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The major mineralogical components of igneous rocks can be divided into two groups: felsic (from feldspar and silica) and mafic (from magnesium and ferrous iron). The felsic minerals include quartz, tridymite, cristobalite, feldspars (plagioclase and alkali feldspar), feldspathoids (nepheline and leucite), muscovite, and corundum. Because felsic minerals lack iron and magnesium, they are generally light in colour and consequently are referred to as such or as leucocratic. The mafic minerals include olivine, pyroxenes, amphiboles, and biotites, all of which are dark in colour. Mafic minerals are said to be melanocratic. These terms can be applied to the rocks, depending on the relative proportion of each type of mineral present. In this regard, the term colour index, which refers to the total percentage of the rock occupied by mafic minerals, is useful. Felsic rocks have a colour index of less than 50, while mafic rocks have a colour index above 50. Those rocks that have a colour index above 90 are referred to as ultramafic. These terms are to be used only for the mineralogical content of igneous rocks because they do not necessarily correlate directly with chemical terms. For example, it is common to find a felsic rock composed almost entirely of the mineral plagioclase, but in chemical terms, such a rock is a subsilicic mafic rock. Another example is an igneous rock consisting solely of pyroxene. Mineralogically, it would be termed ultramafic, but chemically, it is a mafic igneous rock with a silica content of about 50 percent.

The influence of supersaturation and undersaturation on the mineralogy of a rock was noted above. During the crystallization of magmas, supersaturated minerals will not be formed along with undersaturated minerals. Supersaturated minerals include quartz and its polymorphs and a low-calcium orthorhombic pyroxene. These cannot coexist with any of the feldspathoids (e.g., leucite and nepheline) or magnesium-rich olivine. In volcanic rocks that have been quenched (cooled rapidly) such that only a small part of the magma has been crystallized, it is possible to find a forsterite (magnesium-rich olivine) crystal surrounded by a glass that is saturated or supersaturated. In this case, the outer rim of the olivine may be corroded or replaced by a magnesium-rich pyroxene (called a reaction rim). The olivine was the first to be crystallized, but it was in the process of reacting with the saturated magma to form the saturated mineral when an eruption halted the reaction. Had the magma been allowed to crystallize fully, all the forsterite would have been transformed into the magnesium-rich pyroxene and quartz may have been crystallized.

Accessory minerals present in igneous rocks in minor amounts include monazite, allanite, apatite, garnets, ilmenite, magnetite, titanite, spinel, and zircon. Glass may be a major phase in some volcanic rock but, when present, is usually found in minor amounts. Igneous rocks that were exposed to weathering and circulating groundwater have undergone some degree of alteration. Common alteration products are talc or serpentine formed at the expense of olivine, chlorites replacing pyroxene and amphiboles, iron oxides replacing any mafic mineral, clay minerals and epidote formed from the feldspars, and calcite that may be formed at the expense of any calcium-bearing mineral by interaction with a carbon dioxide (CO2)-bearing solution. Glass is commonly altered to clay minerals and zeolite. In some cases, however, glass has undergone a devitrification process (in which it is transformed into a crystalline material) initiated by reaction of the glass with water or by subsequent reheating. Common products of devitrification include quartz and its polymorphs, alkali feldspar, plagioclase, pyroxene, zeolite, clays, and chlorite.

Albert M. Kudo

Textural features

The texture of an igneous rock normally is defined by the size and form of its constituent mineral grains and by the spatial relationships of individual grains with one another and with any glass that may be present. Texture can be described independently of the entire rock mass, and its geometric characteristics provide valuable insights into the conditions under which the rock was formed.


Among the most fundamental properties of igneous rocks are crystallinity and granularity, two terms that closely reflect differences in magma composition and the differences between volcanic and various plutonic environments of formation. Crystallinity generally is described in terms of the four categories shown in the Table.

Crystallinity categories of igneous rocks
crystallinity rock term
entirely crystalline holocrystalline
crystalline material and subordinate glass hemicrystalline or hypocrystalline
glass and subordinate crystalline material hemihyaline or hypohyaline
entirely glassy holohyaline or hyaline

Those holocrystalline rocks in which mineral grains can be recognized with the unaided eye are called phanerites, and their texture is called phaneritic. Those with mineral grains so small that their outlines cannot be resolved without the aid of a hand lens or microscope are termed aphanites, and their texture is termed aphanitic. Aphanitic rocks are further described as either microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline, according to whether or not their individual constituents can be resolved under the microscope. The subaphanitic, or hyaline, rocks are referred to as glassy, or vitric, in terms of granularity.

Aphanitic and glassy textures represent relatively rapid cooling of magma and, hence, are found mainly among the volcanic rocks. Slower cooling, either beneath Earth’s surface or within very thick masses of lava, promotes the formation of crystals and, under favourable circumstances of magma composition and other factors, their growth to relatively large sizes. The resulting phaneritic rocks are so widespread and so varied that it is convenient to specify their grain size as shown in the Table.

Categories of rock grain size
terms in common use general grain size
igneous rocks in general pegmatites
fine-grained <1 mm <1 inch
medium-grained 1–5 mm 1–4 inches
coarse-grained 5 mm–2 cm 4–12 inches
very coarse-grained >2 cm >12 inches