formal logic

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Also known as: mathematical logic, symbolic logic

formal logic, the abstract study of propositions, statements, or assertively used sentences and of deductive arguments. The discipline abstracts from the content of these elements the structures or logical forms that they embody. The logician customarily uses a symbolic notation to express such structures clearly and unambiguously and to enable manipulations and tests of validity to be more easily applied. Although the following discussion freely employs the technical notation of modern symbolic logic, its symbols are introduced gradually and with accompanying explanations so that the serious and attentive general reader should be able to follow the development of ideas.

Formal logic is an a priori, and not an empirical, study. In this respect it contrasts with the natural sciences and with all other disciplines that depend on observation for their data. Its nearest analogy is to pure mathematics; indeed, many logicians and pure mathematicians would regard their respective subjects as indistinguishable, or as merely two stages of the same unified discipline. Formal logic, therefore, is not to be confused with the empirical study of the processes of reasoning, which belongs to psychology. It must also be distinguished from the art of correct reasoning, which is the practical skill of applying logical principles to particular cases; and, even more sharply, it must be distinguished from the art of persuasion, in which invalid arguments are sometimes more effective than valid ones.

(Read Steven Pinker’s Britannica entry on rationality.)

General observations

Probably the most natural approach to formal logic is through the idea of the validity of an argument of the kind known as deductive. A deductive argument can be roughly characterized as one in which the claim is made that some proposition (the conclusion) follows with strict necessity from some other proposition or propositions (the premises)—i.e., that it would be inconsistent or self-contradictory to assert the premises but deny the conclusion.

If a deductive argument is to succeed in establishing the truth of its conclusion, two quite distinct conditions must be met: first, the conclusion must really follow from the premises—i.e., the deduction of the conclusion from the premises must be logically correct—and, second, the premises themselves must be true. An argument meeting both these conditions is called sound. Of these two conditions, the logician as such is concerned only with the first; the second, the determination of the truth or falsity of the premises, is the task of some special discipline or of common observation appropriate to the subject matter of the argument. When the conclusion of an argument is correctly deducible from its premises, the inference from the premises to the conclusion is said to be (deductively) valid, irrespective of whether the premises are true or false. Other ways of expressing the fact that an inference is deductively valid are to say that the truth of the premises gives (or would give) an absolute guarantee of the truth of the conclusion or that it would involve a logical inconsistency (as distinct from a mere mistake of fact) to suppose that the premises were true but the conclusion false.

The deductive inferences with which formal logic is concerned are, as the name suggests, those for which validity depends not on any features of their subject matter but on their form or structure. Thus, the two inferences (1) Every dog is a mammal. Some quadrupeds are dogs. ∴ Some quadrupeds are mammals. and (2) Every anarchist is a believer in free love. Some members of the government party are anarchists. ∴ Some members of the government party are believers in free love. differ in subject matter and hence require different procedures to check the truth or falsity of their premises. But their validity is ensured by what they have in common—namely, that the argument in each is of the form (3) Every X is a Y. Some Z’s are X’s. ∴ Some Z’s are Y’s.

Line (3) above may be called an inference form, and (1) and (2) are then instances of that inference form. The letters—X, Y, and Z—in (3) mark the places into which expressions of a certain type may be inserted. Symbols used for this purpose are known as variables; their use is analogous to that of the x in algebra, which marks the place into which a numeral can be inserted. An instance of an inference form is produced by replacing all the variables in it by appropriate expressions (i.e., ones that make sense in the context) and by doing so uniformly (i.e., by substituting the same expression wherever the same variable recurs). The feature of (3) that guarantees that every instance of it will be valid is its construction in such a manner that every uniform way of replacing its variables to make the premises true automatically makes the conclusion true also, or, in other words, that no instance of it can have true premises but a false conclusion. In virtue of this feature, the form (3) is termed a valid inference form. In contrast, (4) Every X is a Y. Some Z’s are Y’s. ∴ Some Z’s are X’s. is not a valid inference form, for, although instances of it can be produced in which premises and conclusion are all true, instances of it can also be produced in which the premises are true but the conclusion is false—e.g., (5) Every dog is a mammal. Some winged creatures are mammals. ∴ Some winged creatures are dogs.

