Nature of magmas

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Magmas are chemically complex fluid systems that differ in many ways from ordinary solutions, in which water is the solvent and the dominant constituent. They can be thought of as mutual solutions, or melts, of rock-forming components that are variously present as simple ions, as complex ions and ionic groups, and as molecules. The most abundant of the simple ions in common magmas are such singly and doubly charged cations as Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Fe2+. Because these ions can move about rather freely in the system, they occupy no fixed positions with respect to other ions that are present. In contrast, the smaller and more highly charged cations, notably Si4+, Al3+, and (to a lesser degree) Fe3+, are surrounded or screened by O2− ions and other anions (negative ions) to form parts of relatively stable complex ions such as (SiO4)4−, (AlO4)5−, and (FeO6)9−. Simple anions, including F, Cl, O2−, and (OH), ordinarily are present in much smaller amounts. Water, hydrochloric acid (HCl), hydrogen fluoride (HF), carbon dioxide (CO2), and other volatile molecular substances occur as well, generally in equilibrium with ionic forms such as (OH), Cl, F, and (CO3)2−.

Because the bond that unites silicon and oxygen is a remarkably strong one, (SiO4)4− ions are stable in magmas even at exceedingly high temperatures. They also tend to join with one another, or polymerize, to form more complex anionic groups, a tendency that is especially great in the more silicic magmas. The joining is accomplished by a sharing of oxygen ions between adjacent silicon ions to form Si-O-Si bridges like those in many silicate and aluminosilicate minerals; in the simplest such case, (Si2O7)6− ions are the result. Because the (AlO4)5− ions also have a strong tendency to polymerize, most of the large ionic groups in magmas probably contain both silicon and aluminum ions. These groups, which resemble the frameworks of many rock-forming minerals but are geometrically less regular, significantly affect the viscosity and crystallization of magmas.

The viscosity of magmas, which spans an enormous range of values, affects their flow behaviour, the movements of crystals and inclusions of foreign matter within them, the diffusion of materials through them, the growth of crystals from them, and the explosivity of eruptions (when aided by growth of gas bubbles near the surface). Lava flows are thin and rapid for low-viscosity magmas, but thick and slow for viscous flows. Fluid magma promotes the growth of large crystals such as the ones found in pegmatites, but crystal growth is prevented in viscous magmas, which usually are quenched as glass. Highly explosive eruptions such as occurred at Mount St. Helens commonly result from gas bubbles nucleating, growing, and rising in a highly viscous magma. It can be demonstrated thermodynamically that the overpressure (excess rock pressure) developed in growing and rising bubbles is inversely proportional to their radii. In fluid magmas, gas bubbles grow large in size and rise quickly, which causes their pressures to be expended; hence, only a spectacular fountaining of hot lava is observed at the surface. In contrast, a viscous magma prevents the growth of bubbles, so that they will rise slowly while retaining excess pressure; as a result, the associated volcano erupts violently. Energies equivalent to the amount produced by several nuclear bombs are released in such explosions. Viscosity increases greatly with decreasing temperature and less markedly with increasing pressure. It also can be governed in part by the amount and distribution of any solid materials or bubbles of gas present, which both tend to increase viscosity. Finally, it varies considerably among magmas of differing gross composition, mainly because of the differences in the degree of Si-O and Al-O polymerization. Thus, highly silicic magmas generally are more viscous than mafic ones by several orders of magnitude, a difference reflected by contrasts in the eruptive behaviour of rhyolitic and basaltic lavas. Basaltic magmas at 1,100 °C can be at least 100,000 times more viscous than water at room temperature, whereas rhyolitic magmas at 800 °C are at least 10 million times more viscous than room-temperature water. The presence of volatile constituents can markedly increase the fluidity of magmas, even those that are rich in SiO2. This effect has been attributed to the breaking of Si-O-Si bridges through substitution of ions such as F and (OH) for shared O2− ions in elements of the polymerized groups.

A typical magma can be broadly viewed as an assemblage of relatively large and rather closely packed oxygen ions, among which some cations have considerable mobility; others, such as Si4+ and Al3+, tend to occupy positions that are more fixed. The entire system is a dynamic one, however, and even the largest of the Si-O and Al-O ion groups are constantly changing form and position as bonds are broken and new ones are established. If the magma quickly loses thermal energy and cools to a glass, these internal movements are sharply restricted, and the various constituents become essentially frozen in position. If cooling is slower, the contained complex ions and polymerized ion groups have time to assume more regular arrangements and to be stabilized by cations of appropriate size, charge, and other properties. Crystalline solids are thereby formed. Their regular internal structure is relatively conserving of space, and so they have somewhat higher specific gravities than the magma from which they were nourished.

Crystallization from magmas

The forsterite-cristobalite system

Because magmas are multicomponent solutions, they do not crystallize at a single temperature at a given pressure like water at 0 °C and one atmosphere pressure. Rather, they crystallize over a wide range of temperatures beginning at liquidus temperatures for basaltic magmas as high as 1,150 °C and ending as a complete solid at a low solidus temperature of about 800 °C. During their crystallization at constant pressure, common minerals that make up basaltic magma (e.g., olivine) become unstable at some temperature and react with the liquid to form a more stable phase. In the case of olivine, this phase is pyroxene. This reaction relationship is best illustrated with the use of a phase diagram of a portion of the olivine Mg2SiO4 (forsterite) + SiO2 (cristobalite, a high-temperature form of quartz) binary system at one atmosphere.

Consider a mixture X of two minerals in the proportions 28 percent cristobalite and 72 percent forsterite. At a temperature of 1,601 °C, this mixture is entirely liquid. At temperatures below 1,557 °C, forsterite (Fo) and enstatite (En) are stable, but between 1,557 and 1,600 °C, forsterite and the liquid whose composition is represented by L are in equilibrium. At a temperature of 1,570 °C, there is about 7 percent forsterite and 93 percent liquid. As the liquid X cools, it intersects the liquidus freezing curve at a temperature of 1,600 °C, where forsterite begins to crystallize. As the temperature drops further, the liquid follows the liquidus down toward R, the peritectic point (incongruent melting point in a binary system), while it continually crystallizes more forsterite. It should be noted that the liquid composition is becoming enriched in silica, until at R, it has more silica than enstatite. At this point the forsterite reacts with the liquid to yield two moles of MgSiO3 (enstatite) for every mole of Mg2SiO4 that combines with one mole of SiO2 removed from the liquid R. This can be written as a chemical equation: Mg2SiO4 + SiO2 ⇄ 2MgSiO3. Because SiO2 is removed from the liquid R, a proportionate amount of enstatite must be crystallized from the liquid to keep its composition at point R. In the case of the starting composition X, which is depleted in SiO2 relative to enstatite, the peritectic liquid, R, will be consumed by the reaction prior to the forsterite, and the resultant mixture will consist of forsterite and enstatite. However, in the case in which the starting composition is Y, which is enriched in silica relative to enstatite, the forsterite will be depleted before the liquid, and the reaction will yield the liquid and enstatite. Only in the case where the starting composition matches that of enstatite will the liquid and the forsterite be consumed at the same time, leaving only enstatite. The starting composition X represents the most common crystallization behaviour for saturated tholeiitic basaltic magmas; consequently, these magmas will experience a reaction between the liquid and the olivine, forsterite, at some point during their crystallization. This means that the liquid will be consumed by the reaction with forsterite and crystallization will cease. If, however, forsterite can be removed physically from the liquid before the reaction can occur, the reaction will be prevented and the peritectic liquid will remain to crystallize the pyroxene, enstatite, and move down toward the eutectic temperature where cristobalite and enstatite will crystallize.