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Because it varies in amplitude, the local potential is said to be graded. The greater the influx of positive charge—and, consequently, depolarization of the membrane—the higher the grade. Beginning at the resting potential of a neuron (for instance, −75 mV), a local potential can be of any grade up to the threshold potential (for instance, −58 mV). At the threshold, voltage-dependent sodium channels become fully activated, and Na+ pours into the cell. Almost instantly the membrane actually reverses polarity, and the inside acquires a positive charge in relation to the outside. This reverse polarity constitutes the nerve impulse. It is called the action potential because the positive charge then flows through the cytoplasm, activating sodium channels along the entire length of the nerve fibre. This series of activations, by propagating the action potential along the fibre with virtually no reduction in amplitude, gives the nerve impulse its regenerative property.

Researchers call the nerve impulse an “all-or-none” reaction since there are no gradations between threshold potential and fully activated potential. The neuron is either at rest with a polarized membrane, or it is conducting a nerve impulse at reverse polarization. The reverse polarity of active neurons is measured at about +30 mV. This is close to the Nernst potential for Na+—that is, the membrane potential at which electrochemical equilibrium would be established if the membrane were completely permeable to Na+.


As instantaneous as the opening of sodium channels at threshold potential is their closing at the peak of action potential. This is called sodium inactivation, and it is caused by gates within the channel that are sensitive to depolarization. Following sodium inactivation is the opening of potassium channels, which allows the diffusion of K+ out of the cell. The combined effect of sodium inactivation, which blocks the influx of cations, and potassium activation, which causes the efflux of other cations, is the immediate return of the cell membrane to a polarized state, with the inside negative in relation to the outside. After repolarization there is a period during which a second action potential cannot be initiated, no matter how large a stimulus current is applied to the neuron. This is called the absolute refractory period, and it is followed by a relative refractory period, during which another action potential can be generated, but only by a greater stimulus current than that originally needed. This period is followed by the return of the neuronal properties to the threshold levels originally required for the initiation of action potentials.


The sequence of sodium activation–sodium inactivation–potassium activation creates a nerve impulse that is brief in duration, lasting only a few milliseconds, and that travels down the nerve fibre like a wave, the membrane depolarizing in front of the current and repolarizing behind. Because nerve impulses are not graded in amplitude, it is not the size of the action potential that is important in processing information within the nervous system; rather, it is the number and frequency with which the impulses are fired.

As stated above, the action potential is propagated along the axon without any decrease in amplitude with distance. However, the velocity of conduction along the nerve fibre is dependent upon several factors. The first factor is the outside diameter of the nerve fibre. The fastest conduction velocity occurs in the largest diameter nerve fibres. This phenomenon has formed the basis for classifying mammalian nerve fibres into groups in order of decreasing diameter and decreasing conduction velocity. Another factor is the temperature of the nerve fibre. Conduction velocity increases at high temperatures and decreases at low temperatures. Indeed, nerve conduction can be blocked by the local application of cold to a nerve fibre. Conduction velocity is also affected by myelination of the nerve fibre. Since ions cannot cross the lipid content of the myelin sheath, they spread passively down the nerve fibre until reaching the unmyelinated nodes of Ranvier. The nodes of Ranvier are packed with a high concentration of ion channels, which, upon stimulation, propagate the nerve impulse to the next node. In this manner the action potential jumps quickly from node to node along the fibre in a process called saltatory conduction (from Latin saltare, “to jump”).

Transmission at the synapse

Once an action potential has been generated at the axon hillock, it is conducted along the length of the axon until it reaches the terminals, the fingerlike extensions of the neuron that are next to other neurons and muscle cells (see the section The nerve cell: The neuron). At this point there exist two methods for transmitting the action potential from one cell to the other. In electrical transmission, the ionic current flows directly through channels that couple the cells. In chemical transmission, a chemical substance called the neurotransmitter passes from one cell to the other, stimulating the second cell to generate its own action potential.

Electrical transmission

This method of transmitting nerve impulses, while far less common than chemical transmission, occurs in the nervous systems of invertebrates and lower vertebrates, as well as in the central nervous systems of some mammals. Transmission takes place through gap junctions, which are protein channels that link the cellular contents of adjacent neurons. Direct diffusion of ions through these junctions allows the action potential to be transmitted with little or no delay or distortion, in effect synchronizing the response of an entire group of neurons. The channels often allow ions to diffuse in both directions, but some gated channels restrict transmission to only one direction.

Chemical transmission

There are two classic preparations for the study of chemical transmission at the synapse. One is the vertebrate neuromuscular junction, and the other is the giant synapse of the squid Loligo. These sites have the advantage of being readily accessible for recording by electrodes—especially the squid synapse, which is large enough that electrodes can be inserted directly into the presynaptic terminal and postsynaptic fibre. In addition, only a single synapse is involved at these sites, whereas a single neuron of the central nervous system may have many synapses with many other neurons, each with a different neurotransmitter.

Neurotransmitter release

Two factors are essential for the release of the neurotransmitter from the presynaptic terminal: (1) depolarization of the terminal and (2) the presence of calcium ions (Ca2+) in the extracellular fluid. The membrane of the presynaptic terminal contains voltage-dependent calcium channels that open when the membrane is depolarized by a nerve impulse, allowing Ca2+ to diffuse into the terminal along its concentration gradient. (See the figure.) Following the entrance of Ca2+ is the release of neurotransmitter.