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Formal logic as a study is concerned with inference forms rather than with particular instances of them. One of its tasks is to discriminate between valid and invalid inference forms and to explore and systematize the relations that hold among valid ones.

Closely related to the idea of a valid inference form is that of a valid proposition form. A proposition form is an expression of which the instances (produced as before by appropriate and uniform replacements for variables) are not inferences from several propositions to a conclusion but rather propositions taken individually, and a valid proposition form is one for which all of the instances are true propositions. A simple example is (6) Nothing is both an X and a non-X. Formal logic is concerned with proposition forms as well as with inference forms. The study of proposition forms can, in fact, be made to include that of inference forms in the following way: let the premises of any given inference form (taken together) be abbreviated by alpha (α) and its conclusion by beta (β). Then the condition stated above for the validity of the inference form “α, therefore β” amounts to saying that no instance of the proposition form “α and not-β” is true—i.e., that every instance of the proposition form (7) Not both: α and not-β is true—or that line (7), fully spelled out, of course, is a valid proposition form. The study of proposition forms, however, cannot be similarly accommodated under the study of inference forms, and so for reasons of comprehensiveness it is usual to regard formal logic as the study of proposition forms. Because a logician’s handling of proposition forms is in many ways analogous to a mathematician’s handling of numerical formulas, the systems he constructs are often called calculi.

Much of the work of a logician proceeds at a more abstract level than that of the foregoing discussion. Even a formula such as (3) above, though not referring to any specific subject matter, contains expressions like “every” and “is a,” which are thought of as having a definite meaning, and the variables are intended to mark the places for expressions of one particular kind (roughly, common nouns or class names). It is possible, however—and for some purposes it is essential—to study formulas without attaching even this degree of meaningfulness to them. The construction of a system of logic, in fact, involves two distinguishable processes: one consists in setting up a symbolic apparatus—a set of symbols, rules for stringing these together into formulas, and rules for manipulating these formulas; the second consists in attaching certain meanings to these symbols and formulas. If only the former is done, the system is said to be uninterpreted, or purely formal; if the latter is done as well, the system is said to be interpreted. This distinction is important, because systems of logic turn out to have certain properties quite independently of any interpretations that may be placed upon them. An axiomatic system of logic can be taken as an example—i.e., a system in which certain unproved formulas, known as axioms, are taken as starting points, and further formulas (theorems) are proved on the strength of these. As will appear later (see below Axiomatization of PC), the question whether a sequence of formulas in an axiomatic system is a proof or not depends solely on which formulas are taken as axioms and on what the rules are for deriving theorems from axioms, and not at all on what the theorems or axioms mean. Moreover, a given uninterpreted system is in general capable of being interpreted equally well in a number of different ways; hence, in studying an uninterpreted system, one is studying the structure that is common to a variety of interpreted systems. Normally a logician who constructs a purely formal system does have a particular interpretation in mind, and his motive for constructing it is the belief that when this interpretation is given to it, the formulas of the system will be able to express true principles in some field of thought; but, for the above reasons among others, he will usually take care to describe the formulas and state the rules of the system without reference to interpretation and to indicate as a separate matter the interpretation that he has in mind.

Many of the ideas used in the exposition of formal logic, including some that are mentioned above, raise problems that belong to philosophy rather than to logic itself. Examples are: What is the correct analysis of the notion of truth? What is a proposition, and how is it related to the sentence by which it is expressed? Are there some kinds of sound reasoning that are neither deductive nor inductive? Fortunately, it is possible to learn to do formal logic without having satisfactory answers to such questions, just as it is possible to do mathematics without answering questions belonging to the philosophy of mathematics such as: Are numbers real objects or mental constructs?