect to causation, the question becomes: What makes the behaviour happen? To answer this question, it becomes important to identify the physiological and cognitive mechanisms that underlie the tail-wagging behaviour. For example, the way the dog’s hormonal system adjusts its responsiveness to stimuli, how the dog’s nervous system transmits signals from its brain to its tail, and how the dog’s skeletal-muscular system generates tail movements need to be understood. Causation can also be addressed from the perspective of cognitive processes (that is, knowing how the dog processes information when greeting a companion with tail wagging). This perspective includes determining how the dog senses the approach of another individual, how it recognizes that individual as a friend, and how it decides to wag its tail. The dog’s possible intentions (for example, receiving a pat on the head), feelings, and awareness of self become the focus of the investigation.

With respect to ontogeny, the question becomes: How does the dog’s tail-wagging behaviour develop? The focus here is on investigating the underlying developmental mechanisms that lead to the occurrence of the behaviour. The answer derives from understanding how the sensory-motor mechanisms producing the behaviour are shaped as the dog matures from a puppy into a functional adult animal. Both internal and external factors can shape the behavioral machinery, so understanding the development of the dog’s tail-wagging behaviour requires investigating the influence of the dog’s genes and its experiences.

With respect to function: How does the dog’s tail-wagging behaviour contribute to genetic success? The focus of this question is rooted in the subfield called behavioral ecology; the answer requires investigating the effects of tail wagging on the dog’s survival and reproduction (that is, determining how the tail-wagging behaviour helps the dog survive to adulthood, mate, and rear young in order to perpetuate its genes).

Lastly, with respect to evolutionary history, the question becomes: How did tail-wagging behaviour evolve from its ancestral form to its present form? To address this question, scientists must hypothesize evolutionary antecedent behaviours in ancestral species and attempt to reconstruct the sequence of events over evolutionary time that led from the origin of the trait to the one observed today. For example, an antecedent behaviour to tail wagging by dogs might be tail-raising and tail-vibrating behaviours in ancestral wolves. Perhaps when a prey animal was sighted, such behaviours were used to signal other pack members that a chase was about to begin.

Both the biological and the physical sciences seek explanations of natural phenomena in physicochemical terms. The biological sciences (which include the study of behaviour), however, have an extra dimension relative to the physical sciences. In biology, physicochemical explanations are addressed by Tinbergen’s questions on causation and ontogeny, which taken together are known as “proximate” causes. The extra dimension of biology seeks explanations of biological phenomena in terms of function and evolutionary history, which together are known as “ultimate” causes. In biology, it is legitimate to ask questions concerning the use of this life process today (its function) and how it came to be over geologic time (its evolutionary history). More specifically, the words use and came to be are applied in special ways, namely “promoting genetic success” and “evolved by means of natural selection.” In physics and chemistry, these types of questions are out of bounds. For example, questions concerning the use of the movements of a dog’s tail are reasonable, whereas questions regarding the use of the movements of an ocean’s tides are more metaphysical.