It is uncertain what happens in the time between Ca2+ entry and transmitter release. Ca2+ is known to be sequestered by certain organelles within the terminal, including the endoplasmic reticulum. The ions may attach to the membranes of synaptic vesicles, in some way facilitating their fusion with the nerve terminal membrane. They may also be removed from the terminal by exchange with extracellular Na+—a mechanism known to occur at some neuronal membranes. What is certain is that when the concentration of Ca2+ is increased within the terminal, the probability of transmitter release is also increased.

Neurotransmitters are packed into small, membrane-bound synaptic vesicles. Each vesicle contains thousands of neurotransmitter molecules, and there are thousands of vesicles in each axon terminal. Once stimulated by Ca2+, the vesicles move through the cytoplasm and fuse their membranes with the plasma membrane of the terminal. The transmitter molecules are then expelled from the vesicles into the synaptic cleft. This expulsion process is called exocytosis. Vesicle membranes are then recovered from the plasma membrane through endocytosis. In this process the membranes are surrounded by a protein coat at the lateral margins of the synapse and are then transferred to cisternae, which form in the terminal during nerve stimulation. There the vesicles lose their coats, are probably refilled with neurotransmitter, and pinch off from the cisternae to become synaptic vesicles once more.

Because the neurotransmitter chemicals are packed into separate, almost identically sized vesicles, their release into the synaptic cleft is said to be quantal—that is, they are expelled in parcels, each vesicle adding its contents incrementally to the contents released from other parcels. This quantal release of neurotransmitter has a critical influence on the electrical potential created in the postsynaptic membrane.

Postsynaptic potential

After neurotransmitter is released from the presynaptic terminal, it diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to receptor proteins on the postsynaptic membrane. Some receptors are ion channels that open or close when their molecular configuration is altered by the binding action of the neurotransmitter. Others are membrane proteins that, upon activation, catalyze second-messenger reactions within the postsynaptic cell; these reactions in turn open or close the ion channels. Whether acting upon ion channels directly or indirectly, the neurotransmitter molecules cause a sudden change in the permeability of the membrane to specific ions. Exactly which ions now permeate the membrane vary according to the neurotransmitters and their receptors (see the section Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators), but the net result of a change in ion diffusion is a change in electrical potential across the membrane. This change is called the postsynaptic potential, or PSP. (In reference to the neuromuscular synapse, it is called the end-plate potential, or EPP.)

The most common potential change is depolarization, caused by a net influx of cations (usually Na+). Because this infusion of positive charge brings the membrane potential toward the threshold at which the nerve impulse is generated, it is called an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP). Other neurotransmitters stimulate a net efflux of positive charge (usually in the form of K+ diffusing out of the cell), leaving the inside of the membrane more negative. Because this hyperpolarization draws the membrane potential farther from the threshold, making it more difficult to generate a nerve impulse, it is called an inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP). The interaction of competing EPSPs and IPSPs at the hundreds or even thousands of synapses on a single neuron determines whether the nerve impulse arriving at the presynaptic terminals will be regenerated in the postsynaptic membrane.

The PSP is a type of local potential, having properties similar to the electrical potential set up at sensory receptor neurons (see the section Transmission in the neuron: Localized potential). Like the receptor potential, the PSP is a graded response, varying in amplitude according to the duration and amount of stimulation by neurotransmitters. At the neuromuscular junction, brief depolarizations measuring no more than one millivolt can be observed in the postsynaptic muscle membrane, even when it is at rest. These tiny electrical events, called miniature end-plate potentials (MEPPs), or miniature postsynaptic potentials (MPSPs), are caused by the random release of single quanta of neurotransmitter from a resting presynaptic terminal. The EPP is actually made up of multiple MEPPs, which arise when an activated terminal releases hundreds of neurotransmitter quanta. A series of EPPs, or a number of them stimulated simultaneously at many synapses, can then bring the cell to the threshold of the action potential. This combined action of EPPs is called summation.

In contrast to electrical transmission, which takes place with almost no delay, chemical transmission exhibits synaptic delay. Recordings from squid synapses and neuromuscular junctions of the frog reveal a delay of 0.5 to 4.0 milliseconds between the onset of action potential at the nerve terminal and action potential at the postsynaptic site. This delay may be accounted for by three factors. First, diffusion of the neurotransmitter across the synaptic cleft takes approximately 0.05 millisecond. Second, the response of the postsynaptic receptor takes about 0.15 millisecond. This leaves 0.30 to 3.80 milliseconds for other processes. A third process, called mobilization of the transmitter, is traditionally postulated as taking up the remaining time, but evidence suggests that the time is occupied at least partially by the opening of calcium channels to allow the entry of Ca2+ into the presynaptic terminal.


A series of nerve impulses arriving in rapid succession at the axon terminal is accurately reproduced as a series in the postsynaptic cell because the quanta of neurotransmitter released by each impulse are inactivated as soon as they stimulate the receptor proteins. Neurotransmitter inactivation is carried out by a combination of three processes. First, the neurotransmitter molecules simply diffuse out of the narrow synaptic cleft. Second, they are taken back into the presynaptic terminal by transmitter-sensitive transport molecules. Third, they are metabolized into inactive compounds by enzymes in the synaptic cleft.

Ion transport

As is stated above, the lipid bilayer of the neuronal membrane tends to repel electrically charged, hydrated ions, making virtually impossible the movement across the membrane that is necessary for the generation of nerve impulses. The transmembrane movement of ions is actually carried out by molecular mechanism—specifically, by protein molecules embedded in the lipid layers. One mechanism, the sodium-potassium pump, maintains the resting potential, and another, the various ion channels, helps create the action potential.