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Also known as: Estados Unidos Mexicanos, México, United Mexican States

Mexico’s population grew more than sixfold from 1910 to the early 21st century. The rate of natural increase began to rise rapidly in the 1940s because of marked improvements in health care standards and food supplies. There have been drastic declines in the death rate, and infant mortality, although still quite high in comparison with more-developed countries, has been significantly reduced. Although its growth rate slowed during the late 20th century, the Mexican population is still increasing quickly. Given the country’s rapid growth, its population is disproportionately young, with more than one-fourth of Mexicans under age 15. Life expectancy at birth has doubled since 1930 and is comparable to that of more-developed countries.

Mexico’s large population, which surpassed 100 million shortly after the turn of the 21st century, has severely taxed the ability of the government to provide basic social services and economic opportunities for the people. Were it not for the widespread migration of young adults of childbearing age to the United States, Mexico’s total population would arguably be much larger and its problems significantly more profound. Thus, migration has acted as a safety valve in easing the country’s social and economic pressures. And remittances of income earned abroad, overwhelmingly in the United States, have contributed significantly to Mexico’s economy. The flow of legal and illegal migrants from Mexico to the United States has increased sharply since the late 1970s. Estimates are highly inaccurate and vary greatly, but it is believed that between 8,000,000 and 13,000,000 Mexicans relocated illegally to the United States between 1970 and 2000. At the same time, Mexicans have become the largest group of legal U.S. immigrants, with more than 170,000 recorded in the year 2000 alone. While a large proportion have low educational levels and limited technical skills, an increasing number of highly qualified technicians and professionals have found their way north. Mexican governments have tended to favour and defend the interests of those citizens wishing to work in the United States, but Mexican immigration has remained a contentious issue north of the border owing to an often conflicting mixture of political, cultural, and economic motives.


Mexico has a developing market economy that is strongly tied to that of the United States, with its major markets and sources of capital. The Mexican economy is one of the more influential in Latin America and has grown rapidly since the 1970s. However, the country’s per capita gross domestic product (GDP) remains far below that of the United States. The Mexican economy depends largely on services—including trade, transportation, finance, and government—which account for about two-thirds of GDP. Manufacturing is responsible for about one-fifth of GDP. Although nearly one-fifth of Mexican workers are employed in the agricultural sector, it accounts for only a tiny part of GDP. On the other hand, remittances from Mexican workers abroad, notably in the United States, bring billions of dollars into the economy each year.

For much of the 20th century, Mexico’s economy was largely characterized by state-owned and mixed-capital enterprises combined with a highly regulated private sector. The government strictly controlled foreign investment and imports and barred private investors from ownership in many activities, including mining, forestry, insurance, and power production. Semiautonomous state corporations managed the petroleum industry, generated and distributed electricity, ran the banks, operated the railways and airlines, and controlled telecommunications. In addition, the government regulated the prices of many goods and services. However, the country began an enormous economic transformation in the 1980s. The government, following neoliberal economic theory, completely deregulated many industries, dismantled state enterprises, welcomed large amounts of foreign investment, and removed most import restrictions. It partly privatized telecommunications, the energy sector, and the transportation sector, including airlines, railways, and ports. In the mid-1990s the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) created a free-trade zone between Mexico, the United States, and Canada. Following the election of Donald Trump as U.S. president in 2016, the United States initiated efforts to redefine this trading relationship, and in 2018 Mexico, the United States, and Canada signed the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA), which preserved much of NAFTA but also introduced a number of significant changes to the accord.

Mexico, like other Latin American countries, has experienced a series of boom-and-bust cycles in its economic history; however, its diversified industrial and service sectors have aided economic recovery and growth. An economic crisis in the early 1980s was largely precipitated by a global fall in petroleum prices and exacerbated by high interest rates and inflation. Despite a dynamic period of growth in the early 1990s, the Mexican peso was devalued in 1994, and the country plunged into a severe, if temporary, recession. Lower- and middle-class families were particularly strained as poverty levels and unemployment increased and foreign capital left the country. The government stabilized the economy by reducing spending, instituting an economic austerity program, and accepting a controversial U.S.-sponsored bailout. Subsequent administrations continued to guide the country according to neoliberal theories. In spite of fears that manufacturing jobs were being lost to East Asian factories, at the turn of the 21st century the economy grew steadily because of rising demand for consumer goods and petroleum in the U.S. market, combined with a spike in global oil prices.

Agriculture, forestry, and fishing


Much of the country is too arid or too mountainous for crops or grazing, and it is estimated that no more than one-fifth of the land is potentially arable. Moreover, Mexico’s rapidly growing population has made the country a net importer of grains. In the early 21st century agriculture accounted for a small and diminishing part of GDP, but, while the rural workforce was significant, it too was shrinking rapidly. Chief crops include corn (maize), sugarcane, sorghum, wheat, tomatoes, bananas, chilies, green peppers, oranges, lemons and limes, mangoes, and other tropical fruits, along with beans, barley, avocados, blue agave, and coffee. Traditional farming methods still prevail in many regions, especially in those with predominantly indigenous populations, such as the Southern Highlands. In these areas, intensive subsistence agriculture based on corn, beans, and squash—the fundamental trinity of Mesoamerican agriculture—is practiced on small plots of land, often part of communal village holdings. The system is highly labour-intensive and has low per capita productivity, which limits the opportunities for economic advancement. Normally, between one-tenth and one-eighth of the country’s total area is planted to crops annually.

While not its major objective, one of the legacies of the revolution of 1910 was land reform, which produced the ejido system of communal holdings. At the time of the revolution, the rural peasantry was virtually landless and worked under a debt peonage system on haciendas (large estates). The constitution of 1917 contained a statute limiting the amount of land that a person could own and, through the concept of social utility, legalized the federal government’s expropriation and redistribution of land. Initially, small parcels were granted to communal groups whose members worked holdings individually (usually cropland) or in common (usually pasture or woodland). By the end of the 1930s, haciendas had all but disappeared from the Mesa Central, Balsas Depression, and Southern Highlands. Land redistribution produced numerous small holdings 10–20 acres (4–8 hectares) in size as well as cooperative ejidos, most of which have since been privatized. Many peasants still eke out a living through subsistence agriculture and earn small amounts of cash by sending part of their harvest to the towns and cities of central and southern Mexico.

Commercial agricultural products come from three major regions of the country—the tropical regions of the Gulf Coast and Chiapas Highlands, the irrigated lands of the North and Northwest, and the Bajío in the Mesa Central. Tropical crops have been grown on the Gulf Coastal Plain and its adjacent highlands since the early colonial period. Production now extends southeastward from near Tampico to the Chiapas Highlands and inland to the eastern slopes of the Sierra Madre Oriental. There coffee and sugarcane are the most important crops in value and acreage. Aside from illicit drugs, coffee is Mexico’s most valuable export crop. Sugarcane is now produced largely for the domestic market, as are bananas, pineapples, papayas, mangoes, cacao, and rice. Mexico is one of the world’s leading producers of vanilla, which is also grown in these areas. Smaller areas of cacao, coffee, and sugarcane are found in Chiapas. Cotton has become a major crop along the Pacific Coastal (Soconusco) Plain of Chiapas, near the Guatemalan border.

Nearly one-fifth of Mexican cropland under production is irrigated, which has brought large-scale commercial production to the North and Northwest. Cotton has become the major crop in the areas developed by irrigation projects since the 1930s. The Laguna Project near Torreón was the country’s first attempt at providing water to the arid North, and huge cooperative ejidos were formed to farm cotton using modern mechanized methods. This was followed by the Las Delicias Project near Chihuahua, which also featured cotton but later brought substantial acreages of wheat into production. Wheat, especially north of Sinaloa, is the most important crop in the Northwest, which is now the country’s centre of grain production. Cotton, vegetables, and oilseeds are also important there. Melons and winter vegetables such as tomatoes and lettuce are grown for markets in the United States and became increasingly important because of NAFTA and the elimination of tariffs. Cotton is the major crop of the Mexicali Valley. The Northwest also has the dubious distinction of being the leading staging area for drug smuggling. Marijuana and opium poppies are produced in relatively isolated areas there, notably in Sinaloa.

Within the Mesa Central, the Bajío traditionally has been considered the breadbasket of Mexico. Wheat, corn, vegetables, peanuts (groundnuts), strawberries, and beans are produced on smallholdings. While still a major producing region with the advantage of proximity to major urban markets, the Bajío has been eclipsed in agricultural preeminence by the Northwest.

Livestock ranching has been concentrated in the North since Mexico gained independence. Open-range cattle operations, frequently exceeding 385 square miles (1,000 square km) in size, were created in the 1800s, and a number of large holdings persisted despite agrarian reform. Because of the arid conditions and limited natural vegetation, the region’s carrying capacity for grazing animals is low. Many of the criollo cattle of the North, descendants of stock introduced from Spain in the 1500s, have been replaced by Herefords, Brahman, and other breeds, while open-range methods are giving way to rotational grazing systems. Some natural pastures have been improved by means of irrigation, top-seeding, and fertilization. Supplemental feeding of stock has also become more common.

Cattle are also raised commercially for the domestic market in tropical areas, mainly in the Northeast, Gulf Coast, and Southern Highlands regions. In these areas Brahman, or Zebu, cattle are favoured because of their tolerance of heat and high humidity. Luxuriant vegetation and ample moisture make the animal-carrying capacity of the land much higher than in the North. Large tracts of rainforest have been cleared and planted with imported African grasses to facilitate grazing.

Mexico produces two specialized crops that are rarely grown elsewhere. Henequen, a member of the genus Agave, yields a fibre used in furniture manufacturing and cordage. The plant was introduced in the 1880s to the northern Yucatán, which for many years was the sole commercial source of henequen. Land reforms in the mid-1930s replaced extensive henequen plantations with cooperatives and small farms, which still produce this important export crop.

Maguey, also of the genus Agave, is planted in many parts of the Mesa Central. Originally used in making pulque, an inexpensive alcoholic beverage, maguey was cultivated by many small farmers because it could thrive on infertile, rocky soils. Tequila, Mexico’s national liquor, is also derived from agave plants, including at least 51 percent from blue agave. The drink takes its name from the town of Tequila in the state of Jalisco, the centre for its production and distilling. Yet another alcoholic drink derived from an agave is mescal, which is produced primarily in Oaxaca